Real talk
Would you side with muslim, black, slavic, asian and even commie dudes to defeat the degeneracy, thottery, anti-white hate and overall hypocrisy in today's world?
Race ain't the problem here, (((they))) are
And by (((them))) i don't even mean jews, the rabbit hole leads much, much deeper than this
Real talk
if the groups you mentioned were redpilled on the JQ then yes. you are right that (((they))) are the final boss. unfortunately the groups you listed are the minions of the (((enemy)))
I would if these people promoted non degenerative behavior.
But they dont, they encourage it
No, they aren't
Don't look at other people as the enemy, they're just unaware of the danger
Let's, for example, say you're black, and you get free money for JUST being black, you wouldn't try to search why, and from who you're getting it, would you?
We're the ones that must inform people who is ruling them, and why the rulers are a bunch of assholes
>s-slavs aren't white!
>m-muslims aren't white!
Gas yourself
Fooled you, i'm slavic myself
Edgy nazi cunts didn't consider us white, but i don't give a fuck about it
>Would you side with muslim, black, slavic, asian and even commie dudes to defeat the degeneracy, thottery, anti-white hate and overall hypocrisy in today's world?
No, because commies are the degeneracy, thottery, and anti-white hate you speak of.
But I would side with the other groups you mentioned.
Modern commies are like that, but for example take a look at Yugoslavia, it wasn't that bad till it fucked itself up
As a fellow Pole you should know better than anyone the inhuman and Godless evil that is communism.
I think Sharia law would be unironically preferable.
Yeah, communism is pretty shit, but the whole point is that not all commies are scumbags, they're just uninformed
The actual devils were the dictators, not people living under them
I'd take another stone age over "allying" with the subhumans. Their genetics are the biggest degeneracy around.
>i don't even mean jews, the rabbit hole leads much, much deeper
There's nothing past survival, you civic cuck.
Either we make it or we don't, and any outcome in the former category is better than every outcome in the latter.
People living in this day and age, with the access to information that we have, and yet still choose to support communism are absolutely 100% scumbags who deserve the rope.
Without order-followers, the dictators are powerless.
Thing is they mostly didn't even visit places like Sup Forums, because MSM portrays us as "nazi monsters" or whatever the fuck because (((someone))) doesn't want people to know what we know
And people like are just adding gasoline to a fire
Slavs are white so yes, I would also side with American blacks like Hoteps.
I'm not sure what you mean, you don't have to visit Sup Forums to understand that communism is evil.
I get it, my grandfather was in the Party, but that was a different time.
People nowadays have no excuses of ignorance.
Not going extinct > going extinct.
I'll greentext it to you, i'm not that good at english
>TV and other mainstream media all say "every rightist is a racist, hateful beast!"
>out of fear, people start seeing conservative people as the enemy, so they distance themselves from them and their media as much as they can, while only believing what MSM says
99% of those poor people don't even know what they're fighting for
Well, i'd rather settle down with a nice, conservative girl of color who would respect my culture than with a white feminist landwhale only because "muh genetics"
Well, good thing the lack of gibs keep them from becoming available to you then.