Are we the new normies?

Are the massive amount of leftist derailing attempts on Sup Forums a result of their fear of losing the culture war?

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>Are the massive amount of leftist derailing attempts on Sup Forums a result of their fear of losing the culture war?


Yes, we have the best propaganda because it's true

tfw hitler will be redeemed in your lifetime

Good, now we just need to Christianize them. I don’t care if it has to be Nazified Christianity. In fact that’s probably better. Just no paganism or atheism. Paganism destroys unity which led to their downfall and atheism is too easily replaced.

>kike Christians commit acts of terrorism against "pagan" temples
>"hurr they had no unity!"
Neck yourself.

Love zonwending, I think he's a toothpaste aswell.

>Yes, we have the best propaganda because it's true

That definitely helps a lot!


Can Sup Forums defeat dumb and dumber?
find out on the next episode of Dragon/pol/ REEEEEEEEEEEE

We should find a way to unify Christians/pagans/atheists, infighting is good to a certain extent but we can't let it divide us too much or we will lose.

I used to be a fuck all religions atheist, I'm not anymore because I realize it will only divide my people. I realize that many christian traditions are good for our people and should not be mocked. I feel proud of our ancestors and they were pagans, it is something that we all share and it should be respected as well in my opinion. Pagans where savages aswell and to be honest we can use some savagery in our way to passive western cultures today.

It's afraid.

That will be a glorious moment!

>Christian traditions with pagan influences and savagery
So Nazified Christianity it is?

>this cuck is a lolbertarian

Give people back their hope for the future and faith will naturally follow.

It's also in denial of the growth of its opposition for now. But so is the alt-light I guess. They think that they can avoid ethnonationalism.

Ha, yeah I guess so!

got more propaganda? its good shit.

You have always been the normie. That why conservatism has conserve in it.

Explain leaf?

Zonwending has a buch of good videos!


There used to be a time where you weren't attacked be rabid feminists and niggers or sandniggers for it though. I'm looking forward to experiencing that time again.


>holds ideas of superiority over other humans
>is upset that they are getting verbally attacking because of that.

Breddy gud, gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. It's good to know your enemies are afraid. I too have noticed relatively tame and cucked Republicans shifting closer to the truth. It is a fact of human nature that most people are followers, most of these people do not truly believe in race equality or any such nonsense, they are just acting like they are told they are supposed to act. Giving them an alternative, giving them permission to side with their own people first, is often all it takes.

Medieval christianity WAS a rather blatant fusion between Christian and Pagan concepts. And don't get me started on the general Greco-Roman philosophical roots in Christian faith...

He said it himself. Watch the video.

>They think that they can avoid ethnonationalism
Everyone starts out like that, though. They'll come to see it our way soon enough.

I couldn't give a shit about any other race so long as they aren't fucking around with me. I just want to be left alone with my people, why is that so hard to understand? You already have your own countries. Why the fuck do you need mine as well?

I get upset when I argue with leftist and they ru out of arguments in no time. It is boring... give me a leftist with sound scientific knowledge and I would be happy to debate! Might even learn something off that, there sure is still some room for adaption and finetuning in my worldview.

>Far right standing has become normal
So this is Politically Incorrect.
Will we switch our beliefs to match what now becomes Politically Incorrect?
Or will we hold strong to what we currently believe and fail our original purpose?

>getting verbally attacking

What's your point? It's strange to you that I don't want to lose my job?

yeah when the people are super natsoc, we will be libertarian. we are destined to test the dominant ideology.

Far right standing has always been normal.

Yes. They are afraid. And with good reason considering we are going to exterminate them.

My bad!

This seems to be the trend. Feels good.

But not considered politically correct to the media.

because your government tricked us into coming here. Someone has to pay for your welfare and boomer retirement.

This. People are fucking stupid. Conservatism has been the norm for a very long time.

Here's a clue Sup Forums loves Trump and hates Lefties.
Lefties post here in a week, pathetic attempt to take over.
But, lefties can't meme so, fuck them.

I have friends that have been showing me alt-right memes, I didn't even have to try and redpill them about Jews, they will probably figure it out themselves eventually, it's pretty funny.

