God is real, big bang from POV of it's inception took 6 days

>“God said, ‘Let there be light and light existed.’ (1:3) The Almighty (God) saw (perceived and regarded, appeared and presented Himself as, became visible as, found delight in, and distinguished that) the light was good (pleasant, cheerful, and agreeable; of a higher nature; beautiful, valuable, beneficial, generous, and prosperous, thus reliable and true). And God separated light from (disassociating) darkness (obscurity, that which shrouds in blackness, veils by withholding knowledge, imperfects and clouds revelation with sinister suggestions, concealing and mystifying by way of ignorance and confusion).” (Genesis 1:4)

God’s creative testimony was accurate when He revealed that cosmologically, time began the moment energy became matter. Before the conversion of energy to matter, time did not, and could not, exist. In fact, Yahowah’s suggestion that the “material realm was formless and orderless” initially, syncs with current scientific thought, whereby matter is considered to be nothing more than an organized form of energy.
Also noteworthy, Bare’syth indicates that before Yahowah created the light energy which became the cosmos, there was a lifeless, purposeless, void. Scientists are in lock-step, confirming that before the Big Bang, there were no physical laws, no matter, or life—only a powerful source of energy. Furthermore, we now know that the inception of the universe was incredibly chaotic. In the beginning, light was literally separated from darkness. Photons broke free as electrons were liberated. But even today light remains supreme; there are a billion photons in the universe for every particle of matter. God’s testimony, “Let there be light and there was light” is consistent with our observable reality.
The universe began fifteen billion years ago from our perspective on earth looking back, and it was spawned just six days ago from the perspective of the Creator at the time and place of creation according to His testimony.

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Go on.

>using muh bible as source

it just occurred to me that the universe may be god's fart

>being stupid enough to believe that evolution isn't a faith despite the evidence that it couldn't have happened.

Both suggest that the first universal epoch, that of initial galactic formation, lasted seven to eight billion years from our vantage point, which is one twenty-four-hour day measured from the relative position of creation, looking forward. So how is that possible, you may be wondering?
Light, the subject of day one, is the eternal timekeeper. Its wave aspect allows man to measure time anywhere, even near the place where time began. But to appreciate this we must first understand what time is. And for that, the best place to turn is to Albert Einstein. He brought forth the Theory of General Relativity which establishes the relationship between light, mass, energy, space, and time. He was the first to discover that the rate at which time passes is not the same at all places. Differences in mass and velocity radically affect the rate at which time flows. This aspect of the General Theory of Relativity has been so thoroughly verified that it is considered to be an established physical law. The only aspects of relativity in dispute are those related to quantum mechanics—to the lack of cause and effect, even certainty, at the subatomic level, and whether gravity is a force or an effect (of the bending the fabric of space-time). But when it comes to the realization that time is a dimension, not a constant, and that its rate of flow is relative, there is no dispute.

The pace of time at a location with greater mass, energy, or velocity is slower than at a place with diminished mass, energy, or velocity. We can confirm this shift by measuring the two parts per million a light wave is stretched emanating in the presence of the greater mass of the sun relative to a light wave generated on earth. The sun’s clock runs 2.12/1,000,000 slower than earth’s, losing 67 seconds a year relative to a terrestrial timepiece. But the sun is only marginally more massive than the earth, especially compared to creation----- cont...

i wanna see some big bang POV porn

to the concentration of energy and mass required to create 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 suns (100 billion galaxies each averaging 100 billion stars). And that’s just the known universe, representing a scant four percent of the total (96% of the energy and mass in the cosmos is considered “dark” because its nature is unknown to us).
Fortunately, we don’t have to guess the rate time flowed in these conditions. The measurement is screaming out to us in one form, it is observable in a second medium, it is calculable in a third, and the rate is deducible in a fourth venue. The pace time flowed at creation cries out from the entire universe in photon radiation in the form of cosmic microwave background (CMB)—an elongated part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The CMB is a measure of the residual heat left over from the time photons were first freed to travel—about 300,000 years after the Big Bang. Discovered at the Bell Labs by Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias in 1965, cosmic microwave background radiation is the residue of the aftermath of creation, and thus provides us with a cosmic clock calibrated to a time close to day one of Genesis (Bare’syth – In the Beginning). The CMB wavelength is stretched approximately one million million fold, suggesting that genesis time flowed slower by a factor of 1012. More on this in a moment
A second glimpse of the Creator’s clock can be gleaned by observing the red shift, or lengthening of wavelengths emitted from the oldest and most distant sources of light and comparing this expansion to the rate the universe has and is growing. To understand this, we turn to professor Peebles who was named the Albert Einstein Professor of Science at Princeton University. In his textbook, The Principles of Physical Cosmology (Princeton University Press), Philip Peebles, who has established himself as the world’s foremost authority on cosmology, explains that when the universe was small, it was doubling very rapidly.

As the cosmos grew, the time required to double in size got exponentially longer. He, concurring with most all cosmological texts, quotes 1012 as the average rate of expansion. This yields a general relationship between genesis time and time today, indicating that they are different by a factor of one million million.
This concept is fairly simple: when space was stretched, so were the wavelengths within it. The red shift, or stretching due to the expansion of space, is commonly observed in astronomical data, and it now confirms that time originally flowed a trillion times slower than it does today.
The calculable, and third, insight into creation’s clock, and how it differs from ours today, is found by dividing the temperature of quark confinement, when light energy could be successfully transformed into matter (10.9 x 1012 Kelvin) following the Big Bang, by today’s universal temperature of 2.73 degrees Kelvin (the measure of the CMB). This ratio enables us to compare the amount of energy concentrated near the point of creation with that which currently exists. This is relevant because, the more energy which is present, the slower time moves. The resulting calculation serves to confirm that our clock runs 0.399 x 1012 (399,000,000,000) faster than the Creator’s clock at the genesis.
To bring this all together, I am going to refer to, and on occasion paraphrase, a work called The Science of God by Gerald Schroeder, a man with doctoral degrees in nuclear physics and earth science from M.I.T. His book serves to present relativity, quantum mechanics, biology, and probability in simple, easy to understand terms. He not only deduced a similar exponential, he was the first to compare creation’s clock to Bare’syth time.

> thinking he is taking the bible literally

whats wrong milenial, need everything spelled out for you?

