In this topic we discuss why brits need to be nuked off the face of the earth. They had it all at one point, and now they have nothing (other than a shitload of brown people trying to dip their faces into acid on a daily basis). How did a race of people get so docile over time? What, if anything, could be done to help this island nation-- other than giving them all a swift death?
In this topic we discuss why brits need to be nuked off the face of the earth. They had it all at one point...
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All you anglo scums deserve nothing but a nuclear holocaust
Anglos are probably the most degenerate, perverted, blackpilled, pessimistic, cynical, egoistical pieces of shit to ever walk the earth. They ruin everything.
GOD SAVE THE QUEEN stop insulting my dad you faggot
Who's worse? Anglos or Jews
Fuck off with your divide and conquer strategy shlomo
Imagine the Amerimutt meme destroying the fabric of your reality this much that you attempt to make a comeback in the form of this garbage tier png, but you still know deep down inside your heart that American culture is essentially fake tits and hot dogs.
It must really suck to know that your entire country's population are the descendants of Europe's worst drunks, criminals and religious fanatics, and that even today the mental illness of the past inhabitants still lingers majorly within your population.
Can you even go a week without someone shooting up a school or your pathetic college students demanding Castro style communism?
Please take one of the 15 guns you own and stick the barrel in your mouth. Americans will always be mutts and Europeans will always be supreme. The only reason Europe is having trouble at the moment is because America sent a bunch of Zionists over here to fuck up our political system.
Jews. But the two have had close relationships for quite some time now.
The Anglo is just the Jews muscle
It goes back 3,500 years.
Anglos are the real master race. Jews are parasites, like high IQ gypsies.
Anglo jews
Very close to this
Anglos are aspirational Jews
Shlomo, stop hiding
Hello. Nice flag you have there, especially that bit at the top left.
Notice how its always americans who are making these threads.
The British have always been docile, you fool. It's always been in our nature to defer to higher authorities, and grit our teeth and just bare through the hard times. Understand that we are nothing like Americans.
>butthurt faggot who still worships royalty detected
anyone with a valid opinion care to jump in?
>worships royalty
Isn't it only Americans who actually bother to tune into our Royal Weddings in a pathetic attempt to pretend our history is your history too?
I couldn't give a rat's ass about the royal family, but your whole country seems to go nuts over them every fucking time the prince sneezes.
That being said, I understand it must be difficult having no history, so you're all forgiven for pretending to be "Anglo-American" every time something interesting (by your standards) happens here.
not that hard to realise
>Being a groveling royal subject is "history"
Wow, a history built on literal cuckoldry. Sad!
I would welcome a nuclear suicide.
Please whoever has the bollocks get on with it. Just get corbyn in then we all know he will never use trident to retaliate.
I wish for the destruction and barbaric murder of all my fellow countrymen
this, honestly the D&C on this fucking board is getting out of control and it's become quite clear the mods have been compromised for months now
>Notice how its always americans who are making these threads.
no lad, thus is fat polak from New Jersey
Yeah we are the same we both were attacked by isis
I think you'll find thats us.
The USA is basically their big stick to wave around and get what they want.
literally starts a butthurt thread.
shoo shoo britmutt scum
Stop trying to sow seeds of contention between us and our father you shill bitch.
The brit is immunized against all dangers; one may call him an inbred, chav, pommy, swindler. But call him a britmutt and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back; "Ive been found out".
funny how all these amerimutt and britmutt threads have become the new blacked threads. I wonder who could be behind them?
Britmutt is a literal "lol no U are"
Yes we are cucked as fuck, but instead of trying to divide and conquer, focus you're hate on (((those))) who did this to us.
The answer is always the jew. Ask yourself, when did the brittish cuck? Ask Churchill
The Anglo chose money over race
Your right Britain is finished. We are fucked, no industry, totally relient on banking and money laundering, immigration at insane levels, corrupt peado elite. Peter Hitchins has declared Britain finished, and he isn't wrong.
>butthurt faggot who still worships royalty
now hol up, I thought that we wuz kangz n shieet
>sweden says this
>fucking sweden
>what is the suez crisis
no room to speak amerimutt
>that picture
How do I explain to a retarded 56% shitskin that his dumbass statement is irrelevant? Die in a race war bub
This is what you fucks don't realize about unleashing creatures like sperdo. Isn't there a saying about bricks and glass houses? Nobody controls the memes.
I can't breath when reading these memes.
how amerimutt threads and my varg threads get deleted within minutes but these stay up for hours