Fuck you richard spencer

I just spent almost 2 hours going to DC and back for a protest that didn't even last one FUCKING HOUR! By the time I got there, no one was even fucking there.



I hope you see this you fucking faggot

fuck you, I wasted my sunday on this shit!

I was expecting something to happen. Instead no one was even fucking there! fuck you!!!!!!


The JIDF isn t sending their best
Sage and reported, not political In the least

fuck you faggot eat a bowl of dicks

Why do you think dicky was advertising the rally here? He knows he has so little support he tries to get anons to show up to make the meme seem real.

Bumping. this is an official anti-richard spencer thread. Let's all hate on this faggot

I didn't see him advertising it here, all I saw was the shit on twitter

I wasn't even going to express any support. I just wanted to see the shit show

There was at least 2 threads. The first one I popped into and there was a lot of people telling them to fuck off. Then the second one his shills were sperging in full force.

god dammit. This is the second time I've gone to fucking DC, to the fucking whitehouse, to see a rally that didn't happen. I'm probably on a god damn watch list now

Richard Spencer is just an attention whore. Nobody knew about him until the media created the alt-right boogeyman and he jumped at the opportunity.

If you support this guy, you are part of the problem.

>I'm probably on a god damn watch list now
If not, be glad antifa didn't show up and doxx you

KEK you're a fucking loser

Spencer has no real support on Sup Forums his shills spam the board to make it seem like he has support

Lol they can't dox me I don't have any social media


>I wasn't even going to express any support
kike detected

Not a kike I just wanted to see happenings irl

So nothing happened? Why begin an demonstration if dicky doesn't go through with it

So? I live 15 minutes away, and I would never go to his rallies.

Fuck if I know. I'm pissed though

It's like going to a football game. You just get to see the show

Yeah understandable m8



I wouldn't drive 15 minutes to see a football game where nothing happened, either.

Congrats for realizing how much of a joke the alt-right is.

how do you know nothing was going to happen though? That's my point

I never took it seriously in the first place. I wanted to see antifa and altright go after one another

You need to get a life. Surely there's something better and more constructive you could be doing with your life on a sunday

>get a life on a sunday


because it's richard spencer. It's like if the Browns are playing the 49ers. Why bother watching?

>Won't drive 2 hours to save the white race.
Sort yourself out.

This is why you'll always be broke. Sundays are like every other day. The game never stops bro, you have to get after it all the time.

I'm not broke at all lmfao.

You will be a broke ass soon if you keep up with the mentality that listening to lispy spencer talk on a sunday is more important than keeping your spot in society. If you're not careful somebody's going to come along, take your cash and fuck your wife

Holy shit lol I'm currently more successful (and will remain so) than like 98% of the fuckers on here. I'm not worried at all

>Nobody knew about him until the media created the alt-right boogeyman and he jumped at the opportunity
His "Why Do They Hate Us?" speech was quite popular on Sup Forums in 2015 actually. You'd know that if you weren't an r/the_donald migrant who came to Sup Forums last year.

>going to a honeypot

stop being retard, op

Half of those 98% of people are gunning hard on Sunday's for your spot. Be careful, there are many billionaires who lost everything from this mentality, you're not immune from it. But keep going to Lispy Spencer's parades on Sundays

This. Spencer is an intellectual lightweight that gets rekt by anybody with an IQ larger than their shoe size.
Jared Taylor is a far greater intellectual threat to leftists than Spencer could ever be, desu

>Driving in DC
I seriously hope you don't think this is an acceptable thing to do.

>going to protests

literally why

He's more successful than 98 percent of people here though. This is what success acts like