I seriously don't understand. Every thread about Soldiers (Particularly US soldiers) is met with extreme resentment and condemnation.
Why does Sup Forums hate soldiers so much?
I seriously don't understand. Every thread about Soldiers (Particularly US soldiers) is met with extreme resentment and condemnation.
Why does Sup Forums hate soldiers so much?
Bc soldiers step on /po/'s paper and origami art
This is dumb bait.
>Why does Sup Forums hate soldiers so much?
it's not so much about soldiers but rather the fact of how naive, although very patriotic, those soldiers are. Why in the fucking world would any American get out of his small town in Kentucky because he feels the need to install democracy in Afghanistan or Iraq? Those people are exploited by immoral politicians
A. Thats not a real picture
B. Sup Forums hates soldiers that blindly follow the government and forget that they protect and defend the constitution.
>fighting for Jews
serve him right
OP is a faggot shill
>in all fields
Victims in the jewish wars.
These. Nobody cares about banker henchmen.
going into the military and risking your own life for your loved ones and your country is a noble deed in theory, and i respect that. in practice they just fight for jewish bankers to make them more money while murdering other people, who either do the same or are even just civillians and thus are nothing but pawns.
so what they do is well meant, but has the opposing effect
Because fags think that they are warmongering murders who only live for death and have never read the Constitution to know what it actually says. They just want to fuck do drugs never work and never get called out on their shit.
Welfare niggers who were too retarded to actually join society so they sold themselves to the Jews as meat for the grinder
It's not "hatred." But what have they actually done to BENEFIT America over the past two decades? Bomb the Serbs to empower Muslims? Invade Afghanistan with no plan whatsoever to leave? Invade Iraq for no reason at all and cost trillions in the process? At this point, with the national debt at 100% of GDP, people are really starting to question things, and automatic "support" for "the troops" is one of those things.
They serve Israel and the jews.
Because they can't into Origami faggot
There are tons of jobs you can work at.
None of the people in those jobs expect everyone else to pay for them when they are done.
>die fighting for israel
Not my war. Not my freedom.
Because they think the US military takes orders from a secret Jewish command post deep under the Goldman-Sachs headquarters building.
You're confusing Sup Forums with Sup Forums
>why does Sup Forums hate welfare queens who play G.I. Joe for Israel?
It's because Sup Forums is full of braindead larpers who think that they'd be of any use to anybody in a race war with no prior military experience or that literally anybody who doesn't like Jews is a friend of theirs by default.
Muslims hate jews you dont see any of the alt right niggers liking them.
Because society sucks their cocks and theyre looked upon as gods by women for no reason, and they are prideful.
I don't care about American soldiers.
I just get sick of people claiming they "fite fur ur freedums" when all they fight is proxy wars for bankers
They are not wrong.
Israel/Banks -> Lobbyists -> Politicians -> Military
>theyre looked upon as gods by women for no reason
You can't keep lying about it and expect people to not catch on.
It's not Full Metal Jacket or Apocalypse Now anymore, it's Jarhead.
Have you been living under a rock? Sup Forums is constantly screeching about the poor Palestinians who dindu nuffin.
This is Sup Forums..... So most people would be lucky to pull of 3 consecutive push-ups.
That was post Trump you dumb nigger
Back then where every kike is an enemy no matter how much they try to befriend us and we dont give a single shit about what reddit does.
We just hate american soldiers. Fuck the USA, pigs
Not trying to be edgy but being a soldier in the modern day west is a bad thing. It is literally a morally bad thing for someone to say "go kill that person for money" and your reply is "ok". In any other context that'd make you a hitman. I would respect soldiers if they actually did defend their country but those are the people western troops are shooting lmao.
>101st airborne
didn't know they still do deployments
>thinking any war has ever been fought for anything other than money or resources
Learn your own country's history you fucking cuck.
Because most of the people here are Burgers, and their soldiers fought on the wrong side
this. Fuck the Usa. They are the root of evil
I dunno man go ask them.
dat lip doe
They mean well and are good people, but everything they do is for naught. Without even knowing it, they are traitors. I do not hate or blame them, they have been lied to their entire lives, brainwashed to die for a cause against their own interests by the truly evil of the world. We should pity them, and help them wake up when possible.
