This is strange

Obama following Trump around the globe and calling Trump "temporary." Why is he doing this?

Other urls found in this thread:

He is doing this because he is a butt hurt nigger.

Cause obama is obviously the front of the deep state

and don't be fooled pol, they still have some dastardly plans

also he's definitely butthurt

He's trying to salvage American reputation.

because he's a literal traitor who should be dealt with accordingly

The deepstate (Mueller-FBI-CIA-NSA) all work for Obama, he's still calling the shots.

He may not be in the Whitehouse but he's running the show as quasi-dictator

The worldwide communist conspiracy hasnt reached "acceptance" phase yet, of the fact they are being rooted out of this world

Because (((they))) feel (((they))) have a plan to take down Trump and reinstall him as El Presidente.

Just violating the Logan act is all. It’s only bad when Flynn does it.

when you have a tranny for a wife who wants to pound your ass nightly , i would think his ass gets soar from time to time and needs to be away from the house ... and of course all niggers are attention whores

>calling Trump "temporary."
Well, he is.
8 years isn't forever.

Kys shill.

Mueller just fired a Mossad agent off his staff.

Obama himself is just a pawn, just the messenger. The real inner circle is way bigger than him.

Basically so our country and its global reputation survives Trump. He's trying to minimize the damage.

We have compromised administration taking orders from Israeli intelligence and working with Russia to undermine America. Obama is telling the world to hold onto hope because soon the swamp will be drained and the crooked liar in the Oval Office will be in a prison cell.

The NWO front man of the North American continent is establishing a narrative for his worshipers to follow. You already know that insufferable faggotleaf is going to be using that as the subject to his posts for weeks too.

Well, Trump is temporary, since he's a U.S. president. I would wager it's because Obama and both American parties have both decided on a roughly identical foreign policy plan, and now Trump is improvising, making other countries nervous, and Obama is telling other nations that the old policies are going to be resumed once Trump is gone, so can they please not make too many international deals that work against the planned Dem-Rep policies.

If mental backflips could be harnessed for producing energy, you'd be the equivalent of the Hoover Dam x 9000.

I think the same when I read Trumptard posts thinking that Mueller isn't going to arrest Trump. Everyone charged so far is all leading up to Trump. And somehow you delusional idiots think this will lead back to Democrats... the denial is strong.

need a citation OP

Trump is temporary. Only 7 more years.

After which point his oldest son will be elected President, for another 8 years


>He's trying to minimize the damage
trump hasn't done anything to damage our reputation with china, if anything he's strengthened it. if you've ever worked with mainland chinks you would know how they think. they have nothing but contempt for people who let them walk all over them. the average chinaman hates obama and the western leftists.

What evidence have you seen that suggests Trump will be arrested?
I hate to say it but you seem to be taking an impossible leap.
Investigations normally evolve from evidence and probable cause, right?
I see none of that. No evidence of a crime.. No chain of untainted, unimpeachable evidence.
Show me where I'm wrong. Enlighten US.

>uses fake identity documents
>intelligence agencies are obviously aware of this
Gosh, who could be behind this?

>What evidence have you seen that suggests Trump will be arrested?
>I hate to say it but you seem to be taking an impossible leap.
>Investigations normally evolve from evidence and probable cause, right?
>I see none of that. No evidence of a crime.. No chain of untainted, unimpeachable evidence.
>Show me where I'm wrong. Enlighten US

You forgot to erase the > from your copypaste, shill. Must be your first day on the job.

Obama is spying. He's trying to get tipoffs on trumps private meetings and tattle like a schoolgirl. I wonder who he is reporting to...

isn't undermining your nation's interests considered criminal, even treasonous?

Obama has two choices
>keep stepping and fetching for the people who own him
>an hero + his children are probably fucked too

Mutt detected

You'd need some pretty strong proof that Obama is doing so.

Because all he cares about is his legacy, which Trump is dismantling daily.

Because Trump is not a legitimate leader as he was elected due to racism.

From who? Pro tip: we really don't give a fuck about anyone.

It is a shill. Suddenly a bunch of never trumpers and Trump haters who say kike every other sentence. They are not very good and blending in

Obama was elected due to racism as well.

That's not possible. Blacks cannot be racist as racism is a white construct.

Remember when he specifically taxed white people (tanning beds)

Who said we're only giving him 8 years?
1000 year Trump Dynasty sounds good.
As long as we keep the cucked family members out of it.

I remember all you libtards talking smack about polls all the way up to election night. It didn't even sink in until the last hour or so what was going to happen.

That's when all the crying started, and it hasn't stopped since for an entire year.

Get ready for at the very least 7 more years of it. LOL.

I'd explain it to you, but you know -- enemies, mistakes being made, not correcting them. :^)

This. He is still salty that all his shit executive orders got repealed.

Weed and video games ran out?

He's just a sore loser because his friend Hillary didn't win the game like they arranged.

He's looking to see who will take him and provide amnesty once the indictments are revealed.

He's got state secrets for sale.

He's not cool enough. I liked how Obama tries so hard to frame himself as modern and cool but comes off like a High School dork trying to act like a cool kid.

>Obama is now a retard handler


Mueller's only job is to shroud the Trump administration in a cloud of controversy while picking up procedural convictions for people who lie to him while he investigates a Russian conspiracy he likely knows himself is fantasy. Trump is not going to be implicated in anything concrete and the Dems know this - the ruse is to fool the American public that Trump SHOULD have arrested by the time 2018 and 2020 roll around.

When did he become an ambassador? I hope he joins the EU and fucks away from America after we leave it entirely.

kek commiefornia

Yeah he's doing a bang up job on that.

visiting country leaders while a private citizen and discussing our country politics with them is illegal. Its call logans law.

>The Logan Act is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government's position.

Your reputation was ruined with the vietnam war and in case anyone had forgotten, Iraq was a good reminder of who the americans really are. If anything, Trump is fixing it.