why is ukraine army so shit
Why is ukraine army so shit
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Surrounded by other Slav countries
>not having a tracked APC with tetris painted on its sides
>Ex-Soviet state
>Soviet tier equipment
You get what you pay for
Because Poland's army is also shit.
Russia's army is no better
Paying for their EU Islamization.
I shuold go to the russian military and try to become a supplier of silvertape for them.
I would make billions.
very true
all EU armies are underfunded and under equiped.Germans used broom-sticks in a millitary excersise ffs.
100 bil gdp,42 mil population,literally Somalia tier.Spends 5% of the gdp on weapons it amounts to 4 bil.
tldr the country is poor and shithole hence its fighting capabilities are shit.
Soapbox derby car? Wtf is this.
Because it's a post-communist shithole. First their military was weakened by the heavy corruption, lack of support and incompetence, and then what's left of it got wiped out by Donbass rebels and GRU. Pretty mundane story for an ex-soviet country
Basically because you fucked the whole place.
Europe has no good armies because it's futile to invest in them.
The enemy has already infiltrated beyond the city walls.
All fear the PANZERZUG
That's clearly a Russian armored personnel buggy, you can tell by the Tetris shapes.
(It's actually Ukrainians executing an extremely sophisticated covert operation behind enemy lines, the Russians are all fooled by the tetris)
This tbqhfamalm
Remove kebab near the tracks.
Is that training?
Slav warfare was always a bit... unique.
>Russia's army is no better
You what mate?
Russia can steamroll throught EU in 10 days, w/o nukes.
>larping as medieval
>white linen
ukrainian army became degenerate
generals have sold all weapon to africa and all secreats to china and usa, people that knew how to fight moved to russia, new government destroyed ukrainian miliatry industry (it was in top 10 by export) and broke relations with russia, army of jewish slaves has zero moral, brigades of upa-bandera worshippers has zero qualities and is capable only to lose and run run away
so ukrainians army uses second-hand weapon, they cant produce modern ammunition, missiles, armor and guns, so they take old soviet weapon from stockpiles and repairs them with existing spare parts.
ukrainian economy (with help of the jews) degraded to such state that they cant produce anything anymore, only repait old LOL
Because Ukraine is corrupt shithole run by (((oligarchs))). It blows away even Russia in that regard.
And I like how all the buttblasted retards always blame communism and Russia for the failures of Ukraine.
Somehow other former commie states are doing much better than Ukraine. While Ukraine is one of the few countries that had better economy and army in soviet times.
And countries like Kazakhstan, Belarus and Armenia, that are actually under Russian influence, also do better than Ukraine.
In reality, throughout whole Ukraine's independence, Russia wasn't able to get it under its sphere. Even Yanukovich wasn't a russian puppet, that's just a bunch of lies from american media. Sure, there was some Russian influence, but there was much more of American influence actually, especially now. Ukraine supposedly cut most of its ties with Russia almost 4 years ago. And corruption is not a bit better, it's actually worse in some cases. Because it's not the matter of Russian influence, but of Ukrainian society itself. They won't admit it, because it's easier to blame Russia. That's why the problem persists.
it's not Ukraine level shit though, we are just still have a lot of post soviet shit that is really hard to replace without remodeling the whole army
>TFW you and your autistic hick buddies could conquer Europe with minimal ammunition and only one truck load of beer.
What's funny is the soviets did this but with fancy captured german vehicles
the Russian internet was laughing quite a lot at this, they called it "the coffin on wheels"
I like their originality of making that trolly into armored transport