What's the contrary evidence

His reasoning can be summarized as follows: the wavelength of what we now observe as cosmic microwave background radiation was stretched during the inflationary period, at the outset of time, in the first seconds of day one. At creation, energy transitioned into matter consistent with Einstein’s E = mc2, with c being the speed of light, which is being multiplied by itself, requiring an enormous amount of energy to form a relatively tiny accumulation of matter. This initial transition from energy to substance occurred when the universe was a million-million times smaller and hotter than it is today. We know that this is the point when time began because time only takes hold when matter forms. From the relative perspective of photon/wave energy, time literally stands still.
The MIT-trained nuclear physicist went on to say that according to the measurements taken in the most advanced physics laboratories, the temperature, and thus frequency, of radiation at the instant of creation was 1012 times hotter than the 2.73o K we now observe in the black of space. Since the Big Bang temperatures were a trillion times hotter, or more energy-intense than today’s observed CMB, it means that the electromagnetic wavelength must have been a trillion times shorter than it is now at its present trillion-times-lower temperature.
The higher the temperature, the higher the frequency of the wave, and the higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength must be. Girded with this knowledge, we can use recent nuclear laboratory calculations to deduce that the CBM is stretched by a factor of approximately 1012, or 1,000,000,000,000 to one—slowing the cosmic clock at creation relative to earth by that amount.
Therefore on average, these four measurements serve to confirm that one day in the Creator’s life at creation would seem like 0.9 x 1012 days to us.

Bang bang never happened, its a pseudo theory that is entirely simulated through paper theories.

The real universe, our cosmos runs on electromagnetism. Look up the SUNFIRE PROJECT, bunch of deep staters from Lockheed Martin are funding it.

Also Thunderbolts Project has a lot of academics in it saying Relativity is false.

But their theory supports in line with Newton a universe driven by a powerful force.

And none of this should be surprising since Yahowah consistently equates His nature to light, and since we now know that at the velocity of light, time stands still. Eternity only exists in the presence of the Light.
Before we examine the calculations calibrating genesis time to our own to ascertain how God and man can both be accurate and yet differ, let’s take a moment to explore some of the cosmological assumptions which have led us to our current state of awareness. To begin, cosmologists contend that a concentration of energy at the initiation of the universe produced electromagnetic waves, or photons, that were forged as the explosion cooled sufficiently to permit matter to form. Persisting to this day, the photons have traveled out in all directions. The thermal soup of quarks, electrons, and photons decreased in temperature rapidly, falling from 1013 degrees Kelvin to one billion degrees after the first few minutes (a temperature still 67 times hotter than the sun’s core). Three hundred thousand years later, as universal energy and density dispersed and dissipated, atoms began to coalesce into gas clouds which later evolved into stars. Moving forward to today we find that the black body temperature of space has fallen to 2.73 Kelvin—hovering ever so slightly above absolute zero. This temperature is the remnant of the primordial fireball which can be discerned through the stretching of the electromagnetic wavelength.
Visible light lies in the center of the nearly infinite range of electromagnetic waves, also known as traveling packets of energy. This physical phenomenon occurs when an electric field couples with a perpendicular magnetic field. Lengths and frequencies of photon energy vary, but not speeds, at least in a vacuum. All forms of radiant energy, gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet, visible light, infrared, microwave and radio waves, are manifestations of the same thing and they all travel at the same speed

>took 6 days even though there was no sun which is our basis of time....
shut up dude, they can't even prove big bang

This is a quality post Op, saved


Scientist have discovered how to create matter from energy
By forcing two photons together
Matter created by light
Kinda makes you think

His orgasm bruh

a pace so extreme that from their perspective, time slows to the point that it no longer moves.
The wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation determines whether it falls within our range of vision. We see wavelengths of approximately 0.00007 centimeters as red and 0.00004 cm as violet at the other extreme of the visible spectrum. By contrast, a microwave produces waves that are 10.0 cm long, while gamma rays from radioactive materials can be as short as 0.000000001 cm. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the wave frequency and energy. A gamma-ray photon, for example, packs billions of times more energy than an infra-red photon. This is important because the energy we measure as CMB was emitted as gamma rays (10-11 cm), but are now elongated microwaves (10 cm), indicating that they have stretched a million million fold—confirming our 1012 exponential once again.
As an interesting aside, while we can only feel infrared light and see visible light I believe that our senses will be more receptive in our eternal state. We may be able to see and feel things that currently lay well beyond our current limitations. What I’m hinting at here is that I think the universe may be comprised of seven dimensions, not just the four we vaguely perceive today, and that dark matter and energy are essential components of these things.
Once we recognize that the CMB is little more than a uniform sea of photons left over from the hot early phase of the universe immediately after quark confinement, we are confronted with a singular plausible explanation for having this uniform CMB radiation exist throughout the universe with such a precise spectrum. It had to be generated at a time when the cosmos was much hotter and denser than it is now.

Good post

Hence the CMB spectrum is essentially incontrovertible evidence that the universe experienced a hot Big Bang stage (that’s not to say that we understand the initial instant, just that we know the universe used to be vastly more energy intense and massively dense—expanding, becoming less dense, and cooling ever since).
It is therefore certain, that the early universe was very hot. The temperature was approximately 4 × 1072 ergs. An erg is a unit of energy equivalent to 10-7 joules, the energy required to exert a force of one newton a distance of one meter. This means that creation was 1012 times hotter than the universe is today on average.
There was so much energy around at the time, scientists speculate that pairs of particles and anti-particles were continually being created and annihilated. This annihilation was translated into packets of light, known as photons. But as the universe expanded and the temperature fell, particles and anti-particles (quarks and the like) annihilated each other for the last time, and the energies became low enough that they couldn’t be recreated again. For reasons still not understood today, the early cosmos had about one part in a billion more particles than anti-particles. So when all the anti-particles had annihilated their counterparts, that left about a billion photons for every particle of matter. And that’s the way the universe exists today, with light remaining dominant.
Now that we have some familiarity with the elements which comprise the coefficient of variance between our clock and the Creator’s, let’s examine how long this timepiece has been running. Here, Hubble’s law has great significance because it quantifies the expansion of the universe and thus can be used to calculate its age. The time elapsed since the Big Bang is a function of the present value of Hubble’s constant and its rate of change.

Cool. How was more matter created than antimatter?

Astronomers have determined the approximate rate of expansion, but no one has yet been able to measure the second value precisely. Still, one can estimate rate of change within the context of the universe’s average density. Since gravity exerts a force which opposes expansion, galaxies should be moving apart more slowly now than they did in the past. The rate of change in expansion is therefore related to the gravitational pull of the universe as a result of its average density. If the density is that of the visible material in and around galaxies, the age of the universe is between 12 and 18 billion years—a range which allows for the uncertainty in the rate of expansion.
The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe mentioned above, recently provided an estimate of 13.7 billion years. That is a bit suspicious for two reasons. First, the density of the universe isn’t remotely equivalent to “the visible material in and around galaxies.” Along these lines, this very same satellite confirmed that 96% of the energy and matter in the cosmos is unknown to us. The gravitational influence of “dark matter,” and the repulsive affect of “dark energy” has dramatic consequences for all aspects of fundamental physics, so it should have moved the age estimate to one outside of that anticipated by Hubble (12 to 18 billion years). Further, the universe is filled with a uniform sea of quantum zero-point energy, or a condensate of new particles that have a mass which is 10-39 times smaller than that of an electron. They should not be ignored.
The second reason for skepticism is that the cosmos cannot be younger than the material from which it is comprised. There is considerable evidence that many stars, even relatively close ones, are considerably older than 13.7 billion years. Many are considered to be more than 15 billion years old.

