Admit that you fucked up

Look, I'm center-right, so I can kind of understand why you people chose Trump over Hillary (an apocalyptic candidate in her own way). But why did you have to make this sleazy, corrupt buffoon the GOP nominee? The gun wasn't to your head during the primaries like it was in the general election. You went out of your way to make it happen.


Answer my fucking question, you alt-right pieces of shit.

if you make money in this world, rest assured you are a massive piece of shit and probably are indoctrinated in several ways. when you look at the rest of the candidates from an objective view, they're like children compared to Trump, who has been gifted (with his money) more knowledge than the average political dicksucker

whether that meant Trump will actually build the wall is irrelevant- though we see now he did not.

I didn't vote. Try reddit.

I'm not talking about just voting. I'm referring to online support, meme magic, the whole thing.

Your party and candidates are all trash and Trump was the only worthwhile thing about it. GOP will never ever win anything without him.

then what is "fucked up"? being fooled into thinking it wasn't all part of the act? who cares?

>indians in tech
>nigger doctors
>mandatory insurance
>DVM thugs (police force)
>no wall
the reality is none of this is even possible. If we fucked up, it was in even trying to fight the Jew when our parents won't see the truth no matter how much evidence we have.

Yuri Bezmenov was right, but we did not fuck up.

>says center right to try to seem somewhat reasonable
>only arguments are name calling

hello shariablue


You have no clue, do you?

>DMV thugs
>even possible- to reverse
I'm so furious at the state of the world I can't type. Whatever.

Who was the better option in the primaries?

The entire world is waking up to the globalist agenda of liberals. And you think we fucked up?

you're not even american, fuck off leaf



I voted for Kasich for country unity reasons. Rubio was my second choice, Trump was the third, Cruz my fourth.

The appeal of Trump is and was his outsider status. He's not a typical politician; he doesn't talk or act like a typical politician. The hope was the he was going to shake things up and deliver on his promises.

Want to know something? He just got a massive tax cut passed, is doing everything he can properly enforcing immigration, renegotiating trade deals with other countries, the economy is in tremendous shape, and appointed a conservative Supreme Court nominee. He's also calling out the media. All things considered, I'd say he's doing exactly what he was elected to do.

He's done a phenomenal job. Optically, if you've got sand in your vagina or care what Eurofags think, it might not seem great. But if you look at actual results, he's right on track to do everything we elected him to do.


Imagine being a shill. Imagine knowing that no what you do you won't change anyone's mind. Imagine doing this while working for a pittance from someone who considers you to be a sad geek.
Imagine walking past the pawn shop and seeing that second hand gun section. Imagine knowing that one day soon you'll go inside. Imagine buying the cheapest gun. Imagine going home to you little basement flat. Imagine your mother hearing the shot. Imagine her racing downstairs to see your sad bloated corpse slumped over. Imagine her not so much as shedding a single tear before she calls 911.

This is your life on ShariaBlue.

Mass migration means USA is done. Only care about him because of that

Please. Look up the "Battle of Seattle." You're Johnny Come Latelys.

losers like you and hilary are the reason he is in charge and will be for 7 more years!!
go eat some soy u donkey puss

Before Trump the anti-immigration anti-cuck right was practically non-existent. Now it's an unignorable force in American politics. All establishment republicans now have to factor this in when they go into the primaries and the worst neocon faggots, like Flake and Corker, are on their way out. "We fucked up", are you kidding me? Trump is the best thing that ever happened to the American right.

Fuck!!!!!!!!!! I knew I should've jumped on board with a proven and trusTed conservative instead when I had the chance.

>Source: My Ass

>lose insurance

my favorite meme. The only people who would lose insurance are poorfags who can't afford it

I swear normies are waking up. I swear!!

Nope. You don’t get an opinion on this. We won and I get everything I want while you get nothing.

Get used to it loser. Hail Victory.

Because he was less of cuck then the rest of them, rest of GOP is neocon trash

Buy property and rent to those that don't because muh socialism.

Hillary we all know it´s you.
please get the fuck out.

>taxes objectively go down
>leftist scum can’t IM anymore

Enjoy being weak, having no culture, and losing more elections lefty loser.


I hate Trump, but even if I lived in America and was able to vote there, I still would've voted for him because I hate Clinton ten times more.

Trump's policies are:
>renegotiate or end NAFTA, end TPP, end the Paris Accord, secure our borders, deport illegals, block immigrants from countries that can't vet properly, stop H-1Bs, stop letting companies move jobs to foreign countries, job creation, higher wages by decreasing supply of underpaid foreign workers, reduce the scope of expensive foreign wars, preserve our Constitutional rights by picking pro-Constitution Supreme Court Justices, vet Muslims, reduce crime, lower taxes for everyone, end the UN and NATO if other countries don't do their share, cheaper health insurance and no penalty if you don't want it, increase energy reserves, everything else in Trump's executive orders, and put America ahead of all other countries

Every one of those improves the lives of the American citizenry. He's the greatest President in a very long time if you actually look at his policies instead of believing globalist media lies. Start blaming Democrats and neocons in Congress and federal judges for why more of his great policies haven't become law. They're the ones hurting the American people because they don't work for us, they take bribes from the elites to work for them. Start paying attention to what's actually happening.

Why are there so many faggots on Sup Forums now, trump is the greatest president ever elected by the american people, do you even remember what the fuck just happened over the last 2 years

Cruz is cucked on the jews just like you


>stop H-1Bs
Absolutely not this. Trumps hasn't been against H1 visas since before the third debate early on in the election. How the fuck is this still a meme?

I'm a poor fag and I'm still insured. Their argument is wrong on all levels, except the fact that their mandatory insurance was killing the middle class.