Bohemian grove

redpill me on bohrmian grove please

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Do you know who that owl represents?

no but I've heard its some spooky shit. theres a little owl figurine on top of the federal building in my town. looks like it was placed there not built in


Everybody hates secret clubs.

It represents Minerva.

>Rule number one

I'm saying it's a good place to start, since they are performing a ritual to that owl for knowledge.

Lots of things but it all boils down to Lucifer worship.

When preparing sacrifices the more fear and pain the sacrifice emits the better the payout, this works even better with babies and young children just as poultry taste better in regards to animals when fear and adrenaline is mixed in prior to slaughter

Philosophy, as the thought of the world, does not appear until reality has completed its formative process, and made itself ready. History thus corroborates the teaching of the conception that only in the maturity of reality does the ideal appear as counterpart to the real, apprehends the real world in its substance, and shapes it into an intellectual kingdom. When philosophy paints its grey in grey, one form of life has become old, and by means of grey it cannot be rejuvenated, but only known. The owl of Minerva takes its flight only when the shades of night are gathering.

Norway is fake and gay

So secret

That big owl is Moloch.

Idiot. Adrenaline makes meat taste terrible.

>he doesn't use VPN.

based Lynch tried to warn us.
Also Twin Peaks is now the official show of the Alt-right.

satanic child sacrifice
"it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine" - Richard Nixon


Over the years i've heard that a deer that runs longer and doesn't die right away tastes different and I believe the people that told me. It is either a common spread misconception or the truth.

Yes, adrenaline makes meat taste gamey and fucking terrible. Gilling fish and making clean kills with game makes the meat much more palatable. The earlier user is a fucking city dwelling moron who is a do-nothing, know-nothing inbecile

There is an Owl on the Dollar bill. Upper right in the frame of 1, upper left in the dip.

I worked at Bohemian Grove two years ago.

Ask me anything.

How can you prove it

It represents the Ayys that sometimes the the appearance of an owl when fucking with humans.

My great grandpa was a member of the Bohemian Club and I've been to the Grove with him. It's just a club retreat for a bunch of rich and powerful people, nothing conspiratorial about it really.

>So many fires in Cally
>Not a single one catches BG

I wouldn't go so far as to say terrible because i've eaten a number of deer over they years that ran for a long distance. I honestly can't tell the difference, but i'm sure it does change the taste.

so are you the one who leaked the photos, also prove it.

Hunter S. Thompson filmes snuff films and probably killed more than one person there.

This is the world we live in

go fuck yourself you nigger shill faggot. You will be found either when we win or by God.

I hope I can sign up to track down every single shill no matter their part. I'd gladly sign my life away to make humanity great again.

Our lives are ran by satanists.

lmao what the fuck is your problem? I hold the typical pol beliefs and so did my great grandpa. Pussy.

Moloch =bull
Minerva = owl

>typical pol beliefs

>it's ok to be a murderous faggot in the name of lucifer worship

choose one fucko

You are a nigger piece of shit. Unless by some insane chance that some attendees don't know the full truth of what they are taking part in and whathappens in certain areas at the gay fuck fest then you are a lying shill sack of shit. You have no clue about typical pol beliefs, it is a gay fuck fest where they torture, rape kill and eat children.

It always starts with the same line. We can spot you a mile away you nigger.

I just hope I can sign my life away to round up shills and hang every single last one of you should good prevail.

>How can you prove it

>being this retarded

HAHA you probably shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet. You better be careful with that language before I pay a PI to track you down and slice your throat open. Stay in line bud.

>literally an open air stage for entertainment in a luxurious 5+ star resort
translated into infojew alex jones speak:
>the place where da eeeebil globalists eat them innocent babies, cooking them in flouride water and serving gay frogs as hors d'oeuvres

its the adrenochrome retard, it makes you trip and euphoric


get a load of this faggot

i already have your location you piece of shit lmao do you even know where the fuck you are right now

some kike demon, lilim or some shit.

Since when do PI's track people down and slice their throats open?

If you were a man when you send that faggot you'd give me your address to see who finds who first but you're a fucking pussy and that would never happen. The truth is starting to come to light at an unprecedented level. You faggots now resort to death threats.

In all honesty I welcome death, you have no clue what i've been through you pathetic nigger. I am more of a man than you will ever be or live to be.

Ex CIA and FBI are hired to guard it I know.

where am i?

sleep tight tonight bud

let me know how to find out peoples location on fourchan or where to start. I'm done playing games. Where do I start? Where is the info?

I'll set up a fake email if you want so you can send it to me tonight, in case someone comes after me I know where to go.

