ITT: Post the best (and worst) anime Blu-Ray transfers
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why do they always crop for blurays? I hate that. At least let me fucking choose.
oniisama e BD looks really really nice.
Because retarded Americunt casuals can't handle the grain of the fact that it would have black bars at the sides because of 4:3.
One of the best would be Outlaw Star.
Just for the sake of comparison, this is what the old DVDs looked like.
Another one for most improved from the old release would be Lodoss.
And the DVD
The thing that makes it worse as you could use a remote (blu-ray player) or your player (PC) to resize/crop it to widescreen, but we can't get back the 20-30% of the image they cut off.
outside of the many post-early 2000 "remasters" automatically use Q-Tec/similar shit upscaling technology, Blue Seed (this) and 3x3 EYES are probably the worst anime BDs i've ever seen that actually advertise themselves as "Hi-Def"
they both literally sound and look like VHS rips, and seemingly use Q-Tec even though they weren't digitally produced
and here's one of 3x3 EYES
easily one of my favorite BDs
all the colors feel right, and presentation of the outlines is fantastic
The Berserk BDs were really great.
But the old Box of War DVDs weren't that bad, either.
One of the worst offenders would be Master Keaton. Looks like it was transferred from a broken down VHS tape.
Bebop Funimation blu-ray is horrible. I have it, but ended up keeping my [eg] rip
The black bars aren't supposed to be there thogh. As in that's due from tv broadcasting if I recall.
Yeah, Funimation seems to find ways to ruin all the BDs they release.
Another for the good pile was Nadia. Despite being one of the earliest BDs Gainax did, they managed to do quite the good job remastering from the old film stock.
Because 4:3 isn't HD silly user!
And oversaturated DVD shot.
Nevermind. I'm stupid, I get what you're saying
>Master Keaton
A lot of DVDs ended up with black bars from bad transfers from worn-out DigiBeta tapes.
All the DVD shots I've posted were taken from the physical DVDs, so the flaws are on the professionals who made them, not any encoder.
Patlabor TV had a fantastic BD release. I've been meaning to get a copy for a while now.
They did a new western DVD release at the same time, I wonder how those look in comparison.
Sunrise has been pretty fucking on-point with all their BD remasters and I love RX782 for giving encodes that really capture their hard work.
Which release should I go with, EG or CTR?
Wow, ended up picking the wrong image. Meant to use this one
EG. Yes, it's big, but it's worth it.
Definitely worth it
It's not a transfer but somehow the Shana II Blu-Rays manage to look worse than the TV broadcast. Thanks, edge enhancement.
I'm glad the Eva BDs finally came out. Got tired of explaining to people that only one episode(16) was water damaged.
Lain was one of the most dramatic BD remasters.
SHAFT shows like Madoka and -monogatari get a lot of work done to them too.
Is 2D4U better than Sephirotic version?
I was not a fan of all the bloom
You say that, but something about Lain just feels right on VHS.
Eh. Seph took more time to do more color correction, but I think RX got it slightly sharper. Seph definitely went above and beyond for episode 16. He also did a lot of re-releases on episodes as he kept going back to tweak things. RX's 2D4U came out in a full batch first and so that's why I and a lot of other anons jumped on that.
He also includes several more sub tracks than just the English. And his EoE was done so well that RX didn't even bother making one of his own.
That said, Seph did not include the dub, so if you REALLY want to listen to Tiffany Grant being her own waifu, then you'll have to get 2D4U.
We need more Dezaki BDs.
That "something" is called nostalgia.
What's up with that black shit on the edges
I didn't watch Lain until a year ago, I have no attachment to it.
Blame Anno.
I'll keep Sephirotic then.
Fine choice.
this looks like trash. is this what the entire movie looks like on BD?
sailor moon's blu ray is pretty bad
the austrailian dvd versions are the best release
semi related
The Black Jack OVAs he did look nice. Not sure about this encode, though. Not familiar with them.
>pretty bad
It's fucking awful! I'd just use the bunny hat DVD raws instead.
Cardcaptor Sakura is great
Do you happen to know which episode of Sailor Moon that was?
I want to check it against the Italian DVDs that were used for the BunnyHat raws.
I prefer non HD Lain as well
right looks too shiny, like they took all the texture out of the world
Is Seph's EoE better than Commie's?
Yes. Anything is better than Commie.
don't bother with them in general
fucking anons do better work than them (kizu especially)
Same transfer i believe.
Its because its and pre-2007 digital anime which was rendered at 480i
The only case i know when they actually re-rendered all the assets at HD, was Manabi Straight, and even then it was only 720p
not all of them, for example King Gainer is 1080p
Not anime, but fuck it, whenever people talk about shitty blu rays, Disney's fuckup will inevitably be mentioned.
this is pretty good
What the fuck is going on here?
Bad filter "upscale"
The movie had a lot of intricate linework so they had to set the filter to extra strong to clean it up.
waifu2x is better than this shit.
is there an equivalent of nyaa for Sup Forumsshit
Have some Screenshots of what I consider to be the best BD releases.
Not quite. The Box of War used the old transfer, then they did remastered DVDs(which they announce literally two weeks after I paid 70 bucks for the Box of War set) that probably used the same transfer that would be used in the BDs.
Why don't you ask Sup Forums?
unrelated but what type of tv/montior you guys use; getting tired of using my monitor and about to rearrange my room for a tv
16:10 (best aspect ratio) 1920 x 1200 IPS monitor. Don't wanna upgrade till something worthwhile comes out
>80 posts without mentioning Cross Ange
Just recently switched to a 34" UW monitor, huge upgrade. I guess it qualifies as a tv.
>16:10 (best aspect ratio)
Most fucking useless aspect ratio. All you 16:10 faggots always feel the need to pretend like your bullshit is magically better even though it's not used for anything worthwhile.
You're the applefaggots of aspect ratios.
PC-88 and PC-98 eroge use 16:10. Those are all that matters.
Have you ever seen people enjoying something then just decided to ruin fucking everything?
posts without mentioning Cross Ange
It's almost like no one gives a shit about that show
Why are they underwater in the second pic
Dat quoting
Because someone thought it was BLUE-ray.
because cropping is much easier and CHEAPER than drawing the "missing" parts to fill the frames into 16:9 format
The fuck are you talking about. No one is asking for them to add anything to the picture. Just to not fuck with the picture as it is.
Amusingly enough, macs are 16:10.
why the fuck does almost all BD and nowadays anime contain that shitty blur effect?
it looks like we watch it through a glass
Because the studios have caught the "remove the film grain" meme and it always ends up making everything a blurry mess.
Pic related, the Predator BDs were one of the worst cases of it.
The background looks like it was painted with watercolor, but in the right picture there's no way of knowing that.
But if we're buying a BD rather than streaming or getting a DVD it's because we want it.