Reminder that "christianity" is simply judaism opened up for the consumption of a wider audience. The same exact stories, same characters, same laws, same conception of god as a hominid personality in the literal sky was carried over for christianity.
The definition of who can get into heaven didn't change - it's still jews and ONLY jews that get to go into jewish heaven. What Jesus changed was WHO gets to be a jew. Instead of only those who were ethnic jews (seed of Abraham, circumcised of the flesh), now it was EVERYONE that could become a jew just by announcing their submission to rabbi Yeshua/the king of jews.
St paul says in Romans 2: "A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code." All christians are jews, not necessarily of "the flesh", but of THE SPIRIT. All religions spawned from the original root of Israelites (proto-jews) share the same god, the same prophets.
If you gain any use at all from the bible, you are necessarily analysing lives and stories of ethnic jews. There is no getting around this.
Moreover, Romans 11 says about gentiles (for example, white people who pretend that judaism was meant for them) that they are "cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree and grafted CONTRARY TO NATURE into a cultivated tree" (the tree of the jews/YAHWAH). This verse also refers to ethnic jews (of the flesh) as the "natural branches". Romans 11:24: "For if you were cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, the natural branches, be grafted back into their own olive tree."
Europeans defiling their spirit and redefining themselves through this foreign superstition is a greater travesty than it would have been if the same happened with Islam.
Ian Morgan
Sebastian Reyes
Why u shooting at me motherfkucker
Samuel Sullivan
In 1960, Paul John XXIII opened the sealed prophecy and read it, and the faithful anxiously awaited its promised revelation. But it was not to be. In apparent defiance of the Blessed Mother's instructions, the Pope refused to reveal the contents of the prophecy saying, "This prophecy does not relate to my time."
But some say John XXIII fainted when he read the third secret because it specifically states, according to eyewitnesses, that the Pope would betray the flock and turn his sheep over to the slaughter devised by Lucifer himself.
Matthew Fisher
Sorry lads but I won't follow your anty-christ pope
That's not how it works. If you're catholic, you don't just get to choose which pope is a real pope and which one is fake. The hierarchal power structure is the thing that differentiates catholicism from protestantism.
Bergoglio is the head of a church, the worldly successor of St. Peter, chosen by a legitimate and authoritative electorate. He is your pope, otherwise you're not a catholic.
You don't have the authority to make calls on which part of the church is real and which isn't.
Evan Johnson
You wish you were. Yeshu's followers are no brothers of mine
Landon Jackson
Oh yes I have
I have an 'authority' over my own choices and decisions. And I have decided not to follow this nutcase into the abyss.
Jonathan Long
So what you're saying is that the mechanism for electing a pope is so devoid of the holy spirit that Lucifer himself can become the pope? Isn't that a bit of a contradiction? What does it say about the church (supposedly the representation of christ on the earth) that a shitlib can climb to its highest rung without issues?
Perhaps that this is simply what is right for the church to do? He's not wrong about doctrine, proto-bolshevik universalism and 3rd worldism goes together really well with christianity, both share the same end goals
Christian Powell
then say bye bye to the catholic church since you clearly no longer recognize it's authority or that the holy spirit guides it's choices
Connor Sanchez
>what is a sedevacantist
Easton Carter
do i even have to point out that half of the christian population makes fun of the pope.
Hunter Richardson
a rationalization, a made up branch that doesn't want to admit that the catholic church as an institution has nothing to do with holiness and is just as susceptible to subversion as any other
"Sedevacantism" is an oxymoron, you either recognize the authority of the church or you don't, you don't just get to say "well this pope doesn't count cus I don't like him"
Liam Ortiz
Daily reminder that reverse kikery isn’t believed here.
Elijah Gray
The prophecy of the popes shows the Catholic Church is in the period between the second to last pope and the last pope called the Glory of the Olives. Benedict was the Olive Pope and signifies the last prophecized pope and any popes between him and he final pope. The Last Pope, Peter the Roman will precede the destruction of Rome and the last judgment. You can make what you will of the glory of olives, benedicts resignation, and the destruction of Rome. When it comes to end time prophecy, Isaac Newton was pointing towards mid 21st century, but i couldn't tell you if the next pope will be peter and a hoarde of Muslim migrants and squatters are going to rip the Vatican to shreds after that.
Xavier Sanchez
If the pope can be said to be on the side of the global south and in favor of a white masochist utopia of dysgenic overpopulation under a one-world religion (worship of rabbi Yeshua), then protestantism is 10 times more so. Protestantism is just catholicism except minus all the pagan remnants (such as the cult of Mary invented to replace pagan goddesses).