>holds ideas of superiority over other humans
>thinking your country and its culture belongs to your people and not some chimpanzees who arrived here yesterday is somehow unacceptable
Literally the core of the International Jew's trickery.

And it's not verbal attacks, you can lose your job, home and in some cases your life over it. See what happened to Tommy Robinson for speaking up about the instability caused by those subhuman savages.

It's like you moving to Japan and demanding they take down their statues and monuments, and stop behaving like Japanese because it offends your religious beliefs (this applies regardless whether they do or not).

If we were normies than I would have friends. Checkmate, leftists

I get the same feeling, all that is left is giving them the push they need to feel normal when embracing their own. It's okay to be white was a good start.

Even in Canada people there are legit non-skinhead movements with college-educated people who research and discuss the origins of the policies that ended us here.

This shit's gonna blow up in (((their))) faces on a global scale in a few years. It's going to be glorious.


can't wait to drive down Adolf Hitler boulevard

YAAA we did it goyz. It took Hitler a decade to have real success, if we keep going at it for another 10-20 years the day of the rope may happen before we are out numbered.

I'll be your friend burgerbro!

Boo hoo?

It’s always been the norm. Conservatism is the idea that things should stay the way they are. And if their is one thing people fear it’s change.

>he still wonders (((why)))


above is the jew talking , im a nazi exposing him !

Maybe you are just an asshole which has no political affiliation.

>It’s always been the norm
Totally. The last 40 years has been non-stop winning streak for conservatives. No, wait, you're objectively wrong.

>muh kike on a stick
i'm christian and i find this retardation tiring

>Claims far right standing is normal
>Still talks about it on Politically Incorrect
>Objectively misunderstands the backwards logic of this.

Brothers, I'm white so I have to leave you and go to bed as I have to work tomorrow.

No. The belief that there are a bunch of leftists trying to derail anything on Sup Forums right now is a sign of schizophrenia, not whatever it is you think it means.

Conservatism never wins, even with massive popularity and an overwhelming numerical advantage. Progress always moves forward.

we're taking over yes
in some countries it happens faster, and goes a bit further. pic related

They like lit knows who moonman is on the state tv here, I am not kidding. They are very ware of us and have been for years. It took me like several weeks to even fool one single boomer here

>spend two years calling anyone right from full-blown Marxists ideologues LITERAL NAZIS
>now gasp in horror how "Nazism" is normalized
Leftist logic.

>Conservatism has always been the norm, you have always been the normies
>>that's objectively false
>Progress always wins
Did you just have a stroke? Call 911 unless your fingers are too fat to dial.

That's too much of a simplification though. I'm a white nationalist, an atheist, and I don't think Hitler didn't do anything wrong. I'm only an atheist in terms of not believing in a god, but I do see the importance of cultural values propped up through religions.

>muuuuh naziiiies
>muh trump nazies
they are so fucking tarded

also I wonder how much they got for this bus, and if it will be used again unmodified by others this spring

>the girl on the bus on your way home
>is she a nazi
>I guarantee she is a nazi

I love you Norway!

I didn’t say conservatism has been the winner I said it has been the norm as in supported by the largest amount of people.

People like Limbaugh are right, the country has a majority of conservatives and they can have victories, but as a whole progress is never defeated.

>Progress always moves forward.

Word salad
dressing for brains


>the overton window has shifted so far that Nazis are now in the frame

He says the kindest things, I should listen to him more often.

>he still thinks the pendulum swings only one way
You're for a treat in the following years.

You would be surprised how often I’ve heard that in my life.

>not an argument

Every time.

The look of utter defeat upon the ADL,jidif, and every leftist basterd.

>being this ignorant about history
Cool story, bro. I'll tell you what. Come back in a few years if you still haven't been shot by a cop for throwing bags of your own fecal matter at them during what your friends and family will later refer to as "a peaceful protest".

We will win once alt right gen z'ers are old enough to become college professors. We are currently at the point the left was during the 60's.

The closer the system goes to segregation with pipelining individuals back and forth from stone age society to society of hyperspace space port, the more normal it will be forever.

