This has been in my backlog since god knows when. But wow, it was bretty good

This has been in my backlog since god knows when. But wow, it was bretty good.

He seems like the perfect villain.

Other urls found in this thread:


Shame the OP/ED are such unlistenable trash.

Holy shit. This. It was terrible. I can't even listen to the whole OP and ED unironically so I don't know what it fully sounds like.

Wasted trips.


i love her hentai specially sakimuchens

>seems like the perfect villain.
100% This. Her certainly does.

>He seems like the perfect villain.
Because overlord is the show told from the villain's prescriptive.

>It was terrible
Its like some parody of a generic pop song overusing pitch corrector.





>Chair not being a chair.

>australian power
every time

Sorry user, only Momo gets to touch that.

Isn't this band the same band that made HxH's OP? They sound the same?

i still get to touch my full 3 inch dicker to her tho and there's nothing Momo can do about it


Left >>>>> Right


It's alright, the latest manga arc centring around the lizard people is pretty good though.
It's the only isekai i've ever seen focus so much on non-human looking things.
Cocytus's design is pretty cool too.

>gorilla lover
Prime example of a specimen known as terriblus taestus. Chairtear is best girl.

Read the LN, OP. I know what you're thinking, I hate LN's, I never finished a romance book in my life, but it is good. Too fucking good. Ains is fucking based, you read it and you just want to serve him, worshiping his intellect of a being who can think strategies for far ahead as 10 thousand years in the future.

I dunno. How long is the LN from just after what was animated?

The anime showed mostly of Vol 1, 2 and 3
The LN is on Vol 11

I thought I wouldn't able to bear reading from Vol 1, but it is just good.

>Putting dick in crazy
Never put your dick in crazy. Though the vamp isnt much better.

When will momon reveal himself as our overlord for NW?

The OP was super fun

Shoulder on Albedo should have a clearer outline, as it is it kind of looks like her cheek and shoulder are fusing together.

>human created by "supreme beings"
>think they're not human
why? do they just look like humans or they're just special humans?

Special. I dont think they deny the races they were created as. They just feel they are superior to everyone else because they were directly created by their gods where as everyone else are shit they cant even comprihend.


Is there really a MMORPG that lets you create NPCs? Uber powerful NPCs at that? That's a really weird concept though.

When I heard he was just some pay to winning scumbag, I lost all interest.

They probably spent thousands of dollars in that game to be honest. Probably in 6 digits for those NPCs, the battle maids, the powerful demons, Albedo, etc.

Its set in a distant dark future where corporations rule the world. Part of the reason Ainz tends to be cruel on some issues is that it was that kind of world. Corporations rule and the world is full of toxic shit.
As far as the game goes, its a virtual world to boot. While the NPCs they create can be as powerful as any player, they are still dumb NPCs so a dedicated party could still wipe them out and did once. The invaders can also deploy their own NPCs to fight the dungeons NPCs.

Is the new CD translated yet?

>He doesn't live Dangerously

Yeah, not watching an anime about some wallet warrior skeleton man who everyone sucks off.

you are now trapped in the last anime you watched, how fucked are you?

That one of his problems though

Everyone wants to literally suck him off but he has nothing they can suck.

OP is definitely meh, but the lyrics of the ED are what really sold me on it, especially once you understand Albedo's character. Its a great expression of unhealthy, obsessive love.

hey man how u doin

im good thanks, how are you?

S2 when

The translator user got black bagged.

>ED is about albedo
>clat (n.)
>A woman who failed to have an orgasm and kept in a sexual arousal

Since we're waiting for the next vol, I've been looking at the naming scheme for the character.
Shouldn't there be seven maids?

Is this the new bingo sheet in the making?

Basically if you spend 100k on a game, everybody wants to suck you off in said game, user.

Quit being a hater.

Will there be a S2? I hope so.

Corporations already rule the world user, uhh sort of, but you get the idea. The NPC idea seems like a nice concept, but it doesn't exist yet.

Because if it were true, I would make the cutest NPC then marry her.

There are seven maids, what bothers me is why they're not named as the seven sisters.

>t. poorfag

I don't know why but your post sounds unironically obnoxious. Is it on purpose?

He's an anti-hero, though. Similar to Maou-sama he only built up power because human (players) discriminated against monster (players). Ainz is straight up anti-human in the game, but in the new world he sets his sights on conquest for the sake of unity regardless of race.