Birds of the flock etc, what's the difference - they don't have the claim to some pretty buildings and don't recognize this particular masochist shitfuck but DO recognize 1000s of others far worse.
Michael Roberts
Couldn't have said it better myself. GG user.
Aiden Richardson
the frog is satan. im good with how i dont lie like you do. kikes said to blame having killed God, on their kids. seems like jews killed Him because they never said He wasnt one and therefore deserved to get murdered. WHOOPS
Evan Miller
still leave the orthodox that are racist, conservative and have a history of ani semetism
Andrew Hernandez
So your argument is that Christianity is only defined as the unreformed version that you can make a case against?
Nicholas Walker
a healthy society allows different values to flourish and to tug in their direction, and in the middle is the will of the people. he is doing what the church should do. I don't want more migrants, but it is right for the church to take their side. it is better for all of us that there is an institution that tries to be without politics and just be humane.
Oliver Ramirez
>Went to catholic school my whole life That explains my big nose
Logan Turner
reminder the pope came out saying pizzagate was fake news
yes, the fookin pope came out and said pizzagate was false
this pedo must hang
David Davis
How dare you call me a kike and say all Christians are not only kikes but the only real ones. YOURE A FAKE KIKE! YOU DONT GET TO SPEAK ON FUCK ALL >ouroboros fucking flag
Christian Torres
a nice way of not addressing a single point or even contesting the point made. Very interesting also that you use "kikery" as a derisive term as if you weren't just one degree of separation away from the people you call "kikes" by virtue of sharing the exact same root religion.
Zachary Gomez
That explains all the Vatican is full of Luciferians conspiracies
Jose Long
start lookin at epstein and putin and dolan. what's your source
Oliver White
Thanks God I'm not catholic.
Camden Diaz
Christians weren´t nazis while Ratzinger and they´re not whatever they could be named as under this faggot. No young christian thinks about him self as a slave to a Pope
Liam Hall
At the time of Jesus' ministry, the jews saw themselves as being oppressed by the romans. They were expecting a Messiah to come, and to defeat their enemies and free them, the same way as Moses came to them to defeat the egyptians and give them their own nation. This is what they were hoping for, but instead what did they get? A squeamy, masochistic, weak manlet who told them to instead submit even harder, to pay their taxes in silece and to be kind and loving towards foreigners. This angered the jews, and so they rejected him. Jesus was resentful about the fact that his own didn't receive him, and decided to take revenge by fucking up their exclusive ethnic religion by opening the floodgates for all dirty goyim to come in and pretend like they are partakers of a religion that was meant for their tribe alone (and would have remained that way forever had jesus not taken revenge).
pic related You won't be able to jump from sect to sect to escape from what christianity is. Stop trying to shove a square peg into a round hole. Christianity is judaism for all peoples of the world. Any and all mongrels that recognize the king of jews are your eternal brothers. You can't change this by swapping from one aesthetic definition of chrsitianity to another.
No I'm saying that the CATHOLIC CHURCH is only defined as the unreformed version (there is also a 'reformed' version, its called protestantism and it's where you don't recognize the catholic church as having any divine authority at all).
Jose Gutierrez
There is one religion united in its open hatred for Jews
Ethan Rivera
So they ARE an invading army, and the pope admits it, huh?
Jack Brooks
mohammed was a cross dresser and liked to kiss dudes
Caleb Reed
Dominic Flores
In'shalla, my brother.
Justin Wood
whatever you come up with does not invalidate what I've said and it never will
Cooper Diaz
These forebears converted to Christianity...
Jason Reyes
you're still one and the same, protestantism has a lot more notches on it's belt as far as white masochism goes. It's white protestants that go on constant missions to convert Africa into their eternal brothers
Still comes from the same root of the Israelites, just another fucked up branch of the same root.
Your eternally saved brothers coming over aren't an "invading army". In fact, you're OBLIGATED to treat them as you would treat your blood brother, afterall in Christ there is no jew or gentile, male or female. Pic related.
Are you helping them in ACTIONS instead of just words? If not, start now and do as Yeshua told you.
Julian Watson
might is not right. meek shall inherit. you are making up for inadequacies. in this world the Christian message is not loved. you made the times of noah again. you cannot save yourselves. these jews youre talking about who are trampling jerusalem as gentiles. are not even judeans. Christ spoke no hebrew. judea might have been His bloodline. was not where he grew up. and now a fake ass synagogue of satan is just waiting to get blown out. zion comes from above. the jews od today barely even know what their real and biblical tribe is. god divorced israel for being a whore
Oliver Sullivan
Watch as these brainlets chant "but at least we wuz trad life n' shiet" "DEUS VULT!"
