Call my Tohka a retard and I will kill you

Call my Tohka a retard and I will kill you.

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She's a retard OP and so are you for making this kuso thread

Best girl.

Tohka is a very intelligent girl, much more than you


My Touka calls your Tohka a chuuni retard.

I bet she pleases old man for food.

I bet she would be unloyal to Shido and cheat on him.

Is there a problem with that?

Tohka is a very bright girl desu.

Are you kidding, Tohka would be the most loyal girl in Shidou's harem.

Not until I gave her an injection of vitamin me. Shido is nothing compared to my cock, I will have his precious halfwit eating out of my hand.

Tohka really is a bitchslut. Origami is pure and is more for Shido.

Tohka wouldn't know what a penis is.
And Tohka is pretty damn loyal.

She isn't. She doesn't even truly love Shido.

>Tohka wouldn't know what a penis is.
Her body can learn.


This one looks like a fatass though.

I would have to say that she's not nearly as retarded as you, OP.

And yet she IS a retard.


Season 3 never and my heart hurts too much anons.

>She doesn't even truly love Shido.
Well she does now

Shidou will forever be doomed to eating with Tohka.

Stoopid face


Which is bakaest?

Edgy retard a best. Can we somehow go back in time to make edgy retard the heroine, user?

>The most loyal girl to Shidou
This is right user. Great taste.

Best returd gurl xP

No one wins agaisnt Tohko.


Tohka is pure. PURE.

Your Tohka is a retard OP

Why do we call her a retard again? She is not really dumb.

Yeah. Pure RETARD.

Tohka's a retard.

Where does all that food goes?

Who was best girl up until vol.7?

tohka's not a retard guys

she's just a bwaka! there's a clear difference!

[x] Touch Tohka's tohkas



All DAL are best girls except clock

But her name isn't Rinne.

What about the people that say that Natsumi, Miku are not?

Lowest int stat.


Don't be mean, user.

I'm not being mean, I'm merely preserving the memes.

Don't user, that's pre-2014. Things change. Can't deny if a new season comes out, things would be like this again.

Guys what if Tohka is merely pretending to be retarded?

If new season comes out suddenly we would have "Origamifags" come out everywhere and we'd be accussed of having seasonal waifus

a functional incubator unit does not need a "brain"

[x] Touch Yoshino's yoshinos

But Origamifags almost dissapeared after vol.11, after learning that Origami never loved Shidou,


Very convincing, I'll give her that

I don't get this; she loves him even more now. She even says it. They should stop living in the past and realize neo-Origami is superior

Another DAL thread.
I knew you guys miss this series as much as I do. When do we start complaining that season 3 is not hapening?
Tohka a cute retard.

Still mad Clockshit is getting a shitty spinoff, that countdown still hurts.
>yfw clockspinoff gets an adaptation over season 3

Yeah, this Origami is way more likeable unlike the idiotic who only thought about revenge.

There's still hope user, there must be.


I'm holding onto hope for one more year and that's it.
Although a clock spinoff anime confirmation would be the final nail in the coffin

Damn those are some fine tohkass.

Damn, those are ni-


I just wish they weren't hobbits

Just like me, I'll endure this suffering for one more year.I'm kinda confident this year will happen something.

Time sure goes slow when it feels like it.

Clockfags really killed this series.
Her role in the movie felt forced for the sake of clockfags

Doesn't exist anymore

And got a spin-off. Why do we have to go through this, user?

She does.


You probably know this already but that's phantom.
And I firmly believe the two are unrelated

Phantom using Rinne's appareance means Phantom knows her thus she exists.

But Phantom knows everything.

I don't remember did Shido felt anything when seeing Phantom transform into Rinne?

possibly the worst girl of all time

Yes, is phantom knows everything, and Rinne is part of that knowledge, then Rinne does exist somewhere.

Those who hate Tohka are just jealous they don't have their own cute and lovable baka.

[…Ah, is that it? So it was really, you are…]
Then, it made a gesture as if it was convinced by him.
Then, at the same time, the noise covering ’s body dissolved like fog.
He opened his eyes wide.
What appeared from inside that noise was a girl.
She had braided hair and an expression that was gentle like that of a mother. He felt as if his head started to spin around. That face made him feel like he had seen it before and like he had never seen it before…

Season 3 when?

If they don't announce something this year, never user, never.

Meant to reply you

Tohka is better waifu than that Stupid Retard of lala satalin deviluke


I love Tohka, the edgy one.

>facebook filename
Fuck off.

>Open door
>See this
what do?

I got this from a thread though. You a retard too?

Get out my big wrench and turn some gears inside the clock

Miku a shit.


she seems to need some "ointment" for those gashes

What were your thoughts when you first watched this?
I'm feeling sad for some reason.

Y-yoshino best girl

Tohka is a legit retard though.

user, who made these tohka-bullying pictures?

What ever happened to Date a Origami anyways?

Some user in DAL threads.

It ended.

Never saw the PV but I would have thought that it would have a lot of shit drama. I had so much fun with S1.