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For all the south surrey/ white rock boys, don’t forget to vote in the byelection coming up
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Metro Vancouver Politics
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Shameless self bump for a comfy cause
>all the Vancouver anons are awake at 3 in the morning but asleep in the afternoon
That’s how it goes
I would go and heckle him but I'm a pussy
He went to my work the other day, but it was my day off, I would’ve confronted him on his policy towards returning ISIS fighters
Who /happy with GREENDP/ here?
Maybe cancelling pipelines will bankrupt us but they're doing exactly what they promised and have avoided embarrassing themselves with social justice garbage.
We’re almost California tier now. But really as for the new gov in BC, I haven’t actually noticed anything different yet, other than them killing pipelines
OUCH this thread is dying faster than the one from like 4am
Even the Village People would no longer be welcome.
I’ve had enough of their shit
But remember we'll be welcoming those peaceful travellers back here and providing community integration services. :)
I wonder what Trudeau will say if they bomb a fag parade. It’s putting two of his favourite things into conflict
Same with the Quebec burqa thing. It's misogynist to force women to cover their face, but it's racist to say that.
Your awful Chink drivers are somehow worse than the locals when they cross the border, even on I-5. Good job, leafistan.
>tfw trump isn't our leader :(
how would i go about moving to van? it looks like a really nice city and i want to get out of nb, but its supposed to be the most expensive cost of living in the country. how much do you guys pay for rent? whats the job market like?
I laugh whenever I see this building. A UBC student went to the restaurant and wrote about it in the student paper, most ridiculous thing I've read.
It’s incredibly expensive to live in actual Vancouver, but there’s like a dozen cities surrounding it that may as well be part of it. I’m from Surrey and its fairly affordable here
Good for creative industries but not much else. COL will be way more than NB, don't know what a full condo costs but with roommates you'll pay like $800 for a decent place.
Hongcouver is trash. Your skyline looks like a cemetery, your downtown is full of homeless, prostitutes, gutter kiddies, and drug addicts, and all the good areas are being taken over by honorary Aryans.
A few girls I know went to protest and wear the stupid pussy hats in front of there during the inauguration. They skipped class for it as well I think
Please leave
OOPs, wrong burger meme
Anyone notice how the homeless people are almost never asian? It's mostly injuns and whites.
He's not wrong though.
moved to van from ON 3 years ago with no job or place to live. had both within a week. really not hard to find a job here. finding affordable housing is another story. I lucked out a found a 1br apt in burnaby for $600. most bachlor/1br apts are usually 800-1200$
All the chinks that come here are rich
>already invested 1 billion dollars in Site C in terms of detailed design, consultant reports, preliminary site work, etc.
>NDP considers cancelling project
>Massey Tunnel Replacement Proj
>under construction - put on hold
>every contractor involved is charging the gov out the ass for stand by times
>still on pause for utilities commission
>Tunnel is already way overcapacity for traffic volumes just like Iron worker's and Lion's gate is
This province is so mind boggingly fucking retarded. People don't think any of this affects them this unless they're in the industry, but losing substantial capital investments like these does - on a macro and micro scale. Pipeline, highways, and electrical grids are the only few methods of government spending that actually bolster the economy both directly and indirectly.
Well I actually go to the University of Waterloo. Thought maybe I'd get away from the gooks that infested my high school, but it's nothing but chinks here too.
langley is fucking great
only city i'd live in within the lower mainland (and i do)
reason why we're great: conservative local government that knows what they're doing
chances are the more liberal your local gov is, the shittier the city - just look at coquitlam and burnaby, yikes
Surrey isn’t too bad, poos aren’t soulless like chinks
Well Northern Gateway is a bad idea - you don't want tankers there, it's too treacherous, and Chinks wanting our oil can fuck off
That one in Burnaby? It's basically twinning one that's been there for decades
surrey's good as well
it's really too bad Dianne Watts left the scene though but she'll smoke Horgan when she runs - 100% guaranteed
Surrey has very sensible development practices and they're doing a good job expanding and beautifying their roads
Fuck yourself in the ass with a cactus for a few hours, that will give you a bit of an idea.
Yeah Fort Langley is beautiful. There's a reason it's used for filming so many 20th century nostalgia movies. Never appreciated living in a small community until I did time in the nightmare that is Toronto.
>shitskins are better than emotionless insects
ok poo in loo, nice try there pajeet, you filthy FUCK
>chinks wanting our oil can fuck off
we'll sell to any willing buyer you retard
this is so that we're not restricted to selling 99% of our oil to the US below market
we have the 3rd largest oil reserves in the world - we're sure as hell not gonna use it
net exporters never build refineries because it's a waste of money - you build them on-site where it's gonna be used (net importers)
Northern gateway should go through, as with any project that gets our superior market access. It's a very safe investment that'll bring billions in oil revenues for government to come.
All the government needs to do is approve it and fuck off. The developer will spend all the money necessary to get into the ground while meeting environmental requirements, standards, and codes.
You're welcome, we've just increased GDP by 4% in 1 year and full-time employment is at record highs
glad I got out of there
Reselect your flags in extraflags. You must choose BC>Greater Vancouver Regional District>Vancouver
Read my name retard, I’m Indian
I’m not******* FUG
where are u now?
im lookin to move somewhere else. i grew up in this chink infested city and have watched it slowly burn into a pile of shit
If you had extraflags installed, you would see I am in the north okanagan. I love it up here.
