ITT Characters that are canonically non virgins
ITT Characters that are canonically non virgins
Well, she's only a non-virgin because she lost her virginity to me, as she is my wife. Pic related fucks black American soldiers for fun.
>fucks black American soldiers for fun
The majority of Japanese girls do if they get a chance.
She rapes female military personnel, of all races.
Was this the greatest cucking of all time in anime?
>greatest cucking
You're thinking of pic related.
She ntr'd herself
delusional gtfo
because season 3 fucked her over pretty hard
no she fucks them for empty shell casings.
Fuck I just started that anime. Does she at least lose it when she grows up?
What age does she lose it then?
Do you have to remind me that, don't you?
You think the Mexicans hyped her up on drugs every time they raped her?
It's not like she was a virgin before that.
She asked for it
>wahh I'm too happy with this guy I don't deserve him, let's break up
>waah he goes for his sister now, take me baaaack