Do you actually self insert when watching anime?
Do you actually self insert when watching anime?
I self insert in vidya because I can control the character's actions for the most part and actually make it like myself. I can't do it for anime cause you cant control the same way. I understand why people do it though.
No. The only time I self-insert is when I'm reading a doujin, where I'll sometimes pretend I'm the girl getting pleasured by the fat, old businessman.
Not consciously. I do daydream a lot about particular manga/anime and pretend I'm a character in the world, though.
I never understood, is self-inserting supposed to be a conscious effort?
Only when watching porn, and even then not always.
I don't even know what it means besides autists pretending they are the MC while watching harem anime.
Besides penetrating ones self, the only way one could self-insert is if they're the author/creator.
>tfw you watch anime in an unapproved manner
>tfw you must never tell anybody your secret
>tfw nobody cares
No, that's mostly a doujin thing for me.
I did it a lot but stopped after a while because it distracted me from what was actually happening. I gotta say though, it made Sword Art Online much more enjoyable by brightening the shitfest up with a little headcanon
No. It's one thing to want to wish to be like a character or want to be in their place. It's another thing to project on the character. It's terrible because it leads to faggots who can't divorce themselves from the characters.
always unconsiously, it's hard to not to
>tfw you never insert as the protag
Not really.
You should know which anime are meant to self-insert and which are not. And I don't usually watch haremshit.
this but traps
When the anime lends itself to self-inserting easily (i.e. shonen, harmemshit), sure.
When I was a kid I'd imagine some idealized Gary Stu of myself and insert him into the show somewhere.
I self insert as the cute girls.
I self-insert into a 13.5 tog duvet
Why are you watching that unfun shit in the first place?
No. I imagine myself as a non-beta male cucking the beta mc. Why would you want to be a beta?
I only self-insert as the girl when reading doujins
Sleep snug smug