It's almost poetic since it plays with the idea of what we perceive as a hero or villain. He's a skeleton lich death-lord but really he respects the golden rule and returns kindness with kindness.

Shit taste.
But checked

Wallet Warriors don't deserve accolades


Fuck off, cancer.



What about the fan cover of the OP?

But the opening went viral in like a month. No anime opening TV or full has hit over 1million views in such a short period of time.

>Already has two projects this year
>Season 2 never
Why is it Madhouse is like deathwatch for adaptations?
Yea sure they throw you a bone by making the it reality but unless it's meme tier like One punch man they aren't touching that shit again.

I don't know much, but I think Ainz is in a comatose state, I bet. I mean, what would explain how after midnight he suddenly transferred in another world?

That's actually not bad.
I usually hate these things but it works since they tried to go for the englis rock wibe anyway

Shouldn't GToN be more swampy?

There are though if you actually pay attention to the story they would actually talk about the last one around toilet.

>are you not entertain

I thought it was words and sword not war and sword

overlord actually has a high chance of gettinga second season. this year weere getting 2 new LN volumes, a new PPP ova, and a recap movie or two. If one meme man 2nd season does well with normies (it will) its even more likely. OL season 2 could cover vol4-6 with a season finale at ending with the battle of momon vs jabaladouch/demiurge. would need to skip or higly condense alot of fluffy shit like lizard sex and climb.

>wanting new low quality seasons instead of a movie per vol format

This thread needs more of best girl and less of the demon and vampire trash.

How can others even compete

By being alive.

also both in the bottom are dead

is Touche Me dead irl?

Well, yeah but you gotta respect the dedication. He has the most limited of limited items user.


Dude looks like Papyrus if he wasn't a joke character.

Papyrus looks like him, it's the opposite.
Actually they book just look like skeletons.
You're retarded

Technically all of them are.

It's like you have a BONE to pick with me.

Nyeh heh heh.

Why did she have to die so soon? I really thought she would fall in love with Momo and join the team.

The names they having now fits better for created NPC.

Alpha model, Beta model, etc.

The issue is, we don't know the last sister's callsign

>1 movie per vol
>currently at vol 11, soon 12, 13.
>Each movie like Hellsing releases once per year.

user, you have no idea what you are asking for.

Momon does take very enthusiastic walks.

>10000 years later

It's the little things
I love this fanbase

>would need to skip
I fucking wish but let's be honest here

>Overlord threads until 2030

Hellsing Ultimate didn't take 1 year per movie though. Budget also doesn't need to be as high, just being free from a scheduled time slot do wonders for quality

Thinking about getting into this. Is he really a villain or is he a "villain"? Basically is he an actual hero slaying douche or just some guy pretending to be the bad guy because reasons.

He is the "villain" , but hes not a bad guy.
Hes a normal guy that becomes his RP lich character. He has to "pretend" hes some all powerfull ultimate incarnation of death while hes relly just a middlage jap busnessman wageslave.

Even if he tries to be nice, all people see is a spooky skeleton death god so he kinda just rolls with it. becoming an undead changed some things about his personality, but he doesnt have a hatred for all life like other undead.


So he couldn't fuck any girls even if he wanted to?
I guess he's pretty boned, huh?

The 8th OVA took a year and a half though

Its canon that the magic exists to temporarily change his race to something with reproductive organs. However Ainz doesnt seem to be in any hurry to look for such magics. Hes too busy taking over the world. Maybe once he gets satisfied with his kingdom he will start looking into producing heirs.

Im hoping he gets a [ring of race change:human] and uses it as a wedding band. He has the perk that allows him to use 10 magic rings instead of just 2, but he still doesnt wear one on his left ring finger because hes shy or something.

Why are liches always so fucking cool in whatever media?
An anime based on a lich is fated to be good.

Has there been any news on the next volume of the LN?

Used to have daily threads with some pretty good discussions when it was about time.

>Magic and farming
>Magic and special operations
>Magic and state running

Did you forget that she's most likely alive too?

>Albedo in this pic
God damn it every time.

Fuck off, cancer.

8 volumes, anime covers 1 to 3, there are 11 out.

I was kidding, I don't really care about that kinda stuff because they most likely only get resolved at the very end of the story.
Thanks for the info, though.

no u