Interested in going to BCIT, thoughts?
Fucking hate Winnipeg, absolutely abysmal here.
They need to replace that tunnel, badly. Not to mention that in an earthquake anyone in it is dead.
I'd go heckle him, but I don't want to go to Surrey.
Anybody think the North Shore is comfy? Aside from having to deal with the bridges at rush hour.
went to BCIT
great school
programs are well-structured and most of my instructors were good
never felt like anything i learned there was a waste of time
it'll fuck your GPA though based on the workload unless ur pretty smart/dedicated. This will fuck ur chances of transferring somewhere else
just something to consider
I'm at SFU and it seems whiter than UBC
Great advice, thank you.
I was considering this program bcit.ca
Computer Information Systems Administration with the "Network Systems Administration" Option to join the Networking field.
I think I am fairly dedicated to the studies, and I think its tuition costs will be a motivating factor.
Hong Kong is whiter than UBC
UBC = University of a Billion Chinese
where do you think you're going to be doing all this networking? at what big corporation? join the trades
How can white watches even compete?
Hey van fags I know this is out of context but this has always alerted me is it me or are the ferries the worlds most soft terrorist target there is no security and zero protection how the fuck anyone feels safe on those things is beyond me
Yeet West Van fag here I live in Hobay its choice
Hey I was also looking at bcit soon
How's this program BCITanons
How's the job market in this field?
>t. RCMP
not sure actually, I haven't been on the ferries for a while
I graduated from the CISA program a few years ago with the NSA option, the program is basically a technical certification circle jerk but an excellent experience overall. The absolute best thing is the equipment. BCIT has lots of programs in trades with 'skills' exams, which is basically a mid-term or final but in practical form with real equipment and actual functionality instead of a simulation or program.
>Surrey isn’t too bad
I read that today. Jesus Christ.
Looks like Lavington more than Coldstream, that's Tolko/Pinnacle down there. Nice new development in the hills there. Custom stuff, my buddy helped build some of it.
Cold and damp as a dead nigger in Detroit today.
My 2 bedroom in north burnaby is $2000 a month. 30min train ride to downtown. I'm waiting for a presale to finish that I bought for about $450k. Likely worth $600k now since its close to the new mall thats going up in Brentwood.
I was there last summer. It was horrific. Not a white face in sight. Even Mahoneys was Shanghai'd.
Surrey is without a doubt an utter DUMP
good eye mate! I just say Coldstream since it is the District Municipality, while Lavington is unincorporated.
Jesus Christ wtf?
This used to be a comfy neighbourhood with a comfy little mall.
Comfy Van/pol/ discord: ugVC8v
If you go to BCIT and want to stay in BC then you're golden because graduating BCIT basically means 'good enough to enter the local workforce'. If you decide to go, you MUST network. Just make like 2-4 buddies from your class and it has lots of benefits once you get a job.
It's turning into metrotown 2.0
1 bedroom shoeboxes going for >$600k right across the new mall. Towers going up left and right.
Yeah, but it's goinna get fugged by that ugly ass condo development, fug, it and Eagle H were so comfy.
Do Chinese and Natives think you are one of them? Because Mexicans look Asian or native.
Bah, sad. I have family that lives 2 blocks from there. Going to be chink city now...
Why are people from the lower mainland weird?
Could be worse, at least they work, pay taxes and keep to themselves.
Multiculturalism does that to people.
They're certainly not the worst immigrants possible but it sure is sad to see the place turn into Shanghai. The HK Chinese were ok, they were polite and western. The mainlanders are fucking trash. Rude, arrogant, and clearly treating the city not as home but like a bus station toilet.
No, I’m mostly European. I usually get asked if I’m Italian or a Spaniard, I also was asked if I as Turkish once.
Unironically one of those Hispanic “whites”
Hispania was a Roman province, they're white.
>Egypt was a Roman province, they’re white
Not saying Spaniards and Portuguese aren’t white, but that’s a silly reason to say so
>tfw SK
Well Greek leadership was at the time anyway. Apparently King Tut was actually western European (weird as shit, not explained).
Hispanic (actual Hispanics), aren't much if any browner than Greeks either.
How fucked is Canada, lads?
Do the Asian/Native looking Mexicans get discriminated by Spanish looking ones?
Unbelievably so, the older generations really were too apathetic to stop intersectional Marxist ideology from getting into every facet of society
Vancouver has the worst drivers I've seen in Canada. It's not even the Chinese either, people here are fucked
In some parts of the country, yes. For most people though, it’s just banter. My dad’s side of the family has one side being darker than American “blacks” and the other side having some people with blue eyes. The only people that actually get treated like shit are the Indians that never assimilated to the mixed Spanish and native culture.
why do you all have adhd
God this was the worst fucking thing. But at least it turned a few people on those fucks
Brentwood master race what a posh new area it's becoming
Because non of them are actually from here. They are all imports of some type trying to conform to some sort of "West Coast" ideal they have in their heads.
Kinda wish you hadn't told the internet that....
Talked about this with my friend the one day riding it. There is not a hell of a lot stopping anyone from causing trouble.
Remember when they were going to cut their Horseshoe Bay - Nanaimo route because they "didn't have the budget" but could pay for those giant fucking ads in rogers arena and bc place despite having a literal monopoly on their industry?