Apart from the Hubble red shift expansion model, and the Wilkinson CMB estimates, there are several other ways to evaluate the universe’s age. For example, the rate of cooling of white dwarf stars indicates the oldest stars in the disk of the Milky Way galaxy are about 9 billion years old. The stars in the halo of the Milky Way are somewhat older, about 15 billion years—a value derived from the rate of nuclear fuel consumption in their cores.
Additionally, the ages of the oldest known chemical elements in the cosmos are also approximately 15 billion years old according to radioactive dating techniques. Workers in laboratories have derived these age estimates from atomic and nuclear physics. It is noteworthy that their results agree with the age astronomers have derived by measuring cosmic expansion.
Now that we have evaluated some of the pieces to our puzzle—God’s big bang testimony, man’s Big Bang Theory, the age of the universe, the relative nature of time, and the role of photon energy in our genesis—it’s time to put it all together. The first conclusion should now be obvious. This discussion on the initiation of time, concentration of energy, inflationary stretching of space, and the transformation of light into matter, serves to corroborate Yahowah’s testimony. The Big Bang theory requires, and our observations confirm, that all of these things actually occurred during the cosmos’ birth.

The ridiculous and evidence-less concept of abiogenesis, upon which the entire theory rests, and the conflicts with the basic law of entropy, also called the second law of thermodynamics.

It is why Bare’syth 1:2 says the ruwach / Spirit of ‘elohym / Almighty God was paney / present, rachaph / hovering over the “tohu, bohu, and chosek—the lifeless, formless, void of darkness” prior to the existence of visible ‘owr / light. And especially notable in this context is that one of rachaph’s most prevalent connotations is “agitation and rapid movement,” making everything God has said thus far consistent with the evidence. The second conclusion should now be intuitive. Based upon our analysis of the cosmic clock, Yahowah’s claim that the first universal epoch lasted one day is not in conflict with the scientific assertion that it required 7 to 8 billion years.

In support of this conclusion, consider the fact that while the various scientific methods for estimating the age of our universe provide differing conclusions, they all fall within the same general magnitude. So while we cannot be dogmatic or assert that the scientific claims are precise, based upon our ability to measure it, looking back in time from the vantage point of earth, the universe can be reasonably assumed to be 15 billion years old plus or minus a billion years or so.
The creative days of Bare’syth / Genesis, however, look forward, not back. Yahowah’s testimony was composed as an eyewitness, from the perspective of the Creator at creation, not from that of us on earth. The simple truth is that no matter how arrogant and self-reliant mankind chooses to be, our planet didn’t exist when the universe was formed, so our perspective and clock could not have been used.

With that in mind, let’s compare our clock to His. To do that we must multiply the 15,000,000,000 year estimated age of the cosmos by 365.25 days per year so that both clocks conform to the same unit of measure—that being “days.” 15,000,000,000 years x 365.25 days/year = 5,478,750,000,000 days (plus or minus 10%).
To coordinate this 5.5 trillion day period with creation’s clock, respecting the relativistic nature of time, we must divide this number of earth days since creation by the coefficient time was slowed at creation. Earlier, we deduced this number by averaging the results derived from the four methods from which it can be calculated. We discovered that Big Bang time ran 0.9 x 1012 (900,000,000,000) times slower than earth time does today.
So here is the math: 5,478,750,000,000 days (plus or minus 10%) divided by 900,000,000,000 equals: 6 days. From the vantage point of a witness to creation, existing at the point of inception, the whole process from start to finish took a length of time that equates to six, twenty-four hour, earth days.
“And thus the heavens and earth were finished and on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made ” (Bare’syth / In the Beginning / Genesis 2:1-2)
This is not a cosmic coincidence. Yahowah’s timeline, His accounting, God’s 3,400-year-old written testimony, corresponds precisely with the evidence at our disposal. If that doesn’t get your attention and cause you to think that His Scriptures might be inspired, nothing will.
But we have only scratched the surface. With every layer and detail He adds, God proves that He knew how the universe was created, when it was created, and how and when life came to exist—because He was responsible. This then compels a singular informed and rational verdict: “In the beginning God created the spiritual world and also the material realm.”

This concludes our broadcast for the day. If you want to learn more about God and/or how to be a part of his Covenant then the most simplified resource on this information is all available at:

There you will find information equally as interesting as what I've shared here today.

Subsequently if you have more questions, you can join this discord server:

The server was formerly for #OperationGooGone but we're repurposing it for other ops and sharing info such as this

Here's a screencap. Sorry for the low quality, I'm feeling lazy.

what is this, "thing" around this (((big bang))) that encapsulates it? that gives it its like teh land to teh water in a lake. the lake is the wter right but without the land what teh fuck.


Thanks bruv.

Check out the website i linked to. It has links to the book that this information was taken from and much more.

MY DUDE!! thanks



All that exists must first be created.

Thanks leaf bro. Gerald Schroeder and Julian Jaynes were my two biggest Godpills in my life. You won't get the rake


Here is a link to the book I pulled this from:


>being stupid enough to believe that evolution isn't a faith
--->Evolution is faith
--->Faith is shit
--->Ergo, evolution is shit?
Seriously, is this the best the religidiots could come up with? Religion is shit?

The stupidest people on the planet are too irrational to accept the readily observable facts about nature. Evolution is a theory we all accept until solid evidence comes along for any competing their closer to the truth.

>despite the evidence that it couldn't have happened.
All the evidence indicates evolution is a valid theory. There's no contrary evidence.

The Bare’syth / In the Beginning / Genesis account of this era fits beautifully with the fossil record. Each of the 34 to 35 phyla, or basic body plans that comprise the full spectrum of animal life, burst onto the scene in their entirety during the Cambrian period—700 million years ago—well within Yahowah’s timeline of 900 to 450 million years BCE. Not a single new phyla has emerged since. These findings are completely incompatible with macro-evolution, of eons of time changing inorganic minerals into humans.
And while it’s a detail, it’s an insightful one. Insects, fish, reptiles, and birds made Yahowah’s fifth day list—mammals did not. The fossil record reveals that while insects, fish, reptiles and birds all came into being between 700 and 450 million years ago, the first mammal wouldn’t exist for another 250 million years. That’s why Yahowah spoke of them on the sixth day. Scientifically, Yahowah’s accounting remains precisely accurate in substance, sequence, and duration.
Thermodynamics, the most basic of the natural laws which govern physics, dictates that without an outside influence, an engaged, intelligent and purposeful Creator, our planet’s environment and the life it spawned would have regressed, not progressed—going from order to disorder. Genetically, random mutations do not add complexity; they diminish it. Information is lost, not gained.
And then there is the matter of sex. To reproduce, animals must mate. In many species male and female perform complementary roles in gestation, nurturing, and protection. To think that this happened by chance, at the onset of each new animal form, and similarly for all animal types is akin to believing in fairy tales.
Moreover, animal biology is sustained through the interworkings of countless interconnected, mutually reliant, and astonishingly complex machines. They all have a source of energy, a mission, and a means to replicate themselves.

