Know the difference

Know the difference.

all feminisms stem from jewry

One of a kind leaf right here.
Here, have an (OP)

Kill Marry Fuck

They're both degenerate retards, only the bottom is a little moreso.

Feminism was about equality for men and women, not hating men and burning bridges.

Do your research on early suffragettes. I don't have any info on this computer, but you'd be surprised (maybe not) at how virtually indistinguishable they are from modern SJWs, except for the advent of cheap bright colored box hair dyes.

OH. I remembered one.
Remember the Titanic? "Women and children" first?
This was not a long-standing tradition as many of us believe now. This was created by the feminists of the time, and not for the sake of the children. The children were proverbial "human shields" to support the """reason""" women should be rescued first.

This is the origin of this tradition, and these are the original feminists.

But they aren't equal in all realms of expertise.

Why the fuck would i want feminists to be well seen?

I will keep calling the abominations feminists because i have no interest in making any form of feminism more popular.

Just because you learned about it in mainland Canada by your big nosed professor (they don't teach that faggot nonsense in Newfoundland so I can imagine that's not where you are) doesn't mean it's true.

>Feminism was about equality for men and women
They aren't and they shouldn't be.

>my body my rules
>S L U T

Both are degerates

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

>muh equality
It was about autistic women not feeling fulfilled and cultura marxism.

Feminism is dead, relax. What's left is an abomination.

If you're not willing to die for women and children, then can you say you are really a man?

The original idea was to balance out the inequalities of life to make it as fair as possible for everyone, however the devil saw this as an opportunity to push degeneracy.

Of course the woman should always have a place taking care of the family, don't get me wrong.

1. is whores. looks like whores to me. too many rights. rape until deep humility and submission

2. those are terminal mental illness cases and are to be terminated on sight

That was written by and about jews.

You are a degenerate. Our sisters helped us climb the ice and tame it long before the shadow of the jews that you serve presided over one inch of our lands. some are lost, they need guidance. As with men.

Just because one pile of garbage looks better than the other doesn't make it stop being garbage

Yeah well you're just a little bit too extreme I'd say the first ones need some discipline not rape, and the others need some intensive therapy

Women should be homemakers, fucking Leaf

If you are a man, get educated. It never has been and never will be.
If you are a woman, your stupidity is expected.

Hard to look at what you created huh?

both whores

>implying there's good feminism
>implying women's suffrage wasn't the worst mistake of mankind

>If you're not willing to die for women and children, then can you say you are really a man?
I'm not willing to die for random women and children, And not for a woman who expected me to or wouldn't' do the same for me. If you have the ability to stop your woman from dying for you and you don't, then you have no reason to call yourself a man. And a woman like that may be worth dying for. But they are rare, and by no means should every man be compelled to die for every woman.

>The original idea was to balance out the inequalities of life to make it as fair as possible for everyone
These inequalities are based in natural reality. You cannot make men and women equal. If your society raises good women then they should be cherished and protected, but by no means should they be considered equal. Feminism has been detrimental to society from the very beginning. It harms both men and women.

If someone can do the job they should be able to do it. Everyone deserves autonomy.

Fuck all feminism you retarded leaf. 1st wave, 2nd wave and 3rd wave. They all need to be reversed.

Everyone deserves a right to get as far ahead as their intellect can. Most men here are angry at women's rights because they grew up in broken homes and are pissed at the world. But guess what? It's not my fault your family sucked. I shouldn't have to pay for it. Blame your parents. Don't bring me into it.

Women do not know what they want. They think they want careers but this makes them miserable, And the role of a housewife and stay at home mom is much more beneficial to society than their meaningless HR job. They should be developing and nourishing their children into well-rounded members of society instead of becoming wage slaves. Women are happiest at home, as dedicating themselves to their natural role of a devoted wife and mother is more fulfilling than anything else they will ever experience.

Feminists aren't all alike, but the core of it is struggle against injustice, the system is broke, since women aren't happy, whatever the reason may be, so they join into groups and do whatever shit they do. Feminism is just an alarm of system being broken, if it's really shortage of female rights, that's questionable. It's fair to say that both men and women are garbage where you have high concentration of feminism, since men didn't do their job sorting women out. Women in interracial capitalistic society have no place, nor identity, so they go berserk.

Reverse it, what's you waiting for?