1 week and still not Yuri!!! on Ice rips

>1 week and still not Yuri!!! on Ice rips
>Hiramatsu Comiekt book and BD1 book still not fully scanned

what have we done to deserve this?

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Holy shit where on earth is your pic related from, OP?

This month's Newtype

Shit, way too cute. Can't wait for a proper scan.

Holy shit Yuuri's gonna kill me

We also got this.

That's a doujin, Victor x Yurio doujin

Also I think this one hasn't been posted

Oh god, look at Yuuri and Victor.

Those chocolates are laced with LSD and Yurio's already eaten two and the the drugs are starting to kick in. They drugged a 15 year old.

Yuuri's been slipped the acid for so long all he feels is a whimsical sort of bemused pleasure. Victor is fucking Bill Cosby.

>Yurio the eternal third wheel
Poor Fairy.

More of this please.

Why are you doing this

Yurio's role in the story is to keep Victor and Yuuri from fucking.

I think this was posted before, but blurry

Wasn't it Otabek who was skating towards the center of the rink when Victor kissed his medal in episode 1? Why does the lineup have JJ instead in 3rd place?

What did she mean by this?

JJ was third at last year's GPF, Otabek was third in Worlds

Damn, they completely overhauled Taco

Those are the GPF results, Otabek made his senior debut and took bronze at Worlds about three months later. Remember there's a timeskip in the first ep.


That was JJ. Otabek debuted later in Worlds.

I love these. Seeing how derp Yuuri looks here and handsome in the poster after refining is just so interesting

I'm glad, he looks more unique. There are many characters with hairstyles that feel samey

Viktor is butler? Kuroshitsuji?

Is the woman on the left Yamamoto or someone else?

Whoever she is she looks fucking baked


Victor and Yuuri are retiring to become beekeepers confirmed

You were worthless leeches who didn't spend on a dime on the show you wanked yourselves raw to for three months.

But what about the poodle farm?

Holy Kuroshitsuji hell, that's a blast from the past. Yuuri actually looks nice in this for once.

>Implying most of us haven't ordered shitloads of merchandise.

This wait for BDs reminds me of how good we had it back in the day when there were tons of sub groups for every show and uploads were put up immediately.

I'll order merch when they produce stuff actually worth buying, not just shit that's been sitting in a warehouse for months and is now getting a YOI sticker slapped on it

>Wasn't it Otabek who was skating towards the center of the rink when Victor kissed his medal in episode 1?


You're hysterical

Fuck you I've pre-ordered over $300 worth of merch.

The fucking faggot face peking duck towel sold out on amiami.

Sweet Jesus that ass



Liking Yuuri's hair.

That can only work for so long.

>Otabek went from praying to posing
>Yuurio looking less like the sassy child he is
>Chris sidelined to the bleachers and looking on with regret to the position he used to have
>China switched from bashful to giving gook the hand
>Georgi completely removed

No wonder he was late to the promos then.

I guess they didn't want to spoil Victor coaching.

>want to support show
>all the merch is fucking stupid looking

Guess I'm waiting for the Victor nendroid

The rule of "only one boy can look good" is holding strong.

This anime has the worst merchandise ever, almost everything seems made for literal elementary schoolers

It's because they didn't plan on it being successful.

Found a post of cute fujo who made a present for Medo-chan. Turns out these dolls were edible and made from sugar mastic and chocolate. She made them for almost 20 hours.


There's definitely going to be more figures in the next few months with WonFes and all.
I've pre-ordered some cute straps but I'm waiting for the figures too.

Yuuris gonna fap to Yurios comatose body in S2

>I'm going to be your butler, Yuuri!

But who is muh Rei?


That is way too flattering on Fairy


what if Yuuri and Victor = Misato and Kaji

Not taking into account personality or anything they've done in the series, just going strictly on looks, who are your top three hottest YoI boys?


1. Victor
2. Otabek
3. Emil

Yuuri, Victor, Mickey.

I believe that's Yamamoto. But holy shit is she high?

Victor, Otabek, Mickey

Kenji Miyamoto


>trips confirm
could be a late night thus the tired eyes, isn't weed incredibly illegal in japan? like, moreso than in other places?

whats a /yoi/ reaction image you wish you could get more use out of

Yuuri, Otabek, JJ

It is.

I wonder if Yuuri ever smoked up in Detroit.


1. Victor
2. Yurio
3. Phichit and Yuuri tied

Yuuri is the character I'm most sexually attracted to, but he's hard to place based on looks. Most of the appeal is that he's bland looking and not very hot half the time but a sex god when you flip his switch, and a lot of that is personality. But I still have to place him based on the pole dancing alone, his body is amazing.


Not sure that's her, and there aren't many pictures online of her face to compare but the few I have seen have different moles

Post source so we can read who is

Doubt it with the way he is with alcohol.


I think I just saved it because it's a cute face, not because I can think of any particular emotion it expresses


Not that user, but this is the tweet

Assuming you ordered the BDs, are you going to asks for rips or just watch and check for changes from your copies?



Banquet mode Piggy

I posted about it in an earlier thread so pardon for the repeat, but what I'm going to try to do is see if I can rip the BDs with my dad's computer since BDs aren't compatible with mine. I'm hoping somebody will beat me to the punch, but if not I'm gonna do my best to provide.

Victor is too graceful to be true.


Thanks user.

1. Otabek
2. Victor
3. JJ



this didn't help

plot of season 2 is a paranormal investigation to figure the mystery of the spirit that lives whitin the paper towel case

It's Vicchan. Case closed.

Oh god what the fuck

he was there when no one else was ;_;

As much as I'm not keen on him returning to competing, I can't fucking wait to see his beautiful, elegant self skating. It'll be such a nice contrast to his usual fun and silly personality.

It's shit though, on one hand I want him to kick ass and keep his legend status without it diminishing at all. I like him being a godly figure above everyone else, with his main issues being off the ice. But on the other hand it'd be garbage writing if he steamrolled everyone easily, so we're gonna have to see him struggle. What a shitty situation they've put him in as a character.

Vicchan best doggo ;_;

i want him to be happy because i love him and care about him, but.... i really, really can't wait for him to skate again. especially if the animation is gonna be more consistent. which it should be with the power of fujobucks r-right? ;_;


I know they are not gonna make his a monster otherwise we wouldn't have plot and we will see the winner coming from a mile, and I'm not ready for that

Victor wants to skate his love for Yuuri just like Yuuri did and if his body condition gets in the way it's gonna hurt ;_;