Really the fermi paradox solves itself pretty simple in political terms.
Why would you want to include savage niggers in society with automated means of production? Why would you want to include people, who do not want to live by their own objective law? That would just destroy the sector of space they inhabit. So niggers stay in nigger-circus along with nigger elite, at least until they learn to build segregated communities and pipeline people from one community to another according to their own morals and laws.

If someone likes communism - he is resettled to DPRK.
If someone likes capitalism - he is resettled to Somalia.
Nationalists stay in their nations and try to work with what they have.
No trade between communities, no exchange of news, nothing except occasional prophets from high tier communities coming to low tier communities to give a prophecy or two on how to reform the community altogether.

We currently are the highest form of the said communal structure and this is why we are normal within ourselves. We wont be assimilated and normies would not integrate.

>Are the massive amount of leftist derailing attempts on Sup Forums a result of their fear of losing the culture war?
What else would it be?

It's massive contrarian swinging too. Keep in mind 95% of the people on this website hold no actual opinion of their own. Their opinion=the opposite of the person I don't like's opinion or the opposite of what I think "everyone's" opinion is.

So they think Sup Forums is a majority "right-wing" and thus feel the need to spam a counter opinion for yous and attention all the time. Problem is they never notice they're in the majority now doing this. I predicted this thing would happen if Trump won. Sup Forums would immediately turn on him because they can't like something that the perceived majority likes. Everyone on this site assumes Sup Forums likes Trump so they come over and post anti-Trump shit all day thinking they're pissing off some people... Not like they're pissing on themselves by making the whole site worse.

Listening to pessimist leftists is pretty fun.

t. "muh ism", video, the

I don't know if you're still here, but here's some quintessentially British prop

You are not "new" normies, you were always normies. You mindlessly herd around causes seeking validation and reinforcement of groupthink as part of a primitive need for social acceptance. If you think you aren't being controlled, you are. If you think you're right, you're wrong; If you think what you're doing is helping, it's not; If you think you're special, you're not; If you think you're not helping the agendas of smarter people, you are. This world is dog eat dog, and you people are going to be coiled on the grass.

>just blanda up, I promise it's the right thing to do ;3
Please fucking kys

Sounds like this guy got trolled super hard by Sup Forums posting in youtube comments.

Add in a little bit of conflating basic conservative principles with "naziism," some natural leftist hysteria, and bingo

I think the reason there has been such fear of nazism is that it seems to be a final stop, a terminus for literally dozens of different inquiries. You don't deprogram from this and a lot of roads seem to lead to it. There is a clear mandate among half of Americans and growing and Trump is just preparing the way for that leader who will answer the call in earnest.

Check this out:

5:10 The kike says, Nazis are demanding to nuke North Korea and Iran.

Meme got me right in the feels Dutch bro..

Those are the fucking trump boomer neocons

He still fundamentally does not understand the motivation of his enemy and projects his own motivations onto the right. While a few skin heads will be moved by hate the bulk of people that find themselves on the right are motived by love, love of their own people. It is he who is filled with hate and until he accepts that and moves beyond it he will remain lost and afraid.

"Fuck white males!" ~The rallying cry of the left

Whites have no place to turn but the right. And the Far Right gives them an oppurtunity and ways to punch back. Trump is just the beginning. Honestly, the U.S.'s Republic is headed straight towards a Caeser. And hopefully Caeser is /ourguy/.

still lurking. nice one.

What a nasally, Jewish voice.

Seriously though, what our grandparents believed was the norm for a long time. This mad, wild swing to what we have now is a historical outlier. A weird concoction that was only possible using mass media with Jewish gatekeepers.

Exactly. What we know as conservatism is actually slightly less progressive liberalism. Both liberals and conservatives are whigs. Which has only existed for a few centuries now.

>Normal people are nahtzees now
Liberals in a nutshell

You're misrepresenting the nature of American Conservatism. It is the movement to preserve the institutions created from this nation's founding and the spirit behind it.
It's worth noting that around the world, when Progressives manage to fully implement their core ideas, things quickly turn to shit.

His speech patterns, inflections and overpronounciations made it sound like he was a straight guy doing an over-the-top impression of a drag queen.

Mate immigrants work less than natives here and cause headaches constantly.
There is no logical reason to let you stay