Hunter Sanders
>Still comes from the same root of the Israelites, just another fucked up branch of the same root.
You will not twist it Islam fights against Jews, feminism, homosexuality, all of it. Your Christian and secular societies embrace these
Gabriel Morales
>Reminder that "christianity" is simply judaism
Isaiah Martinez
As did zoroastrians in Persia convert to Islam - because they were persecuted.
The spread of Islam in Arabia and the spread of christianity in Europe weren't at all dissimilar - both spread via mobs of deluded retard peasants desecrating their own because they were promised eternal hedonism for doing the bidding of rabble-rousers.
If there were any that converted to christianity WITHOUT being forced, I piss on their grave. Same for any that converted to Islam or whatever.
Yes your pagan roots were so much better with the rampant homosexual practices that Romans spoke of and at times took part in, go worship some trees and get on with it
Landon Nguyen
> these jews youre talking about who are trampling jerusalem as gentiles. Yes, they aren't REAL jews like yourself.
> Islam fights against Jews, feminism, homosexuality, all of it. So what? You're a bunch of dirty inbred mongrel goatfuckers, the positive parts of Islam pale in comparison to the sheer dysgenic effect that it has. Not to mention that it is, just as christianity is, NOT TRUE.
Take it up with the apostle Paul, he wrote the book of romans not me
Isaiah Cooper
so upset by facing the truth, oh well there is one growing group out there fighting jews openly and not afraid to say it and you think it's bad, says everything I need to know really
Tyler Myers
pic related seems a whole lot like pacifism to me. I'm not really bothered about what kind of mental gymnastics you have to offer about how this doesn't say exactly what the fuck it obviously says, 99% of christians can very clearly read those verses without cognitive dissonance.
rampant homosexuality is mostly a lie, using the actions of bored&depraved upper-class romans in bathouses to speak ill about the general public is completely disingenuous. Humans have always been naturally repulsed by weird paraphilias, it wasn't any different back then. There were some who were depraved, and the general population was grossed out by it, same as now. Christians just like to paint their own ancestors as some sort of retarded freaks who eat poop just so they can turn around and say "AYY LOOK, US GOYIM WE WERE FUCKING DISGUSTING BUT THANK GOD THESE JEWS CAME AROUND WITH THEIR LAWS TO SAVE US FROM OURSELVES XDD"
>go worship some trees and get on with it I don't think trees need to be worshipped, nor did pagans ever "worship trees", the sacred groves were the same as an altar in a church, it's not the piece of metal that you worship it's what the object represents.
But either way, there is no need to return from dumb superstition to even more archaic superstition.
Owen Bell
no it's not a lie, Romans themselves took part in it and had no reason to use it as propaganda at that time, you are just in denial about your pagan ancestors being naked men living in the forests howling at the sky and having sex with one another
Luke Nguyen
yeah and the russian people beat the crap out of them whenever they do dumb shit like trying to rape and breathing.
Logan Thomas
>yeah and the russian people beat the crap out of them whenever they do dumb shit like trying to rape and breathing. You're fucking deluded
Brandon Bailey
Not really. The old testament teaches followers to stone sinners, Christ taught that he who is without sin should cast the first stone. Christ's teachings were heresy, a rebellion against the old testament's teachings, that's why they killed him.
Kevin Taylor
Gavin Price
Also, the biblical Jews, Israelites, are not genetically related to the majority of modern Jews, Ashkenazim.
Adam Taylor what?
Bentley Gutierrez
Catholics aren't Christians user. Christians have been saying the Pope is an Anti-christ for hundreds of years. He may not be thee anti-Christ that it left to be seen. Most people get this views of Christianity from Catholic doctorine since it is very pervasive with the aid of the Jesuits. Mary worship (she wasn't a virgin her whole life and Jesus had brothers(half if you will)), going to church is necessary for salvation and being a good person aren't Biblical. Believe in the grace that the Lord Jesus Christ gives you to eternal life is the truth. Any Religion that teaches you that you need to be saved is ultimately a karma based system and false. Most famous Bible Verse for you: >For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John:3:16(KJV)
Ayden Watson
Meaning modern Jews are not judeans from ancient Palestine fuckface
OP constantly attacking us Christians just makes us stonger. It weeds out the faithless, deepens the faith of the rest. Why aren't you satisfied in your euphoric knowledge of all the ages? We will just keep pushing on because everything you represent is gross and creepy as fuck.
