
Is this bitch serious? She's literally advocating for something that requires genocide, and she's crying about anonymous bullies. Holy fuck is there not one smart person in the alt right?

Of course not sweetie, conservatism is for retards.


>(((alt right)))

ill disavow but i gotta see that pussy tho

oh look , another controlled opp shows herself.
e-celebs are poison, created by kikes to try and sway our opinions.

Too many /r9k/ crossposters.

>low status
Where have i heard this before, women are the same where ever they are

>I need whiteknights NAO
lmao, the absolute state of ethots. I don't even shitpost outside of Sup Forums but it's nice to know there is a general sense that what those attention whores are doing is fake and gay. Also notice how you've been downgraded to just "trolls" now. It's not valid criticism, you're just an online troll instead. Really divides my conquering.


>ethno nationalist
>has no children

wew shes like 90% of Sup Forums



literally whomst've

>63% face

>speaking publicly
its not enough to have anonymous power is it?
just GOTTA get your face out there

>Letting women have social media accounts
>Letting women have political opinions

There's literally no reason to be mean to real ethno nationalist girls. Especially if there QT, they bring good optics and reach a wide audience of normies. I'm not talking about alt lite thots I mean girls who actually explicitly talk about race realism and white identity.

Women like Tara and Bre, trolling aside there an asset and should certainly be treated better than say Laura Loomer.

Why would i want women talking? Thats not getting me my samdwiched any faster

Roasties were a mistake.

Typical wom*n shit. This is why you don't let them get involved in political movements and if they can't help but stick their nose in, ignore them as much as possible.


But she has a point.
There are way too many retards that REEEEE about women constantly, even if they are on their side politically.

Case in point
Even if this is most likely just anons shitposting, there are way too many faggots that unironically believe bullshit like this.

is this bitch seriously trying to thought police the alt-right with sjw shit

much as roosh is a fucking cock sleeve he has a solid fucking point

what is this intersectional bullshit?


Women are shit.

He's fucking right dude, when you let women into this kind of shit, they get emotions running higher than they need to and they INEVITABLY manage to create division.

Why the fuck would you be complaining that the bants are too hard when you're an ethno nationalist.
We're just trying to make sure she isn't a kike shill.

>people who subscribe to a political position that advocates restoration of patriarchy are opposed to cheap thots who superficially glom onto right-politics so as to seek attention
Imagine my shock!


I agree, but we shouldn't let them take leadership roles because ultimately they're largely uninvolved in activism and won't want to lose the "freedoms" modern society has given them (promiscuity without social shaming, not having kids, etc.)

>What is entryism?
Anyone else noticed people trying to subvert right wing political movements and then immediately attempt to shift the politics and views lately.

Exactly. If she wants to run with the big boys then she need to toughen up and handle it, and if she can't handle it then she can fuck off to the kitchen.

literally who?

>advocating for something that requires genocide
t. nonwhite retard

Im officially declaring this debate Thotwars

>low status men
This bitch has an awfully high opinion of herself, doesnt she? This is what happens when you let women get into politics and reward them with attention. Just another example of how the insidious beta male is truly responsible for all ruined civilizations. Not the female, to expect the female to not act as a female is insanity and delusion. No, the true culprit always has and continues to be the work like beta male, a truly pathetic creature who will destroy everything made by his betters for the slightest wiff of pussy, a truly wretched creature he is, worthy of nothing but scorn and eventually extermination. Female worshippers are cancer made humanoid.

Dunno much about the guy apart from the pickup artist scam thing, but he is spot on on this one.

>be a man
>let women tell you what/how to think
pick one and only one. Especially when it's coming from someone who does not live by their own professed ideals apart from milking betabux from autists.

I don't get why people listen to these women anyway, all they do is trot out the most basic talking points possible that you've already heard a thousand times like it's original and new, then everyone claps because a woman did it.

Not an argument you nigger

I've no idea who she is, but she is the one sperging out on Twitter with her real name and face attached, while you two are shitposting on an anonymous image board.
Seems to me she is doing more activism for the alt right than you.

But don’t we need a place in society for beta men? I think the author of sexual utopia in power said in the past, they’d just get married to less attractive women no problem. So, I don’t think they’d be as thirsty.

But I agree it was beta man who allowed women to go crazy.

A big misconception about internet trolls is that they are all men. Women are assholes, too, especially towards other women.

worm* like


thanks tara for being a cheap clone of much better channels run by men

Cause they are like girlfriends by proxy or something. Except they will never sleep with you or love you. They’ll be nice if you donate, though.

In fairness though she's a woman, she doesn't need to cover her face anymore than a (((minority))), an (((antifa))) cuck, or a Jew. Regardless of views they're a protected class.

I dont mean beta in terms of status, most men are beta in status by definition. I mean beta mentality wise, weak willed, pathetic, needy, pussy-obsessed, etc. Most men are not like this, but enough are that it is a problem.

I see.

Yeah, it's been a while. That's what the whole altright thing was to begin with. But newfags accepted the label anyway, which then enabled the alt-lite cancer...which then led to the whole range of ecelebs bullshit we've been bombarded by. 2015 was a mistake.

