Communism doesn't wo-
Communism doesn't wo-
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It's state capitalism, not communism anymore.
Pick one, idiot.
Damn, I guess I love communism now ?
Do you know that in many ways China is more capitalistic than USA is? China has wild capitalism = exacly the same kind of capitalism that made USA so rich.
What does chinese guy need to do to sell food on the street?
=> nothing. He can buy ingridients and start selling self made food right away. He don't need any permitions, he doesn't need to meet any regulations and bureaucracy.
China is a trubocapitalist dictatorship
>ruled by the communist party
>not communist
mmm made me think
>post Mao China
if I call my dog a cat is it a fucking cat now or what
You idiot, the chinese needed capitalists to take over to avoid total collapse. Look up chinese economy. Do you know why there are so many to factors in china?
Not real communism.
that's a lie
Go, live in China. I dare you
This kills the communists
>Be "Communist" China
>Have currency
Kek is that macau?
>communists are in power
>lol let just be capitalists
You dont understand anything at all because you never read Marx.
Capitalism is a transition state to communism, after the full potential of capitalism is achieved, then we can start going after socialism and then communism. Chinese know this, so they are pushing capitalism to the fullest extent.
That chart isn't really accurate though.
their economic system is more capitalist than communist you utter retard
I am the lorax and I speak for free markets
(Look at Hong Kong, capitalism at it's finest, and the rest of china will realize it soon)
Read again you retard, the endgame is still communism
Considering how much money the politicians are making, and the average width the china man is gaining...... Safe to assume it aint happening.
try again fag
the country you posted doesn't even have public healthcare
wish you commie fucks would go back to your country bunch of a beat ass looking chinese hookers all over my neighborhood now
why do commies always assume they know what other people's motives are? unless you can provide a single quote from anyone in the chinese government to substantiate your claim then nobody is ever going to believe you, retard. stop wasting your time on /pol and get a job.
Well I can google "china poverty" and stick 5 pictures in one and say communism is bad,but thats just a low quality bait like yours
saw your thread 12 hours ago and you were destroyed, why are you still trying
China is more capitalist than USA.
>China is a communist country
I've both been to China and lived under communist regime. China has absolutely nothing to do with communism, their economic system is an example of state controlled capitalism and you'd have to be utterly misinformed to believe otherwise.
So, capitalist oligarchy is now a communism, if it waves a red flag? k
Your typical brainlet vastly over-estimates how Capitalist China is. Steel, concrete, most of the essential industries vital for day-to-day functioning of government are majority controlled by the state.
China is less capitalist than the USA, because in the USA most industries are owned privately.
>Commie actually using China as a fucking example best of Communism
China is a shit hole but, hey at least
you are taking responsibility over your fucking shit state
That's state capitalism, comrade.
This is after when China stopped being actually communist. Before that, Mao ordered everyone to do some really stupid shit.
Four pests campaign:
>bird eats grain
>mao orders peasants to murder all birds to stop grain from being eaten
>peasants murder all birds
>insect population exploded from lack of natural predators
>grain crops ruined and peasants starve
Backyard furnace program:
>mao wants steel for making new high-rise buildings
>mao orders shitty backyard blast furnaces to be made in every commune
>peasants ordered to melt down iron ore, then cookware, farming tools, and even bicycles to make girders
>peasants ordered to burn coal, then furniture, coffins, and other wooden objects to power the furnaces
>all the girders made are pig iron and the party has no clue how to decarburize it into steel
>peasants all starve and freeze through the winter because all their tools and wood were used to make useless pig iron
Some great leap forward.
You forgot the part were they used so much pesticide they killed most bees and had to get people to actually pollinate the crops manually
In communism politicians have more power than in capitalism
Its irrelevant, there will be a turning point where communism will happen, with or without their help
This is why they stop being idealists and actually understood the way to communism
China does everything right - says one thing, does, how it benefits and does not listen to different Western mainstream economists.
For drove kap and kommi whores
Erik Steenfeldt Reinert - New Rich Countries Got Rich ... and Why Poor Countries Stay Poor (2007)
*chokes to death*
You have to ask IT, dont assume its species
>America has been ruled by people who love "freedom"
>Doesn't actually institute freedom
It's okay we already know you're retarded it isn't you're fault
I asked it and it identifies as a black male wtf
They used the USSR's economic decline as an example by opening up the markets, but hold tight control over the state and army to remain in power. If anything, it is democratic centralism.
