
Everyone's okay. How do you feel about this arc?

Why won't they just fuck already?

Noragami is one of those manga that has it all, a cute and likable heroine and interesting premise and decent cast and great art and a pretty good anime adaptation - and still manages to be largely forgotten.

I really wish it was weekly. I love Noragami but even I fell behind because I end up just forgetting about it when a new chapter releases. Last chapter I think I read was when Bisha freed that little girl.

That tree still ded though, right?


What the fuck.

If they kill my off my nigga Daikoku, I AM DONE with this fucking series

They all live
Yukine's still a little fucked up though.

>mfw I loved the manga and the Yomi arc was super tight but I missed a release and forgot everyone who's not the main trio

I don't think there're that many important characters to remember. Just the main trio, Father, Bisha and Ebisu are enough.

Is Ebisu the worst master? He is the cutest for sure.

I hope Yukine will remember his name soon.

>I hope Yukine will remember his name soon.
Do you want him dead?

He is already dead.

Don't forget about Nora


Well, that was a heartwarming end.

Btw, does Nora know how she died already? Is Yukine heading the same path?

Is this the one where the main girl netorares the mc by kissing the villain?

Would have been hot, but it was just the first kiss, and she didn't like it.

I don't think Nora knows how she died. Yukine, on the other hand seemed to be buried alive by his dad
The villain kissed her, against her will

Yukine doesn't look good.

And yet everyone remembers the monthly chapters for series like AOT or MHA.

I haven't read the chapter but it was expecting a little bit more of a bad ending to all of this.

The last arc with Hiyori going nut could have ended on a more depressing note too. I guess the author's playing it safe.
But it seems like there's something very wrong going on with Yukine though

Except for tree girl not staying dead it was alright.

Yeah, same. I thought Tsuyu could have at least stayed dead, it wasn't a big loss either. And I was expecting Kazuma or Bishamon to die. I guess the major consequence will be Yukine's state. And the fact that Yato has realized his father might have a point.

it's implied that nora is father's true daughter and she was drowned by him, hence her water powers.

it was hinted that yukine is awakening ice powers this chapter

Kazuma abandoning Bishamon is a big fucking deal

are scanlations out yet? not weeb enough to read nip, as always

I'm actually fine with this. I don’t care much about Tsuyu coming back, but I guess the covenant was the all or nothing kind of thing.

>it was hinted that yukine is awakening ice powers this chapter
What. Where?

thanks, user

Welp there goes Mayu's promotion.

if it were weekly it would make it a hell of a lot easier to remember these characters after a month of not reading. but at least it gives an opportunity to read the last few chapters to remind ourselves

also yato is so moe

Hiyori is cute.

[x] Touch fluffy tail

While I'm worried about Yukine, Kazuma also makes me worry with how he fucks around somewhere else.

Glad everyone is okay though, but I doubt the manga will stay peaceful for much longer and we're back to the usual stuff.

Yeah, I think this is both the calm after and before the storm. It seems like the story keeps escalating arc after arc, even if they get out of most of these things alive.

Don't know how to feel about Kazuma, though. They can't just write him off and say he left forever. But him apologizing and Bishamon accepting him again has already been done.

I've completely forgotten who hat Arahabaki guy is or why he was important.

Iwami talked about him back in Chapter 60 I think. Basically, Arahabaki is one of the Emishi gods that participated in the Emishi wars against Heaven a long time ago (the Emishi were actually a tribe that fought against the Japanese Emperors during the early Heian periods).

He's the master of Nana. After they committed high treason, he was forced to reincarnate and Nana was locked away for eternity (so they're basically a parallel for Yato and Yukine). He's also the master of the Shiigun (that Shinki that appears as many black horses). He will probably provide tons of exposition regarding Heaven, Father, and whatever happened in the past.

Maybe he's going to try to do something about dear old dad too.

I'm glad that it finally looks like Yato is going to spill the beans to the other gods there. Given what they just did for them, he really owes them the truth.

Reminder that whoever your favorite character is, Daikoku is better.

Spill the beans about his live being connected to him?

If Yukine (as hafuri) remembers his death will that kill him or make him stronger?

It will be seem like the former but will later become the later.

And that he can make shinki see their deaths by just touching them with his staff.

into the trash it goes

Wait when the heck did that happen in present day?

Dude, that's the reason Tsuguha died. Yukine also had a small crack in his name prior to being locked. He even recently used it on Nana during his fight with Bishamon.

Nana best hafuri

Total qt3.14 daughteru, and she'll never turn into an ayakashi

Ah you're talking about Father.

