So this the future of anime...
So this the future of anime
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How does it feels being so insecure about your sexuality that the existence of one or two anime with male couples makes you so salty?
I'm gay and I can't stand fujoshit. Fujoshit isn't gay, nor is it good for gays or something gays should enjoy. It's pandering using gays as marketing tools.
Not to mention how fucking unrealistic it is, why not get some actual queers to write it instead of some woman that just wants to shlick over two guys dicking each other?
The only people who like fujoshit are fujos themselves, not even gays can stand stuff like Yuri on Ice.
This is something I've been wondering lately, do gay men read yaoi? Or is yaoi meant only for fujos? How easy is it it for you find hentai meant specifically for gay men?
I can imagine the overwhelming majority of anime will always be targeted towards straight men. It's fine to throw the fujos and gay men a bone with shit like this.
Bara, dude.
>not even gays can stand stuff like Yuri on Ice.
Johnny Weir is not gay anymore?
Did you come from a time machine? You sound like an old timer. Now a days a lot more gay men are reading BL and even straight men are starting to enjoy it. Where do you think the term "fudanshi" came from?
The concept that gay people don't like BL is old and busted.
Nigga I'm gay and I like Yoi. If a dude is hot most homos don't give a fuck.
>new love live
>barely makes it to 50K
>ONE (1) volume of Yaoi on ice goes to 50K
No, only masc4masc juiceheads are real gays, the flamers just give them a bad name.
t. gaybro that likes horseshit like all out
LL had 50k average, YOI won't beat it.
I'm all for gloating about YOI's sales but do it right.
i know a gay person and they read shoujo exclusively.
How does it feel knowing you're a massive faggot?
I'm gay and I read yaoi desu
Speak for yourself, homodachi.
My "friend" and I are both homos and we adored Yuri on Ice. It was a blast watching it with him.
>It's not gay user, trust me, just watch it.
>Literally gay romance without undertones.
This is Gravitation but without catchy music.
John Weir, a gay man and a famous skater loves YOI so I'm sure you're falseflagging.
user, I like YOI too and I'm glad it's selling, but gloating about sales is childish, especially if it's without provocation.
subxsub en mi canal primario,, ago vidios muy divertidos y si se susqirven les regalo lolis (─‿‿─)
If someone legitimately gets mad or upset about a series they don't like selling well, they deserve all the gloating directed at them. It infuriates them because they're entitled cunts, and that's literally just because they can't stand women and homos getting something good instead of them.
>Yuri On Ice
>It's actually Yaoi
But the music was catchy...
>Original anime with adult characters
I'm okay with that
rubbing it in yurifags faces
>without catchy music
This is the most unfounded criticism of the show I've ever seen
I agree, kind of. I don't mind fujoshit generally because it's basically all there is with gay that gets attention, but damn if seeing fujos get smug about how the industry packages down gay men and sells it to them to fuel their shitty fantasies doesn't exhaust me. Pretty shitty that the best I can expect is a story told by a straight fujo who used to be homophobic and people will hail it as being revolutionary or some shit.
>a straight fujo who used to be homophobic
Proof needed. Twitter rumours and BS you read on Sup Forums don't count.
>the existence of one or two anime with male couples makes you so salty?
There's literally at least a dozen gay ass shitshows airing every season. Wake the fuck up.
Firt volume of Sunshine sold 66k
>I'm gay and I can't stand fujoshit. Fujoshit isn't gay, nor is it good for gays or something gays should enjoy. It's pandering using gays as marketing tools.
I'm gay and love fujoshit. Fujoshit is gay as fuck and can be enjoyed by gays something gays should enjoy. It's pandering using gays and it's fucking gantastic.
You're being naive. This is a model case of a slippery slope. First it was Free establishing fujoshits as a viable target audience, now we have had a season where shit like YoI and Nanbaka and Trickster and Kiss Him Not Me and Haikyuu and whatnot aired all at once. Meanwhile otaku targeted properties like O;9 and Keijo are bombing hard. This does not bode well for the future. Women and fags WILL take anime from you. Enjoy what little time is left and better start archiving the old stuff. The golden years are over.
I'm pretty faggy and I read some gay manga sometimes but most if not all of them are shit. I just read them out of boredom.
litreally jew tier. they are now coming for anime
>now we have had a season where shit like YoI and Nanbaka and Trickster and Kiss Him Not Me and Haikyuu and whatnot aired all at once.
And how many of these actually sold? Fujos don't spread themselves thin. I doubt this will have any long lasting effects.
>If it's gay it's shit.
Let's just ignore the fat that YOI had one of the best soundtracks of 2016.
One of the best OP.
A nice variety of something different.
A fucking show about ice skating.
Kill yourself, faggot
>this is all they have left to say
Depends on the artstyle. If one or both of the males look like girls with dicks, straight/bi dudes and young girls will pick it up. If the characters both look like men, you'll see more actual gay dudes picking it up as well as adult women. If it's straight up bara, gay men will be the main demographic and a few enlightened females.
Tumblr trannies dont count as actual gay men
You seem awful defensive, what do you think that watching anime will make you attracted to those... well sculpted... slightly feminine but mostly masculine... comparatively deep voiced... holy shit anime makes you gay, everyone run for the hills!
What do you mean? There's absolutely nothing appealing about cute male ice skaters
Are you denying Lelouch is the worst of faggots?