>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
>Joe is Joe Christmas Songs
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #42 (Rosa Parks) 12/2/17
>Jared Kushner @Saban Forum discussing jewishness of jews 12/3/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis Presser on ME 12/3/17
>CIA Dir Pompeo interview @Reagan Def Forum 12/2/17
>CIA Dir Pompeo/Fmr Dir Pineta Panel @Reagan Def Forum 12/2/17
>Natl Sec Adv McMaster on NoKo @Reagan Def Forum 12/2/17
>Pres Trump Speech in Wall Street Fundraiser (gets cut off) 12/2/17
>Pres Trump comments on Tax Vote/Gen Flynn 12/2/17
>Pres Trump departs for NYC 12/2/17
>VP Pence announces passage of Tax Reform Bill 12/2/17
>GOP Leaders on passage of Tax Reform Bill 12/2/17
>AG Sessions on Tucker 12/1/17
>KAC on F&F 12/1/17
>SoS T-Rex meets w/Lybian PM 12/1/17
>TrumpTV Weekly Update #19 (Lara) 12/1/17
>Nuke Alarm Test in Hawaii 12/1/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania light up Natl Christmas Tree 11/30/17
>WH Video: 2017 Natl Christmas Tree Lighting 11/30/17
OP pastebin:
Enjoy your stay, make sure to awoo
>What are you hiding there, user?
Rate my gf
Thanks for sending us all your precious talent, retarded drumpftards
oh nothing, just my vast collection of HEATHERS
Meanwhile, at the Shoe Show
What is with the increase in the use of mace at demonstrations?
Did this happen before 2010's?
Civilians macing other Civilians?
Also which one should I get?
They are the same price.
just practicing my knife hand, sir
So what’s the news for today and yesterday
An irrational and murderous hatred of the enemies of America and freedom, sir!
What kind of retard comes to 4chin and virginshames?
Very good listenings
>Thanks for sending us all your precious talent, retarded drumpftards
You spelled Haitians and Somalis wrong
j-just some extra crayon rations s-sir
>So what’s the news for today
You'll find out around 11.
>and yesterday
Check OP for yesterday's news.
How do you do fellow weebs
I'd flip her tower off, but the peasant doesn't even have one.
Please, enjoy.
Um...uh...sir, it's a Sri Lankan helicopter simulator...
Kill bommers then.
>job interview tomorrow
>but just want to stay a neet
Watch out rethuglicans
good taste
Pertubator > Carpenter Brut desu senpai
his pinned tweet is great
I don't mind this guy at all.
Shit on the manager's desk. They love stuff like that.
So what's next if tax reform gets all cleaned up? Start the new year with immigration? DACA and wall debate? Welfare reform?
I'd like to see President Trump work on sequestration. It's the quickest thing he can do to strengthen the military. It should be done.
This is an offtopic post
Just my hentai sir
>his parents quit their jobs
found the reason why the kids can't afford insurance
So /ptg/ I have to eat dinner with my wife and her mom in about 15 minutes, I should only be about a half hour at most, So I will need someone to bake next thread(possibly) but I will be back and can take over after that, who can help a leaf out?
>What is with the increase in the use of mace at demonstrations?
we are just getting closer and closer to the day of the rope. why couldnt it have cone 15 years ago?
It's always fucking Russia.
>mueller found the cummie snuggie
>US paid for my PhD
What an ingrate
The rest too
Not caring about country or loyalty, just who has better wages, who has more gibs
botch the interview. No one but you and the interviewer will know and if you already get gibs the fact you went to an interview will show that you are trying.
>Enjoy your stay, make sure to woo
>tell bald face lie
>millions lost in stock market
>get extended christmas vacation
>get deported 10 times
>kill american with gun
>be "le champion of women"
>get busted dead to rights assaulting woman
>mumble apology and continue career unscathed
>commit literal treason selling uranium
>run for president anyway
>lose and have the audacity to talk shit
how did things get this bad? when did the right start letting egregious miscarriages of justice slide?
>His parents quit their jobs.
Am I supposed to be sympathetic here or what?
Tell them you are part of Trump's internet people, and might be distracted during work hours.
Any criticism of Jeff Session's unneeded recusal, his stumbling over the Russia collusion interviews and his inaction towards DNC corruption are invalid because I suspect that those critics are motivated purely by the desire to use drugs. I morally and intellectually disqualify them and their criticisms because drugs are bad on general principle. No argument or presentation of facts pertaining to the harm that Jeff Sessions' utterly. piss. poor. performance has done to the Trump Administration will sway me due to the fact that those critics most likely use drugs. In fact I am angered that they are even posting. I would like them to stop speaking or, better yet, stop living because they are categorically bad people.