It's been a while so I forgot a bunch of stuff.

I kinda want to see Yukine and Nana interact if only because they are same age shinki that became hafuri for their masters.

I hope now that the Heaven is weakened Magician will strike for real.

>He's the master of Nana
Former master. He can't go back to being her master now because the name he originally gave her was dispelled, and when that happens, the same god can't name the shinki again.

This means Nana is stuck with Bishamon now, whether she likes it or not.

>He will probably provide tons of exposition regarding Heaven, Father, and whatever happened in the past.

Hopefully he'll reveal that Father is Susanoo.

Can Bishamon dispel their link after they're done with their deal? Or would Bishamon keep her? Bishamon equipped with Kazuma and Nana would be so OP, assuming Kazuma doesn't die or something.

Father must be human to be able to conceive Yato from a wish, I think.

>This means Nana is stuck with Bishamon now, whether she likes it or not.
Good. Looking forward to see more of her with Bisha.

Yeah, that'd be cool. I initially thought Nana would all be REVENGE and shit, but she's really more level-headed and cuter than I thought she would be. Also, her old master and Yato get along pretty darn well.

>Can Bishamon dispel their link after they're done with their deal?
She could do it but she won't because then Nana would be without master.

What the hell
She came back, just like that?
What the fuck, man

Are you talking about Tenjin's shinki? Well, she wasn't a human spirit to begin with, but the spirit of a plum tree. I suspect she can't die unless they cut the tree.

That's bullshit but I believe it
Now where do we go from here?

I think it's got more to do with the nature of the covenant. You only really lose the guidepost if your side ends up losing too. And they said the Three Imperial Regalia can reincarnate, so Heaven is never really risking anything.

>Now where do we go from here?

Yukine's past, and Kazuma's whereabouts probably. I'm also expecting lots of explanation on Amaterasu and the Emishi.

>And they said the Three Imperial Regalia can reincarnate, so Heaven is never really risking anything.
Fucking Heavenfags. The system is totally rigged to their favor. No wonder Nana and Father despises it.

In all likelihood, Father may have legitimate reasons to resent heaven, but it's annoying how he's going about it.

It's more than annoying. He almost destroyed Hiyori's family. And he killed lots of random humans too.

Heaven has to change, sure, but father has to die, painfully.

Well, that's the point, I think. Father is making a legitimate point when denouncing Heaven and their 'justice', but his methods and how he treats others are utter bullshit and make him as much of a villain as Heaven.

They both should get their shit kicked in.

>he killed lots of random humans too.
But that's his whole point. Killing enough people to rend asunder humanity's trust in gods, or kill enough to make the belief system that keep gods reincarnating impossible

>But that's his whole point
The point is irrelevant. The fact that he killed innocent people is a sin in and of itself.

Moralfags, gtfo. Dad did nothing wrong.

Father, please.

t. Father

It's probably Nora.

You little slut

Nora, pls. You're just butthurt Yukine NTR'd Yato from you.

Now into the Yukine has PTSD arc.
He needs to man up for good, they've already spent too much time on bonding/backstory/ptsd arcs.

It's actually the opposite. Yukine's death has been one of the main mysteries of the series since the beginning. It's been building up for a while with his fear of the dark, daddy issues, etc. It's not only about him "manning up" either (I mean he was probably buried alive...), but about finding out more about God's greatest secret, Hafuri, etc.

>It's not only about him "manning up" either
No, he does have to man up. Otherwise the secret is gonna kill him.

isn't that weekly though and AOT has a general and is way more popular than Noragami, so no suprise there.

I'm still confused over the covenant. What makes it so one guide post loses or not? Belief, power?

Smile status: Protected.

I have no idea what's going on with all the technical side of this god and heaven stuff, I really like supernatural shit but for some reason this isn't holding my interest like it does in other series.

That's cause it hasn't been explained yet. We'll probably get a flashback or some scene with Amaterasu and the other Gods. Everything surrounding Heaven is still a mystery.

So where's the retard who told me tree chan wouldn't come back?
I win again, retard.

I like the arc, its a bit over the top, but it was fun to read, and I'm a sucker for endings where everyone survives, so its a 10 in my book.

>that dazed look on Yukine's face

I adore him but I want him to suffer more

>I want him to suffer more

>Father must be human to be able to conceive Yato from a wish, I think.

Or Yato was never conceived by Father to begin with. It's why there's a theory going around that he's a reincarnated god that Father stole and named.

Lucky quads said it
Well, see you folks next month

Has this finished yet?