You forgot the closed system part of the 2nd law of thermodynamics, you fucking dolt. Please kill yourself, it's been pointed out to you and your ilk so many times already but you still shout entropy. Again, kill yourself.

this is not even close to the correct model

You are so funny!

Applying the galactic unit of measure Yahowah told us to use to quantify His creative timetable, we can deduce that the second cosmological epoch began approximately 7.5 billion years ago, give or take twenty percent. That same formula suggests that the second day came to a close around 3.8 billion years in our past.
Scientifically several rather important things occurred toward the end of this period. Cosmologists believe that 4.8 x 109 years ago the star we call our sun was created as a second generation luminary within the spiral galaxy we refer to as the Milky Way. Shortly thereafter, the earth was formed, some 4.5 billion years in our past. Even the 3.8 x 109 terminus date is significant. It marks the time the steady influx of large asteroids ceased impacting our planet, facilitating the conditions that would immediately lead to life. But that is the subject of the third day.
In His initial statement describing the second creative era, Yahowah reveals something we have only just recently come to learn, that H2O is the second most abundant molecule in the interstellar clouds which serve as wombs for new stars and planets like our own. “God (’elohym – the Almighty) said (‘amar – spoke with a focus on the content to follow; God thought, intended, and promised that) matter and space (raqya’ – the extended solid support base and universal expanse; from riqua’ meaning the spreading out, expanding, and broadening of things) shall exist (hayah) in the midst of (tawek – among and between) the waters (maym), existing (hayah) dividing and separating for the purpose of understanding (badal bayn – making a distinction between, selecting from, differentiating among, and setting apart, withdrawing and expelling over an interval of time to facilitate comprehension) waters (maym) in relation to (la – toward, among, and concerning) the waters (maym).” (Bare’syth / In the Beginning / Genesis 1:6)

Yahweh, Jesus and Allah are myths. The Tanakh, The Bibles and The Quran are fiction. The Abrahamic Religions are cancers to mankind. It is truly mind blowing that people still believe in these dangerous superstitions.

*tips fedora* m'lady

Nihilism is worse faggot

Why would people follow a religion that tells them to forgive sinners and not kill? We should all just accept LGBTQNIGJER2AEIOU+ rights and enjoy soy product so we don't hurt animals! *tips fedora* Stupid catholics! Killing people for centuries! *tips*


From a leaf too
>Keep these going OP, good stuff

Starting to lose me here

Before we advance further into Yahowah’s testimony, let’s establish a more complete foundation so that we can better appreciate what God has to say. In that regard, it’s important to recognize that how God created the universe was well beyond the vocabulary and comprehension of His initial audience. The languages of astronomy, physics and calculus, the matrix of space-time and relativity, the equivalency of energy and matter, and the language of life, DNA, would not be understood for another 3,500 years. Without them, it was absolutely impossible to explain how the universe and life were conceived. Even with these advances, mankind’s quest to comprehend our existence remains clouded and unfulfilled. Therefore, for the Creation account to be relevant for all people in all ages, for there to be something all generations could understand and apply regardless of their time or circumstance, there must be storylines other than how.
And so there are. But sadly, these themes are not commonly known. And what’s even more egregious is that which is taught is usually wrong. Fortunately, today we are in a position to appreciate the significance of each message.
For example, in the last thirty years, scientists have discovered that Yahowah was right regarding every important aspect of the beginnings of the universe and of life. The cosmos had a genesis, contrary to what most astronomers believed at the middle part of the 20th century. The universe began with an enormous, practically infinite, concentration of energy in a singular place and time, a big bang, consistent with Yahowah’s declaration and terminology. Light was in fact the first thing to exist. This energy would eventually coalesce to form matter. We even find that the universe is stretched out and consists of space-time, again harmonious with Yahowah’s accounting.

good post op

Plants preceded animals, and such simple forms of life emerged from the sea the moment liquid water existed on the earth, consistent with Yahowah’s assertions but not with Darwin’s. Plants and animals are both comprised of the elements of the earth and they literally exploded onto the scene in separate eras, in absolute accordance with the Bare’syth testimony. The fossil evidence confirms that there was no gradual mutation from simple to complex life forms nor was there an evolutionary tree between phyla—the basic categories of life. As we shall discover, Yahowah’s witness is accurate: representatives of each of the thirty-four animal phylum alive today were present among the fossils of the Cambrian Period. They all came to exist, reproduced after their kind and flourished in their complex forms within a cosmic nanosecond of less than five million years. Insects and fish, vertebrates and invertebrates, complex bone structures and most sophisticated internal organs, even male and female forms all appeared simultaneously in one enormous explosion of life—precisely as Yahowah described it, and in complete discord with macro-evolutionary theory.
In fact, it is macro-evolutionary theory which is errant. Not only do harmful mutations (which destroy information) outnumber beneficial ones by a million to one in the genome (genetic structure including chromosomes, genes, and nucleotides), natural selection, acting on the phenome (entire body) rather than genome, is unable to keep pace, meaning that every animal species is irrevocably degenerating over time—not evolving to become more complex organisms. Further, no scientist has been able to demonstrate that any animal gene mutation has actually added a meaningful amount of new information. While some random mutations have been beneficial, they are insignificant in quantity compared to destructive changes, and they are irrelevant in comparison to the vast differences between species.

have a (you)

Stop trying to jam your stupid book in everywhere christ cucks.

Oh the Great Flood and Noah:

The only significant gap in the elevated perimeter of this gigantic basin known as the Middle East, is the narrow channel separating the Persian Gulf from the Gulf of Oman. And that’s intriguing, because in 2005, scientists (Dallas Abbot and Dee Breger) proved that a massive meteor struck the Indian Ocean 900 miles southeast of Madagascar. Its crater, named Burckle, has been dated to the lifetime of Noah.
Initially, scientists thought that the crater was formed between four- and five- thousand years ago (plus or minus 1500 years), but that timeline has since been revised to “around 2800 BCE.” The impact left a massive circular depression 18 miles in diameter, 12,000 feet below the surface of the sea. (Imagine for a moment the size and power of a meteor capable of creating an eighteen-mile-wide crater, twelve-thousand feet under water. And then contemplate how much water such an object would displace—as well as where the seawater would go.)
Now this is where it gets interesting. According to the scientists, the asteroid created a tsunami event which raced inland toward the Persian Gulf and up through Mesopotamia, reaching the Mediterranean and Black Seas. While the height and speed of this wall of water is hard for scientists to estimate, researchers like Ted Bryant, who are studying evidence related to the Burckle Crater, say that “the huge waves were beyond our imagination;” they were “many magnitudes larger than any tsunami experienced in modern times.” He said, “End-of-the-world movies do not capture the size of these waves.” Others have stated: “If an event of this magnitude were to occur today, it would kill a quarter of the earth’s inhabitants.” Computer models suggest wave heights could have exceeded ten-thousand feet.


