
Why jesus was cool and Mohammed was not
1.He transformed water to wine
2.He walked on water
Mohammed :
1.Was a pedophile
2.Was unable to read nor write
3.No Magicskills

Other urls found in this thread: biology

Jesus is God, Mohammed isn't


Mohammed was the greatest goat fucker of all time!
He fucked almost 300,000 goats before he died of goat AIDS. SHOW A NIGGA SOME RESPECT!!!


Mohammed was alpha and a genius PBUH
>united arab barbarians
>btfo jews
>secured the peninsula for the arabic moslems
>his followers later on decimated the byzantine and persian empires
>later descendants finished off the roman byzantines
>was a chad, over 10 wives
>he prophesied all this


Jews were never expelled from any arab country. Only based christian expelled them. Arab were always subjugated to Jews.



Find happiness in a right christian life.


A goat fucking child diddler is the best sand niggers have for a hero.

your God died?

For us. Your God is Satan and you die for him.

Yes he died for 3 days, then he rose from the dead.

Wanna know more ahmed ?

we expelled them from the peninsula, no judeochristians allowed only muslims, but on other lands they can pay the jizyah

if jebus knew how to read or write, why isnt any book by him in the bibble?

He was kind of busy, dude! You should crack open a bible and learn about him.

There are no "judeochristian", only jews or christian. Do "judeomuslim" or "christianomuslim" exist ? Of course no.

Jews were expelled 109 times, even when they paid taxes in europeans cities.
Because Christians have virtue and honor.

Fuck you, sand-nigger!
The only thing Dante got right is that Mohammed will burn in hell along with all his followers.

do artist physically write their own music ?

>do artist physically write their own music ?
do artist physically write their own music ?

wrong person mb

>died a beta virgin, didn't even fight back, his followers got fed to lions for centuries

>died a total chad, 11 wives and a bunch of concubines, conquered an empire and BTFOed all his opponents, his followers then conquered the 2 biggest empires in the world

The case is clear.

mohammad was alpha, crushed his enemies, he personally beheaded enemy leaders, fucked 100s of women, took many women as sex slaves, founded great empire.

jesus was ancient hippie. he was killed by his enemies, he was probably virgin, he was soft and weak.

So true. Jesus literally died a virgin and a beta, how the fuck can anyone call that an inspiration?

>fairy tale discussions
>in political forum


Christianity created gorgeous things and superior minds.

Pic related is one of the greatest mathematicians of all time, Carl Friedriech Gauss.

While you struggle to find a muslim with an IQ > 75

Your God died ours can't die

Islam 1
cucktianity 0

achmed bitchslapped back to the 7th century

What good are all those things when Christcucks just give them up anyway for savage third world hordes to plunder and steal?

Regardless it was White genetics that achieved those things, not Christianity. Where are the amazing Christian Black scientists?

both of them middle eastern sandnigger fake ass jewish bitches and neither of them or it's believers should exist.

[Citation needed]


Show me where Yeshua claimed to be JHWH
Protip: John isn't synoptic gospel and therefore objectively false :^)

You don't really believe that horseshit right user?

Adam: There is only one God
Noah: There is only one God
Abraham: There is only one God
Jesus: There is only one God
Muhammad: There is only one God

jews: There is only one God
early christians: There is only one God
modern christians: There is 3 Gods...err no I mean one God but 3 different persons but they're the same person?
Muslims: There is only one God

>my argument is that i pretend to misunderstand the other side

Neither Jesus nor Muhammad existed.

Mani did though. I could go more in-depth in need be, but both Jesus and Muhammad were fictional characters.

>He doesn't know that the holy trinity is literally the invention of the church


muslims also believe and claim muhammed ride a horse with human head and traveled to moon. horses name is "burak". so whats your point ? islam is clearly a lie works for muhammed to banging little kids.

Muhammad and Jesus didn't exist as actual historically figures.

>Only based christian expelled them.
Yeah man, having them come back the next generation sure is based. Totally worked out well considering that jews now own pretty much every country that was stupid enough to embrace Christianity.

Then again Jesus was born from God impregnating like ~12-13 years old Mary.

The Aga Khan and King Abdullah are both modern day descendants of Muhammad

sorry guys, hate to break it to ya, but there isn't a god.

Me. There are many gods/demons

Daily reminder the "star of david" is an invention by a few Zionists and probably satanic (remphan) in origin. It is literally made up because they wanted to have their "cross".

Stop the synagogue of satan and dont mix them up with actual Jews e.g. sons of Israel and their tribes.

