Why are you lurking this god-forsaken board instead of watching anime ?
Why are you lurking this god-forsaken board instead of watching anime ?
Because anime sucks
You're right, I'll go bike and watch anime now. Thanks OP, you are not a faggot this time.
The anime I'm watching keeps hurting my feelings over and over again so I'm taking breaks.
What anime is it?
What anime? I like to feel like shit from time to time as well.
I have to finish the shitty shows from last season like Hibike s2 before I can watch the new season and I don't want to.
Reminder each route is canon and happens one after another
I just finished Konosuba. It was shit. What should I watch next?
>mfw finally finished today after an arc per day
>mfw Tsukasa has the best arc
>mfw Ai is the best girl
>mfw I love Amagami
>mfw SS+ isn't that good, but at least the adorable Rihoko gets a good end
Kore wa Zombie
>tfw no amnesia dick
Forgot to add "that isn't trash" to the end of my question.
I don't know, go do what you want to do.
Meanwhile, I'm sitting here with a backlog of over 10TB not including Coalgirls, that's one of the 4TB drives.
Because I'm in the mood for some chatting and I don't have any other real things to do.
And I can't have as many girls as Poplan.
Akuma no Riddle
That's easy, just watch Konosuba.
What really? How does it hurt your feelings? I don't remember feeling when I was watching it. It was pretty sweet though.
Makes me feel alone mate. That's why I have to come here and talk to my friends to remind me that I'm not.
Oh I see. Fair enough.
why are you so poor that you can't afford a 2nd monitor?
I dunno what were anime that you did enjoy a lot?
There are lots of kind of anime so what one person might enjoy, someone else might hate.
I am going through the gundam franchise now and I would definitely recommend atleast watching the original 0079 series, despite it's dated animation to action choreography was pretty good, also once they go back into space it gets really good not that the episodes before that are bad or something.
Fucked if I know. Mods have clearly given up on this normalfag infested shithole. Hiro should just give it a courtesy kill at this point and pull the plug.
But Amagami is terrible.
I'm too lazy to wattch anime.