I think that after the victory of the Chinese "communism" in the world they will solve these problems.
So the way to communism is state-owned capitalism with companies like Baowu and Norinco. Until it fails and you say "that wasn't real communism because they didn't follow the ideals."
Besides the name, what part of china is communist? Oh wait, you're just a delusional cum guzzler
>and had to get people to actually pollinate the crops manually
desu if that happened in Europe or US nobody would give a shit about doing it manually ...
Ah! well, looks like i'll need my china folder again then.
Communism by name. See what power the """people""" have, if they could read.
Aren't like 90% of those buildings empty and built will cost free slave labor and free materials?
China is the same as every other place to live in. You have to go to school, look for job, look for someone to start family with, compete in work market and try to live as nicely as possible until you die.
It doesen't feel like there is big ideological difference in life, only more censorship but we're getting on their level.
>I-it's not communism
Theyre capitalists run by communists
You do that in North Korea and ISIS territory as well
Chinese long jump.
post pics of the progress when mao was in power fag not the coke-light "communist" china with capitalist economic changes faggot
This same fucking thread every day jesus fucking christ this board sucks
This is like Civ on steroids
>Democratic people's republic of Korea
Who would have guessed, they were a democratic republic all long!
Damn dude, that poor kid had to just watch his dad be eaten by an escalator.
How commies dare ignore the countless innocent dead have DIRECTLY resulted from commies tryna commie, is beyond me.
This post in no way excuses other political systems that killed just as many.
Eat the hard fact, commies are sheep being led to slaughter. Funniest bit is that the sheep are cheering for it. How progressive.
China is like modern fascism. Not commies at all.
>if it's called communism then it's communism!
So there's no such thing as "it wasn't real communism" anymore?
Never seen the video of the chink mom getting sucked into the escalator?
Because he has
>private property is a thing
mmm made my think
made me wonder how is like like in ISIS controlled territory
you don't get it.
>anything good about china - it's not commie you moron
>anything bad about china - fucking commies!!
you cannot reason with people with cognitive dissonance
-rk. And neither do you.
China is pretty much capitalist at this point in all but name. Communism's destructive legacy can still be felt in the rural areas though, funny that you don´t post pics of that, eh?
i have an own folder of people falling in to elevator shafts.
i love how the other kids reaction is to get slightly disappointed.
so the dprk is a democracy then?
>Post pics of when Mao was in charge
You do realize that they had just been toasted by the Japs and essentially just exited a feudalistic society and are currently on track to being the only global superpower that could actually compete with the US right?
Pick only one
JFC these people are fucking animals, what the fuck.................
Why does this make me laugh and angry at the same time.
So much for a high IQ country.
When you have next to no human rights, food, or shelter, and you're practically a slave- Communism works great.
>democracy wo-
china for the past 25 years has been a fascist ethno nationalist state.
good luck to pic related in china
>China is a communist country
>Has a lower corporate tax rate then US and most western countries
Pick the second one.
Also, those are pictures of Hong Kong which isn't politically part of China.
They're not really high IQ, they just don't let 90% of the population near an IQ test.
you think they're going to have a stop button ? they cant even make floors.
>implying chinsese "communism" is desirable to the rest of the world
>implying CCP party members will give a damn about the chink plebs choking to death on the street when they're sitting in their airtight skyscraper offices breathing high-quality clean air flown in from the Himalayas
Yes user, corporate tax rate is the important bit. Not the fact that most major corporations in China are owned by the communist government, that's not an argument.
If you time it just right you get a superjump.
or you can use one of the high speed chinese travel system.
bing bing wahoo, yippiii
> Not the fact that most major corporations in China are owned by the communist government
They aren't and again that isn't even part of the land the "Communist" government rules over that's Hong Kong.
That's not communism. That's trillions of dollars of foreign money.
Shanghai Pride (Chinese: 上海骄傲节; pinyin: Shànghǎi jiāo'ào jié) is an annual LGBT pride event that takes place in Shanghai, China. It was first held in 2009 and was significant in that it was first time a mass LGBT event has taken place in mainland China.[1][2] ShanghaiPride is now in its ninth consecutive year.