If my family is rich enough to belong to the grove I'm rich enough to have peons killed

>this faggot got assraped by old kikes because his dumbass biff grandfather was a shabbos goy
>he cant even remember it

>no Alex Jones figurine in a gillie suit and a camera

bluffing like always lol



Spekaing of thiks we have a men inside this year.

Infowars crew sold separate



I thought there was nothing to see there.

If you were a man when you make that call you'd let me knwo where you sleep and we can see what happens but you are a pussy.

lel good luck


What's martin doing?

I honestly honestly think shit like this and skill and bones is meant to put people in power in compromising situations with compromising photos so they are forced to help other members or have those photos released and their name ruined. It's a check to make their exclusive clubs matter.

richard nixon said it was some kind of gayclub of political elite


reddit larper you have to go back

619 E. University Ave
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

>Quote about the Nazi party

thank you brother

Albert Pike was a pretty significant Freemason.

>user high on DMT
>Thinks Sup Forums is the place to be.

Richard had a problem with compulsive lying.

>How can you prove it
My time cards and other stuff

Do a bunch of mushrooms retard

Sometimes humans like to dress up and get scandalously drunk. Only difference is: these are people with pull. So I don't know what to make of it. But instead of being preoccupied with this, it seems we should be busy asking ourselves if we can provide a valid alternative. There is a pedo-ring going on, no doubt. It's glaringly obvious. But aren't these the people standing between us and total chaos? Mob rule is what it seems to me where it's heading.

THe photo

So influential he choose to create and name the Nazi party 50 years before it existed to have it beaten?


who would've though that he would say something liek that.

Neck yourself you happy slave

That’s pretty much it

its a fake quote

Isn't there an email where the owl is named as Minerva? Contradicts the plays they have there though.

All of it is planned. Hitler was a mason as well.


Thats how most secret societies operate. Blackmail and uner the table deals. Since most members of these slcieties are powerful people, they all have something valuable for the rest and a reputation to lose, which forms a tight bond across all members. A lot private businesses and shady deals ranging from drugs, to embezzlement, mob operations in businnesses and high level favors of all kind.

Sounds like a grand game to get the normies to understand the survival of the fittest.

Why go through all this trouble desu? You can just teach this to the normies in school and then have them battle it out to ensure only the fittest survive.

I mean, if that is all Lucifer wants, then what's the problem desu?

Follow the money

Whats the weirdest/ most concerning thing you've witnessed or heard?

I thought it was associated with Athena

There's a huge possibility he was a rothschild plant. I never coinsidered it until recently but look at how many whites were killed and white nationalism destroyed forever in Germany.

It also enabled the jews to have their holocaust. Even if the quote is fake it makes you think.

well chines love to boil dogs alive because it makes em taste better

who is the most powerfull person you have meet and what was the interaction like?

According to what?

The firm belief that there cannot exist a conspiracy of such magnitude?

Ok? Which money? The money he removed from yidd oligarchs?

Why are you getting so offenive? I simply stated my point of view. Maybe mutts are like this, bullying people into agreeing with them. Keep yourself in check, boi.

>56% of whites mean every single person is 56%

user I....

I'm shot I didn't even realize it was you posting it. I doubt it's accurate.

If I wanted someone dead i'd do it myself. You ahve the money to get away with it why not do it yourself?

>Whats the weirdest/ most concerning thing you've witnessed or heard?

This place is good old boys club for the rich, powerful & elderly. I think of it as an old folk home for rich. My ex-father inlaw is a member as well as my girlfriend's dads.

Nothing happens here beyond lots of members acted theater and lots of alcohol drinking.

The sleeping conditions are tents on mattresses single off ground on metal structures.

>lol its fine if masters fuck innocent kids because we would be lost without them
>lol why are you bullying me, did I say something wrong?
The alternative is that we flay them alive, children are spared, and the world keeps spinning

>who is the most powerfull person you have meet and what was the interaction like?

I can't talk about that. Lots of interesting billionaires. I know lots of people that work there still so It's a small town. I just want to say, it's not the perverted Satan spot think it is. It's beer drinking and men letting loose. Almost like an Old man Fraternity. A place to do business with people you trust. 10 levels above golf.

no, the fact that the quote has never been proven to be authentic and jews kvetch about it. if it was real, like the protocols, jews would bitch about it, like the protocols.

It's minerva.

Another thing atheists and ordinary folk discount is the effectiveness of ritual on a person's mind (cause 'soul' sounds too spiritual). Consider an extreme case like being raped and tortured by chanting men in robes. This can affect anyone for life.