Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

New chapter is out

Arc 4 Chapter 88:!sMc0WCTB!81HCoOxgWcLxqAtOq3lNRktkoygiJ_B8wy3Tx8nSFfQ

Will Subaru win the bet?
Will Gaaf stop being a bitch?
Why is this dynamic duo so based?

Other urls found in this thread:!sMc0WCTB!81HCoOxgWcLxqAtOq3lNRktkoygiJ_B8wy3Tx8nSFfQ

Every thread until Rem wakes up.

You're as dedicated to this as Subaru is to Rem.

>Gettin' chapter literally 10 mins after you woke up.
Hell man, you're so awesome.

>seasonal waifu
>absolute trash shit
>cucked by emilia-tan

More like seasonal trash tier post. Rem was a waifu before she had official art.

>cucked by emilia-tan

Other way around, Rem pursued Subaru despite knowing Emilia had a crush on him and the elf still had to share with another girl before he even confessed to her. This is a royal candidate we're talking about here.

>Emilia shitters are prone to spouting animeonly nonsense

Really makes you think.

>Emilishit so pathetic she is currently losing to a girl eternally sleeping
Can't wait for Emilishitfags tears when this is over

Don´t reply to such a painfully obvious bait

When Summaryanon finishes arc 4 he should upload all his stuff to ReadZero. It's like open source for translations. Where translators can edit each other's stuff in real time. Ideally Chicken and others involved with ReadZero can smooth out the kinks or errors then we'll have a definitive arc 4 translation.

What happens when Rem actually wakes up though?

Thread shitstorm. No matter how it concludes it will result in a thread explosion of any kind.

Why couldn't she go around giving people hickies like any other vampire?

Gaaf will always be a giant pussy

Every thread until Crusch-sama gets her memories back.

stolen from Sup Forums

>5pb. has released the opening movie for ReZero -Starting Life in Another World- Death or Kiss, its upcoming PlayStation 4 and PS Vita visual novel based on the popular anime and light novel.

Also is this really the game we're getting?

They really do like spamming the same pics over and over. It looks cheaply made.

You are going to love this.

>that clown


You know it's clever to not show your full hand right away, ever thought about that?

I sense the absence of suffering in this one, so i'm not entirely hyped. Nothing wrong to check couple of routes if it's ever get translated tho.

Not surprising. The premise is silly and features Felt and Ram routes. It's very far removed from the flavor of MU Re:Zero.

Maybe if we get a S2 it'll get another game that's faithful to the source. What are the odds though.

Who this?

So it seems we will get a bunch of new rem related booklets at the Rem birthday event.
I hope Remon can get his hands on some of them

What if we bribe Lemon into translating arc 5 with rare Rem books

Dunno. Could be an original character tied to the the pageant or something.

I do user, I really do
>Puck´s contract breaks if you cum inside Emilia

Was going to say poor felix. But then Al is suffering the most.
Also wouldn't rein be the mida's touch with all his blessings?

>Was going to say poor felix. But then Al is suffering the most.

Nigger, their waifus are fucking them, they love it.

I'm currently in the process of recording myself reading all the chapters to make an audio book version for a friend who can't read it, Garfs dialogue has proven difficult

>who can't read them


Do a southern drawl or something.

Felix is a lucky son of a bitch. I want Crusch to poke my prostate.

>suddenly clown cock

I like it you get a (You)

I guess he tried to choke Roswaal two times in a row.

He keeps sounding like Dartz from Yugioh abridged and I'm not okay with it

He's just too busy to read it, but he would be able to listen to it so I offered

It sets off my autsim that it doesn't end with Mimi chomping that (You).

I agree with your statement but I do have friends that won't read things unless it's a Visual Novel or Audio book.
Let us know how it goes user, even if it's average it would help bring a couple of my friends onto the scene. God speed

>Emilia is like a surrogate nee-san
>Rem is like a surrogate mommy

What does this say about Subaru?

>I do have friends that won't read things unless it's a Visual Novel or Audio book.

Lemon did chapter 5 from arc 6.

>Suddenly clown cock

Roswaal ruins everything.

Typical 5pb intro, they just want to milk the cow.

But VN have tons of WORDS WORDS WORDS too and a real novel is often shorter.

Based Lemon

That looks fucking terrible. The images looks like they were ripped straight out of the anime. And it doesn't look like there's much variety in them.

>That happy as fuck sounding OP

I know it's a gauge game for fanservice but it feels a tad odd for Re:zero

Yep, but I think its more the voices and OST keep their attention. It's hard enough to get friends on VN's rather than be anime only. Or worse they only watch anime when it's completely finished and all discussion is gone.