Oh fuck me, this shit again.
Honestly it's the vets that are bringing it on themselves now days. My fellow former government workers are always far too happy to play the "hero" card and spout off about patriotic nonsense fighting for home. The reality isn't nearly as romantic. Almost all of us did it for other reasons, Money mostly, in the form of either the sign up bonus or GI Bill. Then there is the shitty but free lifetime of healthcare and access to loans and other benefits once you get out.
The honest truth is that 90-95% of the military are support related jobs. 20% of the jobs in the military are combat related. It's actually safer than many civilian jobs.
So all of that aside these guys get out and then need all kinds of back pats and ego stroking because they did a contract government job. They have to flash their ID for discounts, hand their dog tags from the rear view mirror, carry a pocket DD-214 and let everyone know they served. Fuck I'm a vet and I hate those cunts!
Serving doesn't make you better than anyone else. Serving doesn't give you authority over anyone else. Serving is a job, then it's over and you're just another Civie, get over it.
>Why in the fucking world would any American get out of his small town in Kentucky
That's your answer. Lots of people just wanna get out of their small towns.
Because Sup Forums is full of nearsighted retards that do not understand context, strategy and actual thought. They are also a bunch of fucks who are driven by anger and envy. Everyone but them are dumbasses and tools. This is dispite the fact that many here are vets and have a better world view that helps us understand the importance of white nationalism.
they turn us all into human shields for corporate greed
>glory hounds
>welfare niggers
>jew puppets
All terms that apply to soldiers. Point this out out to any of them and they just double on the chest-thumping and "I DUN SERVED MAH CUNTRY AND YOU CIVVIES AINT SHIT" diatribe.
>me big patriotic american soldier
>me looove my country
>me loooove my constitution
>now watch me leave my country and constitution to the commies, niggers, spics and kikes while I go off to kill whoever Israel points me at.
>I'm such a fucking USA loving patriot
>*masturbatory noises intensify*
It's getting really hard for anyone with more than 2 braincells to rub together not to understand this.
>me looove my country
They always say this but have nothing positive to say about any of the people who aren't also soldiers.
A good goy would have went all the way.
You're right, I don't have much good to say about most civilians. This is because most are spoiled and don't understand hardship and brotherhood. Sorry fuckhead, the military was a huge red pill for me.
if the love the country so much why would they make it hated and a target for revenge?
Bombing the Serbs did have a legitimate, if somewhat morally shady, reason though.
Did this fucking guy make it? Wtf war is hell.
too much bitching and complaining when they get back. they act like everyone should worship the ground they walk on. no one forced them to sign up, and if they could not handle killing people and watching people be killed they should have not signed up in the first place. i worked in the army as a civilian for 9 years it was so annoying dealing with the ones who came back from tours.
It depends on what kind of soldiers.
Amerimutts arent the only souldiers you know.
Says the guy that never did a tour. Do you know hiw pathetic you are?
no its called being smart and not fighting for israel. and making enough money to start my own business then getting the fuck out of the gov.
Because they are essentially golems.
'Muh Patriotism' = fight kike / banker war X
They are so fucking stupid though they can't see it.
I bet you bitched about having to do actual work. I bet you bitched about having your break 5 mins late. I hate civ government employees. Kys
Given your post you are not "smart". Just another arrogant bitch who thinks they have all the fuckin answer. No, you're a dumb fuckin cunt.
I welcomed the hate, if fueled their demise.
No sympathy for the jew police.
>Bomb the Serbs to empower Muslims? >Invade Afghanistan with no plan whatsoever to leave?
>Invade Iraq for no reason at all and cost trillions in the process?
Don't forget their latest 'victories' removing Gadaffi, & destabilizing Syria to facilitate sending refugees into Europe.
Because 80% are non combat and will never even get near the enemy, or risk anything more than then shits for a bad DFAC lunch. Yet so many in a uniform larp about muh war, and question the patriotism of everyone else. Yeah: thank you for your service filing forms and fixing engines. Heros. All. Now fuck off.