So it is possible that these waves would not only have massively contributed to the scale of the flood, the roar of encroaching and retreating waters would explain the inclination we now see in the mountain range at the Strait of Hormuz. It also explains why archaeologist Leonard Woolley found thirty feet of flood-deposited sediment above the oldest levels of Ur in Sumer, located at the mouth of the Euphrates River. It would explain the Black Sea’s sudden change at that same time from fresh to saltwater, as well as its sudden 500-foot rise in elevation.
Further, it is interesting to contemplate the other related effects of an asteroid impact of this scale. It would eject enormous quantities of water vapor into the air causing a prolonged rain—say of forty days and forty nights. And it would catapult so much debris into the atmosphere, the strike would trigger what’s known as a “nuclear winter,” causing the resulting precipitation to start warm and transition to snow over time. Moreover, the tremendous amounts of fresh water from rain and snow would serve to leech all but the deepest basins (like Lake Van, Lake Urmia, and the Black and Caspian Seas) of salt, allowing plants to thrive soon after the waves of ocean water retreated through the narrow channel in the Persian Gulf.
Recognizing that the Black and Caspian Seas are the watershed for much of Europe and Russia, the continued rain would have provided ample water to replace that which was now spilling out through the Bosporus Strait and the Strait of Hormuz—the only floodgates in this entire Middle East basin.

Fractional Reserve Central Banking is how you really make something out of nothing.

A massive asteroid impact in the ocean is the only event capable of incorporating all of tahowm’s etymological meanings: “deep sea water roaring up from the depths in overwhelming quantities and force, creating wave upon wave without intermission.” The shockwaves from such and impact would tend to free underground stores of water, breaking them loose. And as we know from our meteorological modeling, the asteroid strike of this magnitude would release the floodgates of heaven, causing torrential rains which would be followed by a massive accumulation of snow.
So convinced he was that this asteroid was the cause of the flood depicted in the bible, a scientist commenting upon the History Channel’s presentation of the events related to the Burckle Crater, said: “We no longer need God to explain the multiple flood legends.”
Nearly four-thousand years before man figured out what had happened, Yahowah provided written documentation of when, where, why, and how the flood occurred, including specific details which wouldn’t be completely understood for many millennia. And when every last aspect of what He revealed was confirmed to be correct, man, rather than pointing a finger toward God, poked Him in the eye.
Keep in mind that this passage isn’t the only one in which Yahowah suggests that He will use an asteroid to do His bidding. In the 8th chapter of Revelation, God says that He will nudge an asteroid He calls “Apinthos” from its orbit so that it will collide with the Earth. Scientists have labeled this asteroid “Apophis 2004 MN4.” But they are unaware of Yah’s prophecy, and therefore expect it to miss our planet by a distance of 15,000 miles, or by less than a tenth of the distance from the earth to the moon. It is projected (errantly) to be the closest “near miss” of any earth-altering event. My guess is that the Black Sea Gazette, circa 2968 BCE, featured a similar story

Bump for a good thread.

He said 1 more particle of matter per billion particles of anti matter if there were 1 billion anti matter particles there were 1 billion and 1 matter particles.

In Yah Saves / Yashayahu / Isaiah 42:8, Yahowah says, "I am Yahowah. That is My Name." Well, that answers the question, "What is His Name?" His Name is Yahowah. His Name is not "the LORD." His name is not "Jehovah." His Name is not "God." His Name is Yahowah.
Yes, I know that your Bible probably doesn't read that way. Your Bible probably says, "I am the LORD: that is my name …" Well, those who translated your Bible either made a common mistake or they deliberately chose to deceive their readers. Either way, their guilt is upon them. His Name is Yahowah. That is how the Hebrew word "YHWH" (יהוה) transliterates into the English language, and "YHWH" is the Hebrew word that is actually found in the ancient texts.
Perhaps one of the most powerful passages is the one found in Names / Shemowth / Exodus 3:15, where God said to Moses, "Say this to the people of Israel, 'Yahowah, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Izhaq, and the God of Ya'aqob, has sent me to you.' This is My name forever, and I am to be remembered by it throughout all generations."
The word translated as "to be remembered" is zeqer (זכר). Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words tells us zeqer is a noun and that it means, "remembrance, memorial". One example given to demonstrate its use is Shemowth 17:14: "I will utterly put out the remembrance [zeqer] of Amalek from under heaven." So Yahowah is telling us in Shemowth 3:15 that He is to be remembered as Yahowah throughout all generations. "This is My Name forever, and I am to be remembered by it throughout all generations."
How much plainer can this be?
I have read where some say that He has many names, but I do not find Him saying in any place that His Name is something other than Yahowah. He says, "I am Yahowah. That is My Name." I think we ought to take Him at His word.
There are those who declare that speaking Yahowah's Name shows a lack of proper respect for His Name.

Good shit OP, have a you.

>Before the conversion of energy to matter, time did not, and could not, exist.

This is not your average Leaf thread.

looks like some cosmic BRRAAAPPP

The bottom line is that common arguments against His Name are completely baseless. Nowhere in the Bible do we find any statement saying, "It doesn't matter what you call Me, I know who you mean." Neither do we find a single verse stating, "I actually have many names," or one verse that says, "You are free to call Me anything you like if you are sincere in your heart." He never gives us permission or authorization to call Him by any Name other than the one He revealed to us and which was written somewhere in the neighborhood of 7,000 times in the Tanakh (erroneously referred to as the Old Testament). And He never, ever tells us to worship Him. The whole concept of worship is sickening to a rational mind, and Yahowah has the most rational mind in the universe.

Then who is "the LORD"? We are so accustomed to hearing God referred to as "The LORD" that we hardly give it a second thought. But here's the fact: the English words, "the Lord", are an exact translation of the Hebrew words, "ha ba'al". Now, in case you aren't aware of it, Ba'al was a prominent pagan god. The Adversary, or devil if you insist, ha satan, is Ba'al.
That's right. Satan is the Lord. The Lord is Satan. Even the Pharisees knew this, for they snarled of Yahowsha, "This man does not cast out demons, but by the Lord of flies (Ba'alzebub), the Prince of demons!" (See complete passage below.)
So it is not at all proper to refer to our great God and King, our Heavenly Father, by His greatest enemy's title! If you've been doing that, stop it. Seriously. Just stop it.

But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, "This man does not cast out demons, except by Beelzebul, the prince of the demons."

You might be wondering, "Is it really important to use the correct Names?" Yes. It really is. I am completely persuaded that it is absolutely imperative to know and use the revealed Names of the Father and of His only begotten Son.

Those questions will not trouble the Casual Churchian; but they should grab the attention of an honest seeker of the truth.

Before there was even a nation of Isra'el, men knew to call on Yahowah by Name.
In the Beginning / BaRe'syth / Genesis 4:1,26
And Adam knew Chawah his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, and said, "I have gained a man from Yahowah."

And to Seth, to him also a son was born. And he called his name Enosh. Then began men to call on the Name of Yahowah.
Our Father wanted Abraham to know His Name.