Bullshit, it's LARPing. Muhammad didn't exist. The Koran wasn't even originally written in Arabic. It was written in Aramaic and a distortion of Nestorian Christian texts. The Arabic verse "72 virgins in heaven" translates into "grapes on a vine" in Aramaic, and the latter thematically fits with Nestorian Christian texts. Muhammad was a fictional creation by Rashidun Arabs to justify their genocidal campaigns and create a better impression of Arabs as a whole.

Everyone knows that Jesus wasn't a real person. And, even if he was, we know nothing about his life and teachings.

Bit like Mohammed, actually.

I like the cut of your jib, user. Have a (you).

>genocidal campaigns
You have no idea what are you talking about, do you?

"""He originally gained prominence as an advocate of atheism and metaphysical naturalism"""

"""His blog appeared on Freethought Blogs and he has frequently been a featured speaker at various skeptic, secular humanist, freethought and atheist conventions,"""

"""He also revealed that he is polyamorous"""
Let me help you with the question about Jesus. He was alive as a real human being and the son of God and sacrificed himself out of his own free will to defeat sin and death.

His second coming is near.

PS: the bible is literally true.

Deus Vult

>His second coming is near.
Jesus said he would come back during the first century. He didn't.

Just another crazy failed prophet.

>Bible is literally true
>Christians literally change their scripture to affirm their beliefs

The early epistles and Paul treat him as a celestial being that people know through divine revelation, and the Gospels were altered a lot in the beginning by early Christian rival sects to give the impression of Jesus being a historical figure (ie "Euhemerism")

Tacitus, Jospehus, and Tallus are not reliable evidence too for obvious reasons

Also, there are way too many parallels to the death and resurrection savior gods to take the Jesus myth seriously

I don't care about Richard Carrier's personal character, but his arguments are sound.

The Rashidun were warlords and frequently waged genocide. This is indisputable, faggot.

>PS: the bible is literally true.
If the bible is literally true, why didn't Jesus come back as he promised?

Why are we still waiting, 1930 years later?

Of course the catholicuck fascist chimes in. Meanwhile your pope is kissing rapefugee feet and wants to bring 6 gorillion more rapefugees into Europe.

No such thing before 20th century, edgelord. Besides, virtually and literally all wars back in the day could be called "genocidal" - looting was THE way soldiers got paid and fed themselves thorought the whole war.
Also have a rundown on how Ayyrabs conquered people:
>Predominantly infantry army defeats local forces
>Smaller raids occur on cities, making locals aknowledge their new overlords (it's not like anyone gave a fuck back then, the Romans and Iranians were just as bad to MENA negroes)
>Beaurocracy gets slowly absorbed by the Arabs
>Local population slowly converts to Islam, depending on how Arian they are

Sorry user but my trust is in the Lord and people like Dr. theol. Roger Liebi (Dipl. Mus., B. Th., M.Th.,Th.D.) rather random internet anons.

No actually the old testament and its prophets say different but please back your claim up with scripture.

>looting was THE way soldiers got paid
Kartir Hangirpe, one of Iran's most brutal Zoroastrian magi, even advised against rapine. Indiscriminate mass massacres were typically prohibited by the magi.

>the Romans and Iranians were just as bad to MENA negroes
Arab shitskins literally made blood mills in Gorgan. Romans and Iranians were not comparable to those monsters. However, the Turkic and Mongols surpassed Arabs in terms of cruelty.

>Implying I would nor recognize Masonic doctrine when I hear them

Be very aware. Talmudist were and are active for centuries to make the people belief Jesus was not the son of God.

Only God knows user but if you accept Christ you can ask him after your death. Maybe he wanted you to become born and saved to be part of is eternal family.

Who cares what the Old Testament says?

Jesus HIMSELF said he would come back within a few decades. He is 1900 years late.

Not everyone who dislikes some aspects of Christianity are Talmudic Jews. I do respect some aspects of Christianity. It's not a binary hate/love kinda thing. Meister Eckhart was cool, for example.


You have been deceived if you believe their lies user. Repent. There is only and God and one truth. You choose.

Checked, and they're retarded. You would expect them to become more Gnostic and/or Neoplatonic rather than literalists in regards to interpreting the Bible.

There have been many Christian sects, and I am not a brain-dead literalist like you. I respect certain schools of European Christianity that focus more on gnosis rather than literally interpreting the "Word of God". One can respect mystical paths without believing in their dogma.

BTW, do you even believe in evolution?

>Historians consider the Hongwu Emperor to have been one of the most significant emperors of China. As historian Ebrey puts it, "Seldom has the course of Chinese history been influenced by a single personality as much as it was by the founder of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang."[107] His rise to power was fast despite his having a poor and humble origin. In 11 years, he went from being a penniless monk to the most powerful warlord in China. Five years later, he became emperor of China.