OTOH: at least the weakest soldiers are still soliders, unlike all those self-rightscious cops that think they are.
Spoken like a true brat.
I was built not made.
I enlisted because getting paid to shoot guns, blow shit up, jump out of airplanes, and go scuba diving, and PT 2-3 times a day seemed like a better alternative to living in one of the more ghetto parts in LA.
This is fucking hard to make soldiers from origami
You helped send hundreads of thousands of non-white 'refugees' into Europe so you could live a lifestyle.
You don't belive in anything.
Oh, here we go. "I dun shoveled sand for Israel so you should suck muh dick!"
A bunch of retards who hate soldiers are either faggots who haven't seen the light of day in years, or a bunch of reddit faggots sucking each other off. If you want to hate on somebody hate on the person who commands the troops, not the troops who vowed to take orders when their country needs them. A bunch of retards here don't understand this, and prove their mental capacity. But when you bring up the nazis and wermacht they jizz themselves, and protect their names no matter what.
are you pro life?
The shabbos goy ITT is gonna keep on screeching about "MUH BROITHERHOOD UR JUST BRATS" but he will not be able to refute a single point you make.
>the troops who vowed to take orders when their country needs them
Do explain how we needed anything you did in the middle east, and why we shouldn't hate you for willingly vowing to take orders from people you know to be corrupt.
go on xnxx and search
dont need to thank me
You don't know what the fuck people did in uniform'
Remember that screencap about the female solider that was fucking Afghan locals and got an infection that rotted out everything between her vag and anus?
Imagine how her nephews and nieces suck up to her at the family Christmas gathering.
>Your hero ex-military Aunt!
It's his sister.
It's always the faggots that worked in admin or supply that make the biggest deal about it, too.
they get their dick sucked so hard for doing nothing
because you are a bitch of jewSA
They are welfare queens fighting meaningless wars that do more to destroy our international standing than improve it. They have not protected our nation since WWII.
Is your entire worldview connected to how fucking awesome soldiers are? What are you 3 years old?
Welcome to America. We have freedom of speech.
Sometimes you're going to get your feelfeels hurt.
>willingly fueling the zog
We get the world we deserve.
You're right. I really enjoyed experiencing that lifestyle. Trying to describe what it's really like being in brotherhood forged in combat to the majority of Sup Forums is like trying to teach your dog calculus. The user-base of Sup Forums are the kind of kids that were always picked last during pick-up sports games in school, that also includes me. The majority of you have never been tested, never been forced to function as a cohesive unit or literally die.
Sure, you can hate the military for supposedly being a blunt-force for Jewish/Deep State interests in the Middle East and opt of doing so, but at the same time you're not actively doing anything to reverse the Jewish dominion. The military changed me fundamentally. I went from being a WoW playing NEET to a functional and contributing member of society, mostly because I got thrown into the deep end of the pool and got told to figure out how to swim.
Coming from a combat vet, many of you have valid points but there's also many opinions deeply rooted in insecurity.
I do know that there's a base somewhere in the southwest where they literally just sprayed gravel with a hose because they desperately needed something to do that day.
>They have not protected our nation since WWII
The only things they protected in that war were the banks.
Emotional slide thread.
Zen. Living in chaos while trying to get those not in it to relate. They know not true hell.
I'm just saying. You guys shouldn't carry the stars and strips on your shoulder. That flag is the living embodiment of the American People. Not you, not the fucking government.
If you guys were honest you would rip that flag off and put on a AIPAC patch instead.
I joined the military for purely money reasons: free room and board, excellent pay and benefits, free healtchare, the works. I'm the welfare queen you see posted in meme images.
Almost everyone in the military is like me. Deal with it.
>but at the same time you're not actively doing anything to reverse the Jewish dominion
As opposed to you, who actively and willingly furthered it for short-term personal gain.
>military welfare queens getting paid to do the bidding of the corporations and wealthy people in power of the US
>deserving of any respect
What is it you are implying, sir and to who is it directed?
/po/ is board of peace, love, and creases