>b-but.... It makes you a good goy!!!
Its heavily opposed and attacked by ALL (((mainstream))) media.
>Explain why bmwf is heavily pushed, but wmaf is heavily attacked?
>b-but.... It makes you a good goy!!!
Its heavily opposed and attacked by ALL (((mainstream))) media.
>Explain why bmwf is heavily pushed, but wmaf is heavily attacked?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd fuck the one in the pic
small chest is best
>wmaf heavily attacked
because white women are jealous. jews totally uninvolved in attacking it
I'd let her cook some rice for me.
White woman here
I actually support white males dating Asian women, the majority of you are autistic virgins anyway. You need to practice not being so autistic before talking to us or our sons. We don't want betas bitch boys, we want real men. Time to man up.
>man up
Sure. For asian women, not for you though!
yeah, you write like one too, fag
Fuck off, asians will give you fucked up sons and daughters that look nothing like all your ancestors before you.
Well the average white girl at 18 has had 10 sex partners. Microchimerism we know about now. So basically reproducing with the average white girl, well your children wont look like you anyway. Any child she produces will have tyrone blood in it, even if it actually is yours.
Half asian offspring probably produces a more white result than any white woman could produce these days anywah
I'm going to have 10 kids with a Chinese woman, screencap this.
But that is incredibly good considering everybody in the UK has a horse face and rotten teeth.
Asian girls have the best tits of them all
low t
lol that salty south asian. stfu nobody wants your pigface.
Reminder that none of you pathetic neckbeard whiteboys stand a chance with a decent Asian chick. Stop fantasising
>You need to practice not being so autistic before talking to us or our sons.
>our sons
Did you seriously just fucking out yourself as a single mom roasty? Huueuuehuehueheuhueuheuhuehueuheuhuehuehue
Let us know how that big black cock and guberment gibs money is working out for ya.
Nice LARP, faggot!
>You need to practice not being so autistic before talking to us or our sons
top tier bait there user here is a (you)
Relatable, I went to S. Korea with a full beard hoping to stand out since they cant grow beards over there
I had to shave it, everyone hated it
Stop making these fucking threads about asians.
If you're an alpha, you can pick up any girl of any race. I've fucked like 40 women here in Japan in the last year without even trying. Stop caring about other people's opinions.
This is actually kinda funny, because Western women tend to use birth control, and as a result, get nutted in, and microchimerism probably occurs. Japanese women (no clue about other countries), tend not to be on birth control, so pull-out method is common, leading to a reduction in microchimerism, I bet you.
And how many kids do you have? Fucking without impregnating is basically just like masturbating.
pick one. japanese womans easy as fuck tho. try western bitches. protip: they are way too retarded to be called woman.
Stfu fatass not much effect on asian gf
I had one but she got an abortion without my knowledge :(
I've had my share of American girlfriends. Also, a Canadian. I used to travel a lot. Also, most westerners sleep with Japanese girls that specifically go after westerners, which is easy (and I can only imagine how many STDs), native normal Japanese girls are a much different story. Gotta speak Japanese for that shit.
Mad because your yuck ass mouth with yellow teeth that look like you've been chewing on marbles make all the ladies run from you.
I miss the yellow fever threads.
Those were better times.
we lived quite peacefully for a long time with indonesia chan, only to be driven out after placed in japanese concentration camps during ww2 :(