Confirmed the best girl in KonoSuba

Confirmed the best girl in KonoSuba.

Prove me wrong.
>protip: you can't

You're right, I can't.


I love Aqua-sama.

Thats not Wiz.

Megumin fangays are on damage control

She is literally the best goddess

Herp derp, all these Aqua fags. Wiz is best Konasuba and will win the Kazumi bowl

She has the best hips and thighs for sure.

Even Megumin can't help herself!

Cute and a little dumb, what else would anyone want in a wife?

>winning Kazumi bowl

Laughable. Kazumi hand picked Aqua to go with him. Even if he did it ironically in the beginning, it doesn't matter. Kazumi probably has already grabbed that ass in the stables

This. Not a single flaw.

Fool, dont you know he only chose her to suffer cause she was treating him like shit?

But she's a slut.

i love sagging boobs on young girls

Yeah he picked her at first for the purpose of dragging her into the mess for making fun of him, but now, she's his closest companion. The deal was already sealed.


>Aqua would never think about anyone else other than Kazumi

Delete this one too.


How dare you ask for such filth

Closet companion, hah, Aqua only wants him cause he's making the most money out of all of them. She doesn't want to be poor. Wiz has everything she needs, a magic shop, a house, and one hell of a looking body. Aqua has to mooch off Kazumi for all that scept for the shop.

Oh okay so Aqua acts like his girlfriend while wiz is the mom figure to Kazumi? Haha. You just wait a few more days until season 2 starts. Kazumi will be slapping Aqua's ass when this is all over. Wiz will be nothing but a friend. Just remember when Aqua asked Kazumi to "warm her up" on that cold winter day.

She is the worst girl so it's the perfect material for rage fap.

>worst girl

W-w-what are you saying user?

Yeah, I remember that scene, she didn't want to freeze to death in the shit hole barn they were in. She's only thinking for herself specially when he asked her to get some bread. She ate half of it. Also Wiz isn't a mother like figure she is waifu material for him.

You poor soul. You're practically in denial. Wiz is nothing more than a small dot about to disappear on Kazumi's radar. He has his sights set directly on Aqua. Even Eris has more significance than Wiz and he will probably never see Eris again. The only right choice is Aqua and you know it

Aqua fags, which I am one, got blown the fuck out by the volume 10 lie bell scene.

remove aqua pidors

Fucking hell. Is it too late user. Will Kazumi claim Aqua as his own?

>Hey Aqua, you are fascinatingly beautiful today
>Could it be you were jealous when we were getting hit on before-

It's impossible.

self insert faggets please go
best girl ≠ wins kazumo bowl

It will be fine. Kazumi can do this

Just look at how mean Aqua is. She is bullying the best girl of the series. Eris is way better than Aqua too. Wiz is by far the best girl in the konosuba series. Aqua will not win the Kazumibowl. Mark my words!

Honestly at this point. Let's hope someone wins. From what I can tell the LN needs to go farther than the WN or else we're all fucked

>still 5 days left

I agree, Aqua is adorable. Would go drinking with and cuddle up in the barn with after.

Go to bed Aqua.

I want to bully Aqua-sama!

You monster

Who wants to snuggle up to that when you can snuggle up to this!

I bet she's not even warm, might as well cuddle up to a bag of sand.

I prefer sleeping with cold things, but Aqua is a more fun character.

Wiz for pillow, Aqua for shenanigans.

You could always stick a little warmth into her.

Also wiz would probably be down for shenanigans

That ain't saying much.

The way that the anime is going, we may not see any relationship unfortunately