The Hundred-word Eulogy (百字讃 bǎizìzàn) is a 100-character praise of Islam and the Islamic prophet Muhammad written by the Hongwu Emperor of China (r. 1368-1398).

Since the creation of the universe
God had already appointed his great faith-preaching man,
From the West he was born,
And received the holy scripture
And book made of 30 parts (Juz)
To guide all creations,
Master of all rulers,
Leader of the holy ones,
With support from the Heavens,
To protect his nation,
With five daily prayers,
Silently praying for peace,
His heart directed towards Allah,
Giving power to the poor,
Saving them from calamity,
Seeing through the Unseen,
Pulling the souls and the spirits away from all wrongdoings,
Mercy to the world,
Transversing the ancient, Majestic path,
vanquishing away all evil,
His religion, Qing Zhen (the name for islam in chinese (especially at that time), which literally means Pure and True),
Muhammad, The Noble Great One.

>Jesus HIMSELF said he would come back within a few decades

Where then. Would wonder me i know the new testament.

Who cares what the new testament says?

user you are being ignorant here. The old testament is the very foundation of the Christian Faith. There are over 300 places to know exactly that Jesus is the promised Christ.

It is a pity that your german is probably not so well. I recommend his ~ 100 hour study on the Messiah in the old testament.

>BTW, do you even believe in evolution?

Your spiritual enlightenment heresy is the very reason for the downfall of the western society, morality and the elimination of the Christian doctrine. I repeat user you are being deceived by masonic school whose solely purpose was and is to spread Luciferianism and to make Jesus to one of their symbols and use it for their own agenda.

Do I believe in the evolution? Believe? Lel no! Something cant come from nothing for no reason. Telling yourself so would be extremely questionable. Also evolution has a major hen egg problem. What was first RNA or proteins? You certainly cant have both. Pic related is needed to translate RNA into new proteins. Without already existing proteins the "evolution" of RNA/DNA is utterly useless.
Not mentioning that the evolution theory overstepping their boundaries and want to be or is made to be a cosmology explaining the origin of life, when in reality it is just a mechanism working or actualizing potentiality. Meaning the potential for life was already within the universe itself the same way the earth got the potential for life before life. And cell or organism to "evolve" eyes.

user please dont get me going on this modern pop science bs.

>There are over 300 places to know exactly that Jesus is the promised Christ

Why do you think the Old Testament texts are talking about Jesus? Maybe they were talking about John the Baptist or someone.

The virgin schizophrenia VS The Chad Jesus fucking chris

>Literally backpedaling to ignorance
Comma Johanneum is a prime example how the Bible got changed. Then we have pericope about that whore, the ending of Mark and crucifiction narratives contradicting each other and making different conclusions out of it... almost as if the scripture didn't portray what actually happened but what the author(s) of the Gospels (who definetely weren't the apostles) wanted to make out of it
Read some Bart Ehrman and (((Hyam McCoby))) senpai
>Kartir Hangirpe, one of Iran's most brutal Zoroastrian magi, even advised against rapine. Indiscriminate mass massacres were typically prohibited by the magi.
Interesting, got sauce on that one? (Not that I doubt your claim)
>Arab shitskins
Everyone down there was a shitskin, the main source of manpower of Eastern Rome was Anatolia and Egypt.
>Blood mills
Sounds like propaganda of butthurt chroniclers if anything

Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt Arabs destroyed MENA forever and weren't brutal, but I can't take seriously notions that they massacred 6 gorillion Christians and Zoroastrians (who lived in eternal peace, with no religious and intersectarian conflicts whatsoever)

Christianity was never intended to be a hierarchical institution. It was to be a face to face personal collaboration of love and service in holiness to one another. All hierarchical (Luciferian) institutions are intrinsically not representative any real religion. The Abrahamic religions have all been hijacked to deceive the followers of their institutional imposter into hating and killing one another by the vipers of the synagogue of Satan. Test the fruit of all policy on human beings to know that the institution or policy is not from a God of love.

>What was first RNA or proteins?



You are delusional.

It is very complex and the result of years of studying the bible. I wont imply I would be able to give a full or correct account but let me assure you that the Christian faith is based on reason/logos itself literally.

The canon of the old testament gives account of the coming of the messiah if you study it from the beginning you will know why Jesus is the Christ and that every prophecy in the bible came true so far. You would be willingly ignorant or have to ignorant in order to not see the truth in the bible. You can find it but it is up to you to do so. There are many people out there to help you find God beside God himself.

Christ had to come and had to die to defeat sin. And he will return and rule.