Jeff Sessions is cracking down on cocaine and opioids, lol i bet that makes you hippie stoner pot smokers so mad. I hope after all the cocaine/heroine busts that you'll never be able to fill your pipe with weed ever again! Muahahaha
>his parents quit their jobs
Awoo, eh.
You know I'm right and you know you deserve it.
I've heard women in Canada are all either hookers or hockey players, what team does your wife play for?
>special counsel subpoenaed the lewd awoo folder
>It's always fucking Russia.
I do imagine Russians, and by that I don't mean their government, has groups that run Twitter bot farms. We know the left does in America, as well. No doubt organized groups in other countries as well.
There's money to be made doing it, and renting them out.
enjoy your shit country, soyboy
i'll do it
If Mattis did that to me, I probably would start to list every single dirty little secret I have hidden about myself out of mortal fear.
make your own weapon
I mooch off my parents. Only gypsies get real welfare
>i wanna live in S america it is great
yea i know that guy is lying
how did that obamacare help when your cool ass almost died from a tweet?
>Thanks for sending us all your precious talent,
Oh don't worry...we are sending you plenty more too
that last one is an example of why trannies are banned from the military
they just join for free gender change surgery and free college
What will be the talking point if Net Neutrality is repealed and literally nothing changes? Just ignored like everything else?
it's dece if you're rich because the rich/poor divide is so great you can basically live like a medieval aristocrat
What did we do?
My wife is sitting beside me right now carrying our white child, say something nice RIGHT NOW
Thank you very much, if I come back to a mess of joe's I will track you down and you will be finished kiddo
Has this been the greatest weekend in American political history?
First we find out that the Mueller witch hunt has culminated in a giant nothing burger, leaving libs in full meltdown mode.
Than we have the passing of what is certainly one of the greatest legislative achievements of all time, reforming the broken tax system and freeing the American people from tyrannical tax laws, allowing us to be free and prosperous again
What a time to be alive. I'm so proud of everything we have achieved these past 12 months.
come at me leaf
I live in south texas where Mexicans are majority
Friend of mine's son, 23, was stabbed and left for dead in the streets of some housing projects
The stabber, who has admitted to the whole thing, was in court smiling and to this day is walking around. Stabbing was last April
He now sends text messages to the mother and to the sister of the victim, where he's sure to include that laughing crying emoji
This is our justice system and I don't think it's working. Should I go vigilante ?
Attention you distracted masses! Gain some altitude and meet the replacement theory behind Trump and Putins takedown of western liberalism. Call names all day shill, the smart or honest ones will go and learn.
>Poo in loos aren't whi-
>My wife is sitting beside me right now carrying our white child, say something nice RIGHT NOW
post nudes
>say something nice RIGHT NOW
Congratulations to you both. Tell her I said hi. Enjoy dinner.
>No hatred of America's enemies is irrational, Devil Dog. Carry on.
It's always darkest before the Don. Also things got this bad because George HW Bush got elected after he and his GOPe and Neocon buddies strongarmed Reagan into making him VP in 1980. Reagan should have gone with Ford like he originally considered.
After Bush I was in office and then fucked it up (a family tradition) then Clinton got in easily and then opened the floodgates to every illegal and legal immigrant out there. Bush II got in and left the floodgates open, and expanded legal immigration even more than Clinton because he thought he could make shitskins into Republicans despite decades of data suggesting otherwise- and he didn't change course even after 9/11 proved third world immigration of 1 million muslims a decade to be a bad thing for America. And after Bush fucked it up then Obongo got in and tried to kick the cuckening into overdrive further by flooding white areas with Somali refugees and ghetto niggers and tried to give all beaners citizenship and triple legal immigration to 3 million a year, 30 million a decade. Then of course because Bill was president Hillary wanted to be president too.
Luckily enough people had had enough in 2016 after 36 years of bullshit.
>He now sends text messages to the mother and to the sister of the victim, where he's sure to include that laughing crying emoji
that's harrassment and terrorizing, you can make something of that
Tell her all leafs are to be raked. No exceptions.
until they kidnap your wife or child, and you pay them because it isnt that much money but they are scarred for life
Drumpfkins unironically belive Mueller is actually /theirguy/
I-I wasn't fapping
>Kurt Oak Forest
Taiwanese camwhores make the best OPs
part of living like a medieval lord is paying for the castle walls and mercenary protection
Hello, CIA. How are you doing today?
>My wife is sitting beside me right now carrying our white child
Who is the father?
>contemporary president is under scrutiny for contemporary issues
How is it going, I missed you lastnight when I was baking, threads were moving damn fast, you would have gotten a lot of (you)'s
She is flattered from all the (you)'s but has left to finish supper
>liberals hate drumpf because he is racist
>move to countries where the native white people live in luxury lording over short brown manlets
until they kidnap your wife/child
I'm sure the dog means nothing to him.