Can Sweden be saved?
Can Sweden be saved?
I mean, things are looking grim for our Aryan brothers in Europe
Sadly, there are no men left in Sweden.
>rapists are victims too
I hope you're not victim shaming with those trips
Oh more rape memes, you guys realize this never actually happens in real life right?
Evropa is pretty screwed up!
I find that hard to believe, even for Sweden.
>rapists are victims too
The bible says that in the end times good will be mistaken for evil, and evil mistaken for good.
Somewhere in these people's head and heart they truly believe they are being good people who do good things.
They really think they are the good guys
Oh look, a tweet! Someone used their computer.. Europe is doomed.
>clicks wemb
>dry heaves
Is this real life?
Swedwn yes!
fuck sweden
I think you meant "I'll keep obsessing over Sweden because of my inferiority complex"
This is bait
Jesus Mary and Joseph....
>ITT: Americans projecting their own insecurities onto us.
Don't worry man. The New Europeans will do your continent proud.
rise of natinalist party
economic collapse
Still better off than the JewSA
Source or fake.
>Don't worry man. The New Europeans will do your continent proud.
Can't be real
It's btfo desu. ((They)) wage war by deception, senpai.
If Germany will be cucked like Sweden... I swear i will myself
In a way rapists are victims because they have no self-control. Imagine not being in control of your own actions, wouldn't that be awful?
>my continent
>Implying I'm a mutt from different countries
is this legal
>completely abandon God
>things go bad
There is no way this is real.
Not if rapists are white
fuck off Christcuck
Yes, yes it is real
It's actually because of the sand nigger cult that we are in this trouble in the first place.
thats not real
im leaving this thread bc that is not real
>all sorts of countries telling you that you're fucked, including european ones
>"i know, ill post some amerimutt memes"
I always knew that meme was a coping mechanism
Most Europeans are mutts user, what do you expect
Why does sweden still have cops?
they are clearly just wasting money.
>Can Sweden be saved?
No. Feminisation of culture and governing of society destroys it.
Women do not understand society of adults at all.
Women see minorities as unruly brown and black children on their way growing up to become white folks.
Until they reach adulthood (white privilege) they can not be held accountable of their actions no matter how badly they behave.
they really do the sweet jam with meat thing... like what the fuck man.
Holy fucking shit.
kys chirstcuck
Unless they are white
Good the swedish slut deserved it
i hate my country
Commercial is from Finland jesus christ this has to be a joke Pekka, you are the bantzmasters of the North i just can't believe what i see.
I hate your country too
I hate your people and after 20 years waisting my life can sit back and watch you die
Hej då fittor
I was wondering how Swedish people could be any more cucked. Ty for laugh, Bjorn.
Don't be a cunt, we're almost as bad right now.
There's literally nothing wrong with that though.
>19 to 10 ratio
>no actual arguments in the comments AGAINST what he says
>just a bunch of people agreeing
It's over, we're gonna be fine
It's a Finnish advertisement from the Swedish company Godmorgon
>Commercial is from Finland
Careful now.
The text is obviously Finnish, but the advertised product is God Morgon juice.
God Morgon juice is made by Arla, a fusion of two large dairy companies - one Danish and one Swedish.
Doesn't change the fact that your country is still only 62% white.
>almost as bad right now.
You're at least a thousand times worse with a larger population and smaller country.
Dont assume because im writing from britain that i have in any way love for britain.
The british people are lazy fucking chavs with shit for brains and if IQ could be measured in milliliters nearly its entire woman folk would have more nigger semen in them than intelligence. We're next
Ahahaha I actually said "what the fuck" out loud. What the fuck.
All of Scandinavia is cuck BLACKED losers, no surprise.
Watch your mouth Britain, you're almost as bad
obvious fake headline is obvious, are all christians as gullible as they are cowardly??
Meant to post this
Is this ironic? Or is our Swede friend really this cucked?
It's owned by all Western European nations together.
Again i have no allegence to modern britain. I have a love for britain pre 1960s. I am homeless and give no fucks if my degenerate countrymen get nuked. Fuck cuck britain
How much "rape"? Like hardcore penetration or just some groping? Roasties cry "rape" just when you look at their direction.
>tfw not part of scandinavia
Here are the amount of shares each country own of that company
Belgium: ▼ 852
Denmark: ▼ 2 877
Luxembourg: ▼ 218
Netherlands: ▲ 57
United Kingdom: ▼ 2 485
Sweden: ▼ 2 972
Germany: ▼ 2 461
Forget it you're not worth defending
you're gunna have to provide a source to back that up.
It never ceases to amaze me that Swedes, Finns, and Norwegians literally don't believe these stories.
Their newspapers don't publish them, and if they do, they're buried in a dark corner of the newspaper website.
People in the USA are more informed about islamic crime in Scandinavia than the Scandinavians who actually live there.
A relative of mine is married to a Finnish woman. She trots out the same debunked shit every time a story like this is brought up.
>Sweden classifies rape differently. Even an unwanted hug can be rape. Stop spreading lies. There is no rape in Sweden. The muslims are integrating perfectly. We need more of them. There's no such thing as a native swede.
It's absolutely shocking the conditioning, the brainwashing, the Swedish/Finnish/Norwegian state has inflicted on its populace. It blows my fucking mind.
Ok, but its like the onion-style skit, r-right?
For laughs?
What will it take for them to wake the fuck up? I remember after Trump mentioned what is happening in sweden some ambassader woman was doing interviews denying anything is happening.
I would like nothing more than seeing every single nigger, sand rat and jew burn in the ovens.
How did Sweden even get to this point? I don't remember it being even close to this bad not even 8 years ago.
You aren't informed at all you retarded baboon, all you do is read newspapers, mutt.
Oh shut the fuck up, we're probably in just as bad a situation as Sweden, maybe slightly behind but we're getting there, get over yourself you flaming cunt.
those are some nice (((clickbait))) sites
Bible also says rape is a finable offence. 50 shekels.
Nice try
Pack it in boys, we are done as a country.
You need to man up, little bitch
False flag by the alt right. Don't believe the Drumpf mooks.
What the fuck dude, this is for a fucking orange/apple juice commercial?
>At first I thought the guy got cucked.
>Then I thought the guy was with his coalburning sister, waiting for the nignog father to appear.
>Then, I didn't know what to think anymore.
Let Sweden burn.
its not rape; its assault.
time to burn down some production studios.
Holy fuck, this can't be real. Please tell me it's not real.
as long you have the correct Värdegrund™ it doesnt matter if you sell your products
>ITT: Swedes post on Sup Forums whilst their country is ripped from their oblivious hands and repeatedly defiled by the far-reaching and corrupting talons of Islam.
Don't feel bad it's happening to us too
My GF's sister married a Swedish man she met in college and moved to Sweden. She is the same way, she totally denies that there is any muslim crime problem in Sweden.
We went to visit last christmas and I asked her to take me to a part of stockholm that I had researched and knew it was a "no-go" zone. She refused to take me there but she wouldn't say why. It was like you could see the mental gymnastics on her face as she tried to rationalize why she didn't want to go to that part of stockholm.
>Caring about weaklings getting raped
Get over yourself you emotional retard
Yes yes, it was a rollercoaster of emotions indeed
Dumbass,finland is nowhere near the level of scandi countries in this matter.
Or your country which is the worse one
>Can Sweden be saved?
31% Islamic by 2050, so I don't think so.