5pb tends to do that, for example the Vita game of Yahari didn't even have an actual OP.

I personally prefer to read the source material rather than watch adaptation and stop at that. If, for example, there are lot of content beyond said adaptation then it's to my liking, like with Spice & Wolf, Berserk etc. Same goes for VN - i reaaaly like F/SN and S;G, but i've never watched adaptation for those. There are cutting a lot of important content and developments for the sake of good looks and all and there you go. And i don't want to trade depth, inner monologues, setting set up for some unimportant crap like animation and all.

The NTR survived the fire. Two copies it seems.

Dear god. It's for real.

Kuma-chan died for nothing.

Wata am I looking at?
The place where one his cats died?


There's no body, that's just the silhouette from where the cat used to sleep i think.

What if Remu crossed universes to exact revenge?

I would lock her in my basement, emulate Fritzl and post pictures to all the Remfaggots.

>lock her in my basement
Reminds me of a certain cat-eared passive-aggressive faggot with questionable mentality.

>lock her in my basement

How will you do that when she can gib grown men three times her size before she even brings out the horn?

She made the mistake of coming over to a world without magic.

I just watched the anime. If I want to continue with the manga should I read from the beginning or the point where anime ended?

Manga is behind the anime.

The source material is WN/LN

Ah, cool. Thanks mates.
Is the anime gettin a second season?


Maybe in a few years, LN has not enough content for a 2 cour.

BD 8 cover.

Also, i never noticed the animal fur cape on her back. I'm guessing it's Echidna the artificial spirit.

Can't wait to see if they decensored some scenes of the witch cult massacre.

taking draw requests for a bit!

Draw subaru feeding daphne

Ram proud of her new batch of baked yams.

I'd have assumed he'd have already sold some by now. Still, does it really matter if the evidence of his sins survives? Let it be a cold comfort for him so he may reflect upon his error.

Shielder looks like Rem

Ferri massaging Crusch-sama and Crusch-sama massaging Ferri.

>Body burning up, face flushed, and bosom heaving with restless pants of excitement.
>Cooking, cleaning, laundry, despite seeking all kinds of tedious everyday business to run around on, her thoughts haven't been on the work for a long time, her mind already completely occupied by other considerations.
>While hurriedly trotting through the corridor, half of her mind wondered how to complete the rest of her work as soon as possible, while the remaining other half, couldn't do anything but pine after the source of this passion that caused the pounding in her chest,
>Suddenly, on account of seeing what arrived, a bashful cry of alarm escaped the girl's throat.
I do not know Chinese. This is a fucking pain in the ass.

I know someone who had good knowledge of Chinese, but i'm not sure if they'd translate stuff now, they were doing arc 1 at first i think, but them suddenly stopped.

Fuck it. I just need the gist of sentences so I can wrap my head around them. I'm sort of just clumsily piecing this together from words and bits of grammar I don't understand very well.

Well that sucks. Just keep up the good work regardless, that or request help from other sources.

>It was a one of a kind wheelchair that Subaru insisted on making to Roswaal, and he made with his own money.

He provides for his wife, don'tcha know?


I want to get a drawfiend to draw Rem as Shielder and Subaru as Gudao.

Well, I guess I'm just going to have to stare at lists of words until they make sense. This is probably going to result in a barely accurate translation based on guesswork, and I'm not going to bother making it sound pretty on my first run through. Anyhow, time to continue mangling a foreign language!

Please dont ever stop posting this because if you ever miss a day or general it would feel like a bad omen.

here you go!

Can I ask you to draw Rem as Mashu (girl on the left) and Subaru as Gudao (boy on the right) if you're still taking requests?
No need to bother with the guy in the middle, unless you wanna. I'd recommend Roswaal as him.

I just had to figure out what a word meant from looking at examples in text, because I couldn't find it in any dictionary. This is probably not the right way to translate something, but fuck it.

uhh they were purple, right?

sorry man, I'm heading out rn
can I ask what they're from? I don't usually like to draw stuff I haven't seen or read

Hoping Clown wins the bet and makes Barusu his bitch.

Fate Grand Order. S'cool, thanks for all the drawings so far, dude.

Hoping memories eaten by Gluttony are gone forever.

Otto is toyotas nigga

Otto talks like he a bitch but when shit goes down, he's the realest nigga Mazda's got.


>not available in your country.
Well puck you too.


Does anyone have the link for the whole set of translated chapters? I still need to download chapter 60 and up

Do you think Al actually likes it?


That's not Al's helmet though.