/balk/ - no albozergs allowed edition
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You should start organizing OP shit, like elections and happenings and sheit
>Chinese bow to Vucic's
>In contact with Putin
>Possess psychotic abilities
>Controls Serbia with an iron but fair fist
>Own flats & houses all over the Balkans
>Direct descendants of the ancient Illyrian blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Kosovo (Vucicevo will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of Eurokrem factories on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Vucic babies
>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Greek monasteries & Dinaric Alps
>Ancient Illyrian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Balkans and will bring an era of poverty and unprecedented monetary loss with them
>The Vucic's are in regular communication with the Archangels Skanderbeg and Shkelqim, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Kosovo in history literally a few days later to the Vucic house in Dedinje?
>They learned fluent Russian in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gas reserves with the twins. There’s no gas in Russia, only Ft. Vucic
>The twins are about 5 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.
how greekniggers, turkish mongrels and bulgarian gooks are Balkan in any way?
Why are we depicted as asians?
I thought only Finland got wrongly depicted as asians
Are we the Finland of the balkans or something?
stop posting
stop coming to these threads
what the fuck do you not understand
tatar's are a turkic tribe
basically mongol steppe niggers
know your history kamene
Why isn't kosovo invited?
Stop Breathing.
should have jew slovenians with 20% opacity in the background
because a self hating fyromioan mongrel edited it
i must have missed the mongol genes with my 20 cm cock
if only gook moot could make some balkshit a mod so he can lurk in these threads and ban these retards
Who is that guy? Is he some kind of ikibey 2.0?
I love Solomon Passy!
some retarded diaspora albo
>the greek is whiter
>greeks are objectively the swarthiest of balkanites
Yes. but Albanian hates everyone else edition.
dickpics or it didn't happen
stop coming to these threads you retard
Ain't he a jew?
sec. need to get it hard
sta je bre misevi
Yes, he is! But he's one of the better ones.
dobri triplići Toše
Evo ništa još 20 minuti radin onda iden doma lipo
I'm going our for a beer, never seen so much /balk threads in one day, and civil
then stop making 80.4 iq tier threads
Because you come from the steppe like the mongols, genghis
we've been through this the last thread holy shit you fucking retard
you either have the memory of a gold fish, the integrity of a jew or the intelligence of a nigger
stop posting
leave the computer
How so?
Sta radis u nedelji? Sekjuriti?
you know no one is making you come here right?
there are pureblooded Europeans all over the Balkans, whereas there are virtually none in Greece and Bulgaria. period
if you are not 100% European - you must be chased away with sarin gas and biological weapons the fuck away from Europe
radin ko Tech Support u HT-u
At what point does alcohol become a problem? Asking for a friend obviously
fucking nigger
Why must you ruin our comfy threads? Either post under a meme flag or go away.
when you drink it
When you find yourself consuming it at 9 in the morning.
Croatia is central europe
kolika je plaća?
What do Serbs think of Hungarians in Serbia and Subotica (Szabadka)?
When it affects your ability to interact with friends and family
ie. rather be drunk than socialize
>Croatia is central europe
Chetnik liar detected.
Nadam se da uzimas dobar novac
the darkest are southern greeks and most of albanians. i mean northen greeks have a strong slavic mix and in some parts on albania albanians are if i remember right blond.
retarded picture, we were never conquered by roaches.
>Map not to scale
What should i think? i dont mind those Magyars one bit and actually went to school with 2 of them and we got along just fine.
Yeah but like 1000 times more autistic
Meh. you are one of more peaceful minorities. Tho funny thing is. Once we gave you dual schools you started assimilating faster. Have no idea why that happened.
meme map, they didnt go above SIsak
t-t-this is a photoshop, right?
Be nice, you’re going to make him cry
czechia why ;___;
In 1945 desu. Only good thing the commies did was expelling the germ*ns
they made it to vienna you nigger
Which one of you wants to suck my dick for a green card
>bad crop
made by a croat alright
yeah through Hungary you mongol.
leaf "intelectual"
My sides
they were never conquered by the Ottomans and 100% European DNA test sample is a norm in Croatia. Deformed faces and hideous bastards are not common either. Can the same be said about FYROM?
they went through hungary to get to vienna m8
Redpill me on the Balkans.
Greece is obviously the best one even though I wouldn’t really count them as Balkan. After that the Serbs are the most anti Islam/nationalist. Croats are Just German cock suckers. I also used to know a Greek who after a few drinks ranted about Macedonians being Slavs LARPing about Greek history.
Go away >:|
Everybody expelled the Germans after WWII. But not all of them. I'm still here. :^)
I was gonna say I don't see many turkic looking Hungarians.
But then again I only see Hungarians on the internets
I do see many slant eyed Finns though
>Once we gave you dual schools you started assimilating faster.
Magyars in Serbia and Karpataja migrate to the motherlans
Magyar in Slovakia have a good life and stay where they are, or go west
Magyars in Romania kinda migrate but too proud to leave (fortunately)
Not to be a dick but you can have a lot better life in Budapest then in Norhtern Serbia
all Greeks are 2% negroid minimum. Blonde blue eyed Greek is still a sandcoon, whereas a guy like Russell Brand is native European
>Which one of you wants to suck my dick for a green card
I would never want to suck a cut dick. Mutilated dicks aren't penises, they're basically glorified vaginas :^)
Danubian swab detected.
Kek are your parents both of Germanic ancestry?
t. cypriot animal
Greeks - negroid subhumans
Bulgarians - hapas, often with greeknegroid DNA
Best zone with a decent racial hygiene - Slovenia and Northern Croatia
Bosnia - non-country
FYROM, Serbia, Albania - shit
>an international jewish conspiracy changed the map on wikipedia
Sure a lot have left. But I personally know 2 Hungarian with Serbin first names.
bulgaria is full fuck off
forgot the map
Why are we here?
>your shitpost made FYROM inhabitants racially European and pureblooded
how do you filter again, I want this schizo out.
Macedonia is Western Bulgaria
Just to suffer.
>tfw Vučić is 2100 Elo chess player irl
Save me from this shithole
That's fucking impossible
>But I personally know 2 Hungarian with Serbin first names.
Then why don't you suck their dicks if you love them so much
central croatia is grey are you blind?
admit it, it's kinda fun
>finding a site that contradicts every modern IQ test site but coincidentally excludes albania so there'd be no way to compare with their criteria
you can't make this shit up man
hes an albanian what do you expect?
so even if they have no african genes because they have african genes on average they are still black. how does that work. oh wait it doesn't.
if it's half it does't count