Well Sup Forums? what do you have to say for yourselves? Capitalism is LITERALLY genocide

Well Sup Forums? what do you have to say for yourselves? Capitalism is LITERALLY genocide


There's at least five things that are horribly wrong in that screencap

That’s national socialist not capitalist. This bait doesn’t even deserve being debunked.

name 3

And I suppose the democratic people's republic of korea is a democratic republic right?

Add number two for the furries that deserve to be slaughtered

>holocaust was largest genocide
>holocaust was genocide at all
>holocaust was capitalist
>furry avatar
>atrocious grammar

You forgot the most important one
>the holocaust happened

If you say so.

I grant you that two of those things are bad marks, however the holocaust is a genocide, it is considered by academics to be the largest genocide
and Hitler privatized the fuck out of businesses.
Explain to me without memes how his statement is incorrect.

>Production in Nazi Germany controlled almost entirely by the government
Sure thing, bud.

Jews were the biggest mass murderers of the 20th Century but the (((MSM))) won't talk about that.

it was privately owned tho, not government owned

>considered by (((academics))) to be the largest genocide
Even your wikipedia source says it's "contentious".
>Hitler privatized the fuck out of businesses
This is related to the holocaust how? How is a government-run military program capitalist?

Well, if the means of production are privately owned and not state controlled, then it's a capitalist state

Why the tuck are all degenerate curries communist?
Is their a correlation between communism and degeneracy?

Well yes, that's why the socialist hell of Canada let's you give blowjobs to animals legally.

Has anyone noticed that this strategy of conflating two completely irrelevant things with each other (eg Holocaust and Capitalism) and then arguing about semantics of the two things they're trying to conflate? Rather than making an actual case about how they're actually related, they just argue about the semantics of either thing and then start bargaining their way down to some sort of irrelevant conclusion. I mean, you shouldn't even humor furries in the first place, but what is even the point in replying to claims like this?


well do you have a counter argument or not?

...but it didn't happen so it can't be a genocide if it is imaginary.

The Nazis killed trade unionists and socialists. how exactly were they NOT capitalist

>furry avatar

Why are furries always degenerate retards? The Nazis were national socialists, not capitalists.

a bunch of socialists genocide jews


Kill yourself kike

dude what's the holodomor


Yeah the commies always ignore that shit or downplay it

>mother nature decided to be a bitch and not rain
>literally putting people in gas chambers

>biggest genocide


How was Mao's purge not a genocide?

The word privatization was invented to describe nazi economic policy, Hitler's policy's were literally closer to Reagan than they ever were to Stalin

Why would Germans go through the effort to build gas chambers when they could just starve camps to death?

You're also ignoring the part where the Soviets removed the farmers from the land and stole any remaining food from Ukraine.

>considered by academics

>millions die to capitalism every year
oh, nothing could've been done. people can't afford medicine? it's their fault, not the shitty capitalist system :^)
>less people die under communism

"the" holocaust?

Which one you referring to?

The Stalinist one?
The Hindu one?
The Armenian one?
The Bangladeshi one?


Genocides are caused from a clashing of ideologies not Capitalism you uncultured swine. As far as the holocaust, Hitler was a socialist, he thought capitalism was immoral as it fueled greed. Not to mention Stalin killed more people than Hitler.


are liberals competing with each other to see who can post the most retarded shit?

Its Cultural Marxism.

Take a word and use it incorrectly as many times as possible until people are convinced the incorrect usage is the correct usage.

I do enjoy the projection commies throw at us


Why do you bother posting on a public forum if you're just going to ramble to yourself?

>millions die to capitalism every year
This literally doesn't happen

Wtf i love capitalism now


>Posts shitty memes in an attempt to mask his autism

I asked you direct questions about the discussion at hand and you sperged out with communist talking points. You're brainwashed and incapable of original thought. You can't even use that meme correctly.

This. And Mao killed more than both

There does seem to be a huge misconception that National socialism was a right leaning ideology when in fact it was more on the centre/left. This has allowed the establishment to basically label anyone that isn't on the radical left as far right nazis. I even had a conversation with one guy who thought that kim jong un was far right when what he was describing was totalitarianism. It's very strange how there is this automatic association of the left with liberalism and the right with authoritarianism. We need to teach people that these assumptions are completely wrong. The political compass I think is a start on that route.

I wish.

>national socialists do a state ordered holocaust with state owned facilitys and also blackmail industries to use slave workers
>capitalist genocide

Number 1 is Chinese genocide.
Number 2 is holodomer.
Honorable mention to Genghis Khan.
I don't think the holocaust makes the top 5.