New season starts in 2 days

New season starts in 2 days

Who /hyped/ here?

Other urls found in this thread:

MAL is the other way.

Gintama is trash, kill yourself.

Newfags please go.

Feel like repeating yourself?


Any info about the OP/ED?

Pretty much. Is a comfy show but the last arc is too serious, I know Sorachi needs to go full shonen, but stil is kinda meh. I am reading it anyway. At least the fights are going to be fast as animations.

I'm ready.

Family Guy belongs in .


Are they going to animate Mountainzaki?

Nobume was in the PV, she stays relevant?
Please say yes.

You can caliber the Sup Forums decline with the Gintama hate

One old favorite of the board with even sticky when new seasons were announced.

It can't be helped.

Well, yes, this is an eternal summer with tons of newfags.

I guess that was in 2011.

Sup Forums only ironically liked gintama. It was to piss off narutofags. It says a lot of the state of Sup Forums that now people unironically like gintama amd think Sup Forums always had.


I find this hard to believe. Gintama's humour is too up Sup Forums's alley and you really don't need to ironically pretend to like something else to shit on another series. Particularly something like Naruto.

It was much worse a few years back with nothing but shitposting in threads. The previous season we got barely broke 15 IPs per week (mostly the OP of threads just dumping episodes caps) so I really doubt it will matter this season

Are they only going to do serious crap? If yes then no thanks.

Don't worry, weekly threads will be fine

I'm that OP

>new season in 2 days
>I'm only on episode 79 right now

looks like I wont make it in time

What arcs are going to be adopted?

>newfags hating on gintama now
what went wrong?

I figured you were here. Good, the gang is here.

It's because the show is "popular" on other sites.

That's enough to expose insecurities.

Gintama has become so washed up, every year a new season. At least the manga is in its final arc and the anime have decided to adapt comedy anymore, so this new season won't be longer then 24 episodes tops. Might even be just 1 cour.

But still after this we will probably have another one, or some movie.

>going to these other sites in the first place
they brought this shit upon themselves.

I want more fun stuff, not we serious now.

>Subs when!
>Subs are here
>Image caps
>Webms of fights
>404 thread no longer exists
Man, Gintama° threads were sad.

Gintama was always serious

You just don't understand the deeper meaning of it

Damn that's deep


I AM not, the last season was too heavy, wasnt't bad, in a matter of fact the last few episodes were simply amazing, but I want my fun Gintama back.

Yes, for the first three episodes
>Nobume with old eyes