Post you're favorite reaction pic
Post you're favorite reaction pic
At least post a pic
Hey, how dare you. Show some god damned etiquette. Be NICE. Please lurk before posting a thread like this.
In this thread we post images shitting on the OP?
Obviously with sage attached.
Hey loser without a cute anime girl pic, who are you talking to? You didn't quote anyone.
Here are my 2 cents :3
it's because I suck dick for money
i honestly think its cute now. she's such a baka
sip thread
I'll go with this one
I can't decide if Finland is greatest or the worst thing ever conceived.
Finland is so shitty place that it itself is funny.
Why not both?
I reached that point, that boundary where you don't know if you are ironical or not with spurdo finnish memeing
Not even yukari can solve this shit
Whats with all the spurdos?
Gondola is the new hot meme. burdo barde :DDD is 2016.
get Fresh (Tm), kids!
got anymore rare Lulucos?
overdom luluco
And another
A favorite.
Last one I got.
How big's your reaction folder, user?
Mike's like 2500 unsorted images.
t. a finn
I was looking for rare lulucos and got this
thanks moot
Does 2hu count?
Christmas was fun
I need the source on this for scientific purposes regarding the stimulation of the human genitalia and its resultant effect in the proliferation of electric signals that trigger neurones within the brain and generates short moans of pleasure uncobtrollably