In the Beginning / BaRe'syth / Genesis 15:7
And He said to him, "I am Yahowah, Who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans, to give you this land to possess it."
He wanted Ya'aqob to know His Name.
In the Beginning / BaRe'syth / Genesis 28:13
And behold, Yahowah stood above it and said, "I am Yahowah, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Izhaq; the land on which you lie I will give to you and your descendants."

He wanted Moshe to know His Name.
Names / Shemowth / Exodus 6:2,3
And the Almighty spoke further to Moshe and said to him, "I am Yahowah. I appeared to Abraham, Izhaq, and Ya'aqob, as the Almighty God, and was I not known to them by My Name, Yahowah?"

Yahowah wanted the Mizrayim (that is, the Egyptians) to know His Name.
Names / Shemowth / Exodus 7:5
"The Mizrayim will know that I am Yahowah, when I stretch out My hand on Mizrayim and bring out the sons of Isra'el from their midst."

He wanted the whole nation of Isra'el to know His Name.
Called Out / Qara / Leviticus 11:44
"For I am Yahowah your God. Prepare yourselves therefore, and be set-apart, for I am set-apart."

He wants to make it crystal clear that His Name is Yahowah.
Yah Saves / Yashayahu / Isaiah 42:8
"I am Yahowah. That is My Name;
I will not give My glory to another,
nor My praise to graven images."
Yah Saves / Yashayahu / Isaiah 43:11
"I, even I, am Yahowah,
and there is no savior besides Me."

If you who are a Christian who thinks that "Jesus" is your savior, you might want to read the previous passage again. Try to grasp the full import of what your Creator is telling you and contrast that with what your filthy religion has been telling you.
Yah Saves / Yashayahu / Isaiah 45:6
"That men may know
from the rising to the setting of the sun
that there is no one besides Me.
I am Yahowah, and there is no other."

Yahowah expects us to make His Name known throughout all the world. Those in ancient times were aware of this.
Words / Dabarim / Deuteronomy 32:3
"For I proclaim the Name of Yahowah;
ascribe greatness to our God!"
— from the Song of Moshe
His Name is God / Shemu'el / Samuel 1:17:45
Then Dowd said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the Name of Yahowah of armies, the God of the armies of Isra'el, Whom you have taunted."
Song / Mizmowr / Psalm 34:3
O magnify Yahowah with me,
and let us exalt His Name together!

Those who styled themselves as experts in Jewish Law, commonly revered as rabbis, or exalted masters, decided to hide the Name to prevent it from being blasphemed. Therefore, wherever YHWH appeared in the text, scribes intentionally pointed it incorrectly, using the vowels for the Hebrew word "Adonai" (which means the ultimate Lord or "my Lord") So when the reader saw "יהוה" in the text, he would say "Adonai" rather than the Creator's Name, Yahowah. According to the records, in more than 100 places in the Tanakh, not satisfied with pointing יהוה incorrectly, the Masoretic scribes actually removed the Name altogether, replacing it with Adonai

Yahudim today are strictly forbidden by their rabbis from speaking the Name of Yahowah. The following quote is from the web site, mechon-mamre.org, in the section labelled "Pronouncing the Name of God":
The Mishnah confirms that there was no prohibition against pronouncing The Name in ancient times. In fact, the Mishnah recommends using God's Name as a routine greeting to a fellow Jew. Berakhot 9,5. However, by the time of the Talmud, it was the custom to use substitute Names for God. Some rabbis asserted that a person who pronounces YHVH according to its letters (instead of using a substitute) has no place in the World to Come, and should be put to death. Instead of pronouncing the four-letter Name, we usually substitute the Name "Adonai"; but sometimes we substitute "Elohim" when YHVH comes either immediately before or after the name "Adonai" itself.

Although the prohibition on pronunciation applies only to the four-letter Name, Jews customarily do not pronounce any of God's many Names except in prayer or study. The usual Orthodox practice is to substitute letters or syllables, so that Adonai becomes Ha-Shem or Adoshem and Eloheynu and Elohim become Elokeynu and Elokim, etc. This practice is quite unnecessary in the context of learning Towrah, and it is especially offensive when whole verses are read from the Bible with these ugly substititutes for God's names.

With the Temple destroyed, the prohibition on pronouncing The Name outside of it caused pronunciation of the Name to fall into disuse. Scholars passed down knowledge of the correct pronunciation of YHVH for many generations, but eventually the correct pronunciation was lost, and we no longer know it with any certainty. We do not know what vowels were used, or even whether the Vav in the Name was a vowel or a consonant.


I would buy this human a drink.

See Hebrew Alphabet for more information about the difficulties in pronouncing Hebrew. Some religious scholars suggest that the Name was pronounced "Yahweh", but others do not find this pronunciation particularly persuasive; our opinion is that this pronunciation is quite insulting to God and expresses more the man-centered ignorance of the scholars than the true name of God (in other words, never say "Yahweh", unless you intend to insult Him, God forbid!).

Some Christian scholars render the four-letter Name as "Jehovah", but this pronunciation is particularly unlikely. The word "Jehovah" comes from practice of writing YHVH in the Hebrew Bible with the vowels of the Name "Adonai" (the usual substitute for YHVH) on the consonants of YHVH to remind people not to pronounce YHVH as written. A sixteenth century German Christian scribe, while transliterating the Bible into Latin for the Pope, wrote the Name out as it appeared in his texts, with the consonants of YHVH and the vowels of Adonai, and came up with the word JeHoVaH, and the name stuck.

Notice that no scriptural authority is given for this illegal tradition, and that, in fact, the author of the article specifically says as much in the very first sentence! I invite you to find anywhere in the Towrah, Prophets, and Writings where we are forbidden to speak the Father's Name for any reason whatsoever. Because there is no actual authority for this or any other of the laws and traditions of the rabbis, we can safely ignore the unlawful superstition that forbids pronouncing the Creator's Name. The rabbis have taken to themselves an authority they simply do not possess. It is, therefore, perfectly okay to blow them off. Just ignore them. "They are," as Yahowsha(Jesus) said, "blind leaders of the blind."

Bump of coke

As bad as Jews are, they are another tribe. If you believe in books.

Therefore, jew on a stick and his sky daddy

makes perfect sense

This is an amazing compilation of information OP, no doubt a message compiled by the divine Lord himself. I have been experimenting with differing passing rates of time and in relation to energy states. So far my experiments are incomplete due to inconsistent experimentation but enough to conclude a time deviation of at least 13 seconds from 11/5 to 12/3 plus or minus 2 seconds of accuracy, moving closer to the direction of proving that time can be irregular depending on mass and energy states. Just as you have noted by the expansion of the universe after the moment of creation.

You seem to be interested in the rate of time for cosmic microwave background but I suggest you also look into the rate of time for cosmic rays as well which should be the inverse of cosmic microwave background.