Matthew Reyes
Many Catholics have said the last pope will be a pretender, too. You are wrong, user, Catholics with a true faith in the saving work of the cross of Christ are believers.
Carter Miller
No they're not, you fucking retard. The meaning of being a jew isn't ultimately tied to genetics. Jesus tried to pound it in to the heads of dense motherfuckers like yourself but useless carnal shit heads can't understand beyond materialism, which Jesus even explains that's why God stooped down to the retard level to teach in steps. Jews are the worst people which is why God chose them, to redeem humanity by elevating the losers so we know it's an act of kindness that anybody can receive. Hell he even acknowledges that most people won't get it and he'll toss them into the rubbish pile.
Zachary Wright
Of course they're warriors of hope: we all hope they won't behave as fucking niggers.
James Lee
> that whosoever believeth in him should not perish Universal brotherhood is crypto-communist, no thanks
Also this idea that protestant institutions aren't even worse than the catholic church is completely absurd
>Meaning modern Jews are not judeans from ancient Palestine fuckface Neither are you, but you're still a jew. What was your point even supposed to be?
>OP constantly attacking us Christians just makes us stonger. It weeds out the faithless, deepens the faith of the rest. Oh I don't doubt it, often times the response to cognitive dissonance is to double down on your unstable beliefs. It's a known psychological response
>We will just keep pushing on because everything you represent is gross and creepy as fuck. I find everything you represent creepy and gross. One world religion, the whole world becoming one mass-race under the king of jews, mass dysgenic overpopulating defiling the earth until there is no more room because every tree was cut down to build a new McChurch for the next sub-saharan African.
This world isn't just a sandbox trial for christians, it's all you're going to get. And I'm damn sure not letting some dysgenic mongrels come into my homeland just because they bow down to the king of jews.
Easton Ramirez
Angel Scott
The creations of modern godless man are ten million times more fearful. When man loses the last of his humility and common sense, shit will hit the fan. Thanks for making Babel anew you prick.
Ryder Richardson
>The meaning of being a jew isn't ultimately tied to genetics. This is exactly the point I'm making in the original post. Did you even read it all the way through?
>Jews are the worst people which is why God chose them ??????????????????????? " For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession."
I don't understand how your brain hasn't straight up imploded from all this rationalization
Henry Cox
And water is wet.
Isaac Cruz
>The creations of modern godless man are ten million times more fearful. The jewish laws and stories ARE creations of man. They are inventions.
>When man loses the last of his humility and common sense, shit will hit the fan. So let us not lose our humility and common sense, then. I'll start with the common sense part by rejecting any and all Abrahamic lores and refusing to give them any credence.
>Thanks for making Babel anew you prick. Universal brotherhood has been a core tenet of christianity since it spawned. If anyone is working towards a comparison of Babel it's you and your ilk.
Levi Miller
No I didn't read it, just shitposting mate. As long as the info is out there I don't care. Plus it's always better to throw in conflict because it contributes more than circlejerking. I'm sure you understand.
Jayden Adams
Oh and your second point God loves taking the worst and redeeming it. Always been His way. Jews are no exception. God hates Jews. You have to have a little but more experience with spirituality in the Bible, goy.
Jaxson Stewart
No, because in this phenomenal world there can be no universal brotherhood. We wait for this in heaven. Only compromised churches and denominations teach otherwise. The communist bullshit is our Antichrist cousin.
William Clark
If you've read "The Camp of the Saints," you recognize this character exactly. I almost want to find some quotes just so you can see how eerie it is.
Blake Baker
>No I didn't read it Well there you go, maybe you should so you can understand > God loves taking the worst and redeeming it The same way he's redeeming the 3rd world in 2017 (where christianity is exploding) ? This seems like a pretty fucking evil spirit to me.
>You have to have a little but more experience with spirituality in the Bible experience with rationalization you mean
>No, because in this phenomenal world there can be no universal brotherhood. Lol. Question 1. Who is your "brother" in christ?
Question 2. How do you become a brother in christ?
Question 3. WHO can become a brother in christ? (protip: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that ______ believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.")
Think long and hard about whether or not Jesus advocated for universal brotherhood.
Gavin Price
God's not evil, dummy. You're just too petty to see the big picture. >create a golem >give it life >put it through the process to elevate it beyond its base nature for its ultimate fulfillment You sound like a crybaby. Man up. Daddy is giving you the keys to the kingdom and you're crying about work.
Levi Wilson
Dominic Phillips
jews are pre axle age failed fath plus they cause nazism and commism why cause jews are cunts