>Interesting, got sauce on that one?
One of Kartir Hangirpe's inscriptions advises against rapine. Let me find it again.

>Sounds like propaganda of butthurt chroniclers if anything
Blood mills were documented to exist in Gorgan.

>6 gorillion Christians and Zoroastrians
Numbers are debatable.

>who lived in eternal peace
Never claimed such. Manichees and Mazdakites were killed in vast numbers in Sassanian Empire.

>Everyone down there was a shitskin
I wouldn't call West Asians, like Iranians, Armenians, or Anatolian Turks, shitskins. More like wogs.

But how? You need RNA to make them at first. Or do you think something complex like previous pic related come out of nothing? ;)
The very information on how to fold and sequence amino acid is within the RNA

>every prophecy in the bible came true so far.

What about the Book of Daniel? After 11:40 ALL of the prophecies are wrong. Every single one, except maybe the abomination of the temple in 12:11.

>You are delusional.

I seem to shake the foundations of your belief you hold so dear and all you got is ad hominem?

Come on at least try and answer or confront me with something user.

Your moon god was never alive, goatfucker.

Was blamed for something he did not do ("took the sins of man upon himself") and tried to make the world a better place as pushing for socialist feeding the poor reform
He was a nice guy trying to make a world a better place, who ended up paying a big price for nothing(no good deeds goes unpunished) which people used to empower themselfs

Mohammad was a edgelord who wanted justice for how shitty his world got because of all those christians and jews, he hated the fact his tribes were fighting eaching allowing his cities to be slowly taken over.
He hated drugs, he hated women, he just wanted to see his world freed from jews and christians fucking shit up.
He went to the jews thinking they are his people too (semitic people sharing abrahimic stories) but the jews laughed at him and threw him out of Medina. He swore vengenge tried to kill himself a couple of times and fail like a edgelord.

Probably freezing in the dessert and because of delusion of grandor as he hallucinates crap from loss of blood, he vows to united the arabic tribes and push the christians and jews out.

He does that as a war lord, as people came to him willing to follow for money, as he molded the hate of others againts the system.

The man who would sell his 9 daughter to him saw potential in him, and used his ideas to bascily take over the arabian peninsual, as Mohammad word became law.

Throughut his life, the unity of arabic tribes was key and that was it, he did what he set out to do, but while he lived. He wanted everybody else to follow his word, slowly he went into madness abusing his power making sure he could fuck more pussy more lovely young virgin tight pussy... because you know she cant be infected or filled by others if she is a virgin espcially if she is your cousine and you fell in love with her.. mm.

Aftre his death his family used his legacy to sought to conqure and forcely convert everybody around them so that they gather all the riches of ancient world

>ALL of the prophecies are wrong

They probably are not.

I recommend this book: biology

We've seen evolution already.

>He transformed water to wine
>2.He walked on water
Christcucks ACTUALLY believe this

user. I recommend this read.

"Up to now, most scientists interested in the studying of DNA replication have not been apparently concerned by the problem of the origin and evolution of this central cellular mechanism. The problem of the origin of DNA is also largely ignored, with few exceptions. It is striking that recent hypotheses on the evolution of DNA replication have been proposed by evolutionists involved in comparative genomics, and not by people actively involved at the bench in the molecular study of DNA replication. The same is also true for transcription"
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"

>Implying the fact that we exist is even less mysterious

Explain me user. How can something come from nothing?

Here's just one of the prophecies that are wrong, from Daniel 11:40.

>"At the time of the end the king of the south shall attack him. But the king of the north shall rush upon him like a whirlwind, with chariots and horsemen, and with many ships. He shall advance against countries and pass through like a flood."

Didn't happen.

If something can't come from nothing, where did God come from?

Checkmate, Christians!

Dont believe their lies. You are a beloved child of God and he wants you to be good. He loves you and gave his son for you to make it possible that his spirit can dwell within you. You can make your body a temple and meet divinity but the ultimate condition for that to happen is you accepting Christ.

He was killed for blasphemy, said "He who has seen me has seen the Father", claimed to be the "I AM" from Exodus, and when Thomas called him "My God", Jesus did not rebuke him.

He was the promised Messiah from the Old Testament, called "Immanuel", meaning "God with us" in Hebrew, and had authority to forgive sins, which everyone in Israel recognized that only God can do.

>Show me where
The whole Bible? Problem is you don't read, and if you read, you don't see.

"This is why I speak to them in parables: "Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand."
(Matthew 13:13)

God is the necessary being for existence itself, hence not bound to time, space and matter. He is the prerequisite for all creation.

Infinite regression and circular reasoning are logical fallacies.

The universe is more complex than your low IQ brain can comprehend, doesn't mean God did it.