Since the days of Kepha, Ya'aqob, and Yahowchanan (Peter, James, and John), and the other prepared and sent out messengers (apostles), the simple truths from our Savior's Word have been contaminated, over-ruled, and even completely replaced by the doctrines and traditions of men. As mentioned above, even the Names of the heavenly Father and His Son have been cast away and replaced with counterfeits, and then religious systems have been constructed using those false names, religions which lead souls away from Yahowah.
That in itself spells eternal woe to the offenders:
Names / Shemowth / Exodus 20:7 (translated from the Dead Sea Scrolls by Yada)
"You shall not lift up, support, or advance, forgive or dignify, respect or tolerate, through the Name or reputation of Yahowah your God, lifeless and worthless deceptions or devastating and destructive falsehoods. For indeed, Yahowah will not forgive or leave unpunished those who deceive, beguile, or delude, using clever trickery to mislead in association with His Name, to promote vain and ineffectual lies - which lead to lifelessness and destruction - or devastating deceptions, which nullify our existence, leading to emptiness."
Most Bible translations read nothing like that. For example, the revered King James Version "translates" it, "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who taketh His name in vain." We are told that the meaning of that abysmally mistranslated statement is that we are not to say, "God damn it!" Such a claim is just plain silly. For one thing, His Name is not God. It's Yahowah. "God" is one of His titles. For another, "God damn it" is a sentence, and it describes something Yahowah does all the time. To be damned by Yahowah is not to be thrown into "a sinner's hell." One is damned when Yahowah separates that one from Himself.

>Moreover, animal biology is sustained through the interworkings of countless interconnected, mutually reliant, and astonishingly complex machines. They all have a source of energy, a mission, and a means to replicate themselves.

Interesting. I've always said living organisms are natures Von Neumann machines. No one ever seems to want to discuss it though, I find this really odd, since it seems so fucking obvious.

So stars existed before light? Haha ok buds

The irony is how there is seven tribes of Israel, seven deadly sins, and seven days for the will of each.

Reality does not exist until it is observed.
Photons are in a state of flux until measured and observed, and exist and do not exist at the same time.

God created the universe by observing it.

The name of God has never spoken. Just eons of translation. No one knows the name of God.


sauce now

The author of Word Pictures / Mishlay / Proverbs 30:4 asked the penetrating question, "What is His Son's Name? Surely you know!"
Yahowsha is the Name of Yahowah's Son. It is pronounced yah-OH-shah and it means "Yah is salvation".
But what about that other name? What about Jesus? You might want to hold onto your seat cushion here.
Jesus is a made-up name.
Jesus appears nowhere in the original manuscripts, not even as Iesous. [See this]
The name Jesus has no heavenly power whatsoever.
The name Jesus means absolutely nothing.
Each one of those statements is 100% true. Every one of them is 100% accurate and correct. Moreover, not one of them can be disproved. They cannot even be rationally or intelligently argued against. And that just blows the religions of the Roman Catholic Church, Christianity, Mormonism, the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Seventh Day Adventists, and the Worldwide Church of God right out of the water.
Jesus is not the Name of the Son of Yahowah, the Creator of the heavens and earth. And rather than saving you, faith in the name of Jesus will cause your soul to be annihilated. Well, that's not precisely true. If you're promoting one of the religions based on that name, your soul won't die. You will be given eternal life, and then you will spend all of that eternal life in isolated lockdown, imprisoned with the rest of those foolish enough to be Yahowah's enemies.
Some of you might be protesting, "But I was miraculously transformed from being a really sorry excuse for a human being into a wonderful, kind, moral, and caring person when I cried out in the name of Jesus! And I have seen people miraculously healed in the name of Jesus! I just KNOW that He loves me and is the Truth!"
And I am telling you the truth when I emphatically state that you have been deceived. The Lord (Satan, the devil, the serpent, Allah, Buddha, Krishna, pick the name of your choice) can heal if it suits his purpose and if he gets Yahowah's permission to deceive therewith.

Something interesting about light is that from a photon's perspective, it exists everywhere it travels simultaneously, like a really long string. But from our perspective, photons start high energy, and slowly diminish and red-shift as they travel, then eventually stop existing as a photon when they run out of energy. Something like that.

In Yashayah 1:18, (Yashayah means "Yah Has Saved", but English Bibles deliberately misrepresent it as "Isaiah"), Yahowah invites us to walk along with Him and reason things through. Conversely, our adversary and his servants—government leaders, religious clerics, and their partners—threaten those who persistently question them, anyone who relentlessly seeks to apply reason to their religious doctrines.
Who is this adversary to whom I refer? He is the Lord. Remember, "the Lord" is simply a Hebrew title, ha ba'al, translated into English. The LORD is Satan, the adversary. His real name is halal ben shakar, or "Arrogant Son of the Morning Star(or intoxication)", and he is ha Ba'al, the Lord mentioned throughout the Teachings, Prophets, and Writings (inaccurately and inappropriately called the "Old Testament").
Yahowah offers joyous freedom; the Lord offers harsh enslavement to man's religious and political systems.
Yahowah offers life everlasting. Halal ben Shakar, a condemned being, wants every one of us to share in the punishment he has brought on himself through his presumptuous and arrogant rebellion. And I have no doubt that he really likes it when he persuades someone to worship him as the Most High while they're trudging to their own destruction under the weight of his religious rules and regulations. Sadly, he really is the god of every religion in the world, and he has cunningly deceived his followers, blinding them, keeping them from discerning his true identity. And he has millions, if not actual billions, of people calling on his most famous title, "the LORD", every day and night.
Those who serve halal ben shakar as religious leaders swell themselves up, spread wide their arms, and declare importantly that they bring to us the Word of God, just as Zedkiyah and the other priests of the Lord did in the days of King Ahab (See 1 Kings 22). They preach that we must bow down and worship the Lord, proclaiming that he demands and cherishes our worship.

Yahowsha spoke of a broad highway, if I recall correctly. He said it leads to destruction and declared that many would follow it to their doom. He also asked a piercing question. "What will it profit a man to gain the whole world if he loses his own soul?" So, what good will it do you to gain total sobriety if you lose our own soul in the process? Way to go, AA enthusiast! Please pick up your subpoena at the door: the Judge is waiting for you.
Yahowah, unlike politicians and religious leaders, reaches out harmlessly, smiling warmly, without guile, and says with unearthly gentleness, "Take My hand and walk with Me. We will be walking away from the religious and political systems of your fathers. Place My yoke upon yourself, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly of heart. You will find My yoke to be easy and My burden to be light. Walk with me, and you will find rest for your soul, and I will give you life that never ends. I will remove your sins and will not let Myself remember them ever again. I will gently wipe every tear from your eyes. I will adopt you as My own and give you my Family Name. And when your time on earth is complete, I'll change you into a form that allows you to live safely with me as my very own child."
Hard choice, huh.
"Come! Let us reason together!" Seems reasonable to me to talk all this over with my Creator. How about you? You have an open invitation from Yahowah Himself to find Him through His Word. Will you accept that invitation and engage with Him on His terms?

