Will Sup Forums ever be as universally joined and fun as when KLK was airing?
Will Sup Forums ever be as universally joined and fun as when KLK was airing?
When Little Witch Academia TV starts airing?
LWA Soon friend.
If it ever happens again, I hope Sup Forums stays home.
Does Sup Forums even care about LWA?
Who the fuck knows. LWA doesn't have anything vidya-related so probably not. Then again KLK didn't either, they probably came to watch it because a lot of them are familiar with TTGL.
You missed Luluco
That was a ride, though not nearly as big as KLK's was. We could easily be waiting the rest of the decade for another big hit like that.
LWA doesn't have the hype levels of KLK, we can already tel by now
I think Imiashi's next original might deliver
>comparing those three weekly Luluco threads to the 24/7 flood of KLK
Why are triggerfags so delusional? I mean, I watch most trigger anime and don't have any hatred against the studio, but I don't know how anyone could consider their shows "universally" loved by Sup Forums.
About 12 episodes in nearly everyone turned on it. Sup Forums never "universally joins" anything while its airing at least for long.
He didn't say "loved", just "joined and fun", which was true. The live watch threads always reach post limit, and loved it or not, people talked about it incessantly.
Hell, I still remember when pic related happens. that was a fun time.
Fuck those threads, I actively avoided them while watching
Nah, Luluco only blew up when KLK got referenced in that one ep. With KLK, it was a 12-week long wild ride.
Fun things are fun, user.
Though I admit that I have not entered a KLK thread since it ended. People REALLY love to hate KLK.
Real answer.
Geass R3. For a show to get to KLK or original Geass level it has to be
>original work, no spoiler shit, nobody knows what will happen next
>made by an established studio so people will pay attention from the beginning
>loved by the mainstream, so that there would be backlashes
>tfw no more spam of TAKING RISKS, MUH IRC and SAVING ANIME weeks before it aired
Actually it was cancer, the threads were cancer and I'm glad that the fags shitting up the boards moved on to SnK and dispersed afterwards.
So you ignored most of the threads on Sup Forums at the time? Must've been hard user, it filled more than half of the catalog.
The threads didn't slow down till it ended, despite whatever disappointment came afterwards.
Realistically speaking, KLK is small time next to Geass.
Nothing will ever match the hype of when TTGL was airing though
>implying anyone ITT was around back then
These newfags dont know
KlK threads all disappeared if you filtered 'dub'. Turns out all they were talking about were their ideal dub casts.
Lucky Star was better
And to think CG and TTGL aired at roughly the same time, at least for R1
>they were already here when TTGL and Lucky Star aired
you need to get a job gramps
Bullshit and you know it.
yeah lets hope something of that scale does never happen again.
Is there any clue when his next show is coming even?
Halcyon days user.
Everyone I know that watched KlK has come to like it less over time with reflection.
M8 that makes us somewhere between 22 and 28 typically.
I like it more after every rewatch.
You sound like a complete newfag bringing KLK up as your model Sup Forums. Remember when Haruhi aired? K-on? TTGL? Of course you don't.