I always knew this sort of thing would happen. Tradthots and their knights are going to tone police everything now. This is quickly going to become an crypto-feminist anti-man shitshow. Women ruin everything.

Women are like kikes
They are pretending to be on our side just enough to keep the power they have, because they know men are waking up.

I love when a reptile shows its true colors

I completely disregarded her after she started going on her veganism rants.

she's whining about getting mean comments? on the internet? is it the 90s again?

This mixed race chick would not be let into the ethno state she is an advocate for.


biocunts are fucking delusional.
now they think they can instate social justice in the movement against sjws

sexrobowaifus cant come soon enough

If she has a YT channel, then she is undoubtedly doing more than you.

"White feminism" is literally a slur for some leftists, her being a woman won't save her ass if she is proudly spouting alt right shit.

Seriously how can we accept these women 'speaking out for ethnonationalism' in the first place as a true traditionalist movement? These women should be shut down as an example to our commitment to our ideals. They're making it into a farce.

It's useless activism if all she does is preach to the choir. Congrats on being the Neil Tyson Degrasse of Sup Forums, I'm sure she has changed many minds.

I don't see why we can't all agree that there are anons that do nothing but attempt to shit on everything to ruin it

Except alt right never bothered to be ethno centric. That's a ploy made up by some jackasses to anger others against the alt right and dissuade others from joining or to keep TPTB in power. Wtf is wrong with all these shill threads now?

Oh look another woman trying to infiltrate, subvert, and destroy a right-wing political movement.

She's absolutely right though. Any, and I mean ANY, white woman who has ethnonationalist principles gets treated like absolute shit here. Hell, white women in general are shamed almost constantly, in the time that I've browsed Sup Forums I've heard people shit on just about every *other* race of women less.

It's really fucking pathetic. The funny part is that very few people on this board have children themselves. If you want to know why white women shy away from conservatism, it's because even though liberals simply exploit white women, they atleast don't abuse them to the same degree that conservatives do.

>Except alt right never bothered to be ethno centric
wtf lol

And that's part of the pie.
It's her fault for not being user.

Shitty Youtube channel is not doing "more".

Is this. Dare I say it. Alt-Right-Gate?



>Sup Forums is just now waking up to the fact that the female e-celeb cancer is just crypto-feminism, regardless of politics
We fucking warned you and you kept wasting your beta-bux so they could travel the world and buy birth control. These are truly degenerate times.
inb4 autistic finn knight comes in to defend m'lady's honor. Lauren Southern is a kike.

Pick one.
Kike women are harrassed.
Also any female here who cannot hackit should leave now because soon we will begin killing kikes and I don't want some bitch telling me I can't kill kike children just cause they are kids.

Shut the fuck up Tara, go get married and knocked up and stop tweeting.

Absolutely this.

"We hate racism, sexism, homophobia, and other problematic behavior don't we fellow alt-righters?"

Someone tell her to cut out her own ovaries.

She's not white, but I would have no issues going balls deep in that cunt while licking her Jew feet like a hungry dog.

t. Shareblue

Although this comes off as a little demanding of her, she is still right. Could have used different wording though.
She has been around on this longer than most. Cut her some slack.

No. She cannot be right for she challenges Sup Forums.
She will be killed on DOTR.

>Allowing women to speak in public

Why everyone uses this meme qualification created by left leaning journalists?

she shouldn't worry. these "men" are going to leave the gene pool just as quickly as the soyboy numales.




Agreeing is for leftists. If you can't take the heat then you're worthless.
Conflict makes us stronger because the weak are weeded out.

Another "JEW" claim.
>inb4 muh 2%
Even the retarded ass Nuremberg laws would consider her a non-Jew at this point.

>the ecelebs are fighting again


Who let the oompa loompas out?

Tara is ok but she needs to work on her sense of humour imo. The other week she was complaining about "silly comments and questions" coming from the chat. The chat was mainly Sup Forums memes and shit btw. One of the strengths of the ascendant neo-right is its out-there sense of humour. She would be better taking it in her stride rather than being all school-ma'am-ish about it.

>She cannot be right
Neither can you
>she challenges Sup Forums
She is purposefully staying away from this place, if you did any research you would know
>She will be killed
This is a threat
A meme

Oh do I smell someone with kike blood?
Ok now I'm sure she's a cryptokike

Yes it is. She has been added to the list and on DOTR she will be targeted as well.

Who will be killed on DOTR?

>states that she had a half-Jewish great-grandparent herself
>releases her DNA results afterwards

I hate women, but I also hate you guys that scream "E-THOT!!" as though they are doing 1 billionth of what a pretty face talking about white nationalism is doing.

Yeah these women are basic, but they bring a lot of people over to our side. Anons obsessed with hating them are pathetic.

She needs to develop thicker skin. No one respects people who want the attention but can't take the heat that comes with it. No one is forcing her off the internet. If she chimps out over the usual trolling, she will be labeled just another Jewish subversive in the alt-right, and I'll applaud it.
t. woman

The kike
So she is a filthy yid

Why do all e-celebs suck? Can we just pick a random user on Sup Forums and declare them the new leader of the alt-right. They'd probably be a better celeb than the cancerous faggots we have now.

Nobody. Ignore the scitzo, he is just mad that his other thread got deleted a minute ago.