Jesus crimony. Don't you lecture me upon dogs. The Symbol of Christianity is a High symbol. A good kind of people with morale and servitude. One of the few good religions left. Speak bad about the buddha again and i might have to slap you.

Nothing can explain what you are purporting to with your "closed system" nonsense.

>hurr the laws of physics apply to everything until they compel a conclusion that I don't want to accept!

Liberal logic, folks.

>1 Yah is Merciful / 1 Yaochanan / 1 John 3:1-2

See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of Yahowah! And such we are. For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.

Yaochanan(John) tells us that the world does not know us because it does not know Yahowah. The world does not know Him. Let the full impact of that truth sink into your consciousness. He isn't inside you and me. He isn't everywhere and He doesn't know everything. He doesn't love everybody. In fact, He declares unequivocally that there are some He actively hates. Those ideas about His omnipresence, omniscience, and all-inclusive love spring from religious myth. This isn't about doing "good", or building orphanages, or spearheading a food relief operation. It's about knowing our God as intimately as possible in complete compliance to His written instructions. Yahowsha tells us this about His Way which leads to Life: "Few there be that find it." The millions and billions of religious people are more than a few, and Yahowsha says they're not going to find it. Instead, they will either be annihilated at the moment of their death, or else they will hear Him tell them, "Depart from me, you workers of Towrahlessness. I never knew you," just before they are forever incarcerated in a pitch-black, soundproof isolation chamber in the universe's garbage bin known as Sheol.
We can most certainly get to know Him, though, if we are willing to invest the time and effort to dig out the truth. That truth is buried beneath crusted layers of religious deception and corruption. It's there; we just have to care enough about Yahowah and His Word to actually dig it out and clean all the crap off of it. And that is just how Yahowah wants it to be.

>Yah is Giving Us a Gift / Mattanyah / Matthew 7:7

"Ask, and keep on asking, and it will be given to you;seek, and keep on seeking, and you will find;knock, and keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you"

For centuries our fathers have inherited falsehood, futility and things of no profit from their religious leaders. Catholics, Christians, and Talmudic Jews have been systematically indoctrinated with lies, false doctrines, and worthless traditions by their popes, priests, pastors, teachers, and rabbis. Self-serving men have corrupted, taken away from, and added to Yahowah's Word in direct opposition to the very Word they claim to revere.
But Yahowah has been faithful to those of us who seek Him with all our hearts. He has not allowed His eternal truths to perish, for His Word is forever established, just as the Teacher Yahowsha declared:

>Yah has given us a gift / Mattanyah / Matthew 5:17-19
"Do not think that I come to disintegrate or annul the Teachings or the Prophets; I did not come to disintegrate or annul, but to bring its complete rendering. With trustworthy firmness I say to you, until sky and land pass away, not the smallest Hebrew letter or stroke shall go away from the Teachings until all events appear in history. Whoever, then, annuls, subverts, or deprives of its authority one of the very smallest of the instructions and prescriptions for living shall be called so small in the realm of heaven as to be insignificant; but whoever does and teaches them shall be called highly esteemed in the realm of heaven."

Yahowsha wants us to know that we who will be living in the realm of heaven will regard as unimaginably minute, so much so they will be totally insignificant to us, those who annulled, subverted, or deprived of its authority any part of Yahowah's Teaching. Notice, too, that He did NOT say that those insignificant entities would be in heaven with us. He merely describes how they will be thought of there. That's important to understand.


Nigga you be flexin like David Icke

>since the earth receives sunlight, its entropy is not necessarily decreasing as energy is being added
>therefore it's reasonable to believe that increasing the energy in a system allows life to spontaneously arise
This is where your kind go full retard. By your logic I could dump chemicals in my oven and simply turn it on and have a chance of them coming to life.

Liberal logic folks

There is only one Covenant. The Covenant has not been renewed, as Christian teachers would have you believe. Yahowah plainly announced that the hallmark of the renewed Covenant is this: He will personally write His Towrah in our hearts. He has not done that yet, so He has not yet renewed His Covenant. It's that simple, and that is all there is to it. Don't believe me? Okay. Here's your challenge:

Quote the entire Towrah out loud right now, word for word in Hebrew. That shouldn't be a problem if it is written in your heart. All you have to do is draw it out from your innermost being as easily as you do John 3:16. Go ahead. Do it.

You cannot do it because Yahowah has not yet renewed His Covenant. Therefore, He has not yet written His Towrah into your memory circuits as He promises to do when He renews His Covenant with His people.

So let me encourage you to stop believing all that super-spiritualized nonsense and Pauline poison that your preacher and/or some other Christian is cramming down your throat. Run, don't walk, away from your religion!

"Come out of her, My people!"

Yahowsha was the Righteous Servant. His careful observance and penetrating understanding of the Towrah did not signal the end of everyone's need to closely examine, carefully consider, and thoughtfully embrace the Towrah. Rather, Yahowsha's careful observance and penetrating understanding of the Towrah was the goal of Yahowah's Towrah to begin with, the target at which we should aim our own behavior. He was only 12, remember, when He amazed the Towrah scholars in the temple with His understanding of the deep meanings of Yahowah's Towrah. So the Towrah is not something we can't understand. We can understand it.

Even a cursory read of genesis makes it apparent that the creation complies with contemporary science. As such I've always thought abrahamic creation stories and general explanations of reality do not self-refute and are not "easily debunked."

How is this? How did ancient fictional texts manage to conceive of creation without contradicting the science of two millenia into the future? Either the universe is rather intuitive after all, or the Bible is real. I don't profess an opinion either way because I see it as beyond my knowing, and I am typically not interested in such things. However I do have the opinion that autistic atheists are wrong to dismiss religion as they do on such unwise, unintuitive grounds. That worldview is just so fucking empty. It only removes wonder while not in fact providing the correct, quantitative answer, so therefore it's pretty useless. I hate that this affect has caught on in the past decade to the degree it has.

If we do not understand Yahowah's Towrah, then we cannot come to trust and rely on Him. And if we do not trust and rely on Him, then we cannot love Him and, loving Him, get to know Him in the most intimate way possible like He wants us to. We are to follow Yahowsha's flawless example of flint-faced determination and willful compliance with Yahowah's instructions. And, just as importantly, we are to follow His example of not giving in for a single nanosecond to religious leaders, and we are to speak out against their lies. How better to do that than to emulate Him and His apprentices through the keeping of Yahowah's set-apart Prescriptions For Living and cheerful participation in His parties, e.g, His Called Out Assemblies, His Mo'ed Miqrey, the Seven Annual Feasts?

>The Five Conditions of the Covenant
Walk away from Babylon, from corruption, from confusion, from country, from politics, from patriotism, from religion, from one's earthly family.
Trust and rely on Yahowah, which requires us to know Him and understand what He is offering by closely observing and carefully considering His Towrah.
Walk to Yahowah and become perfect, which is achieved by accepting His 7 Invitations (participating in His 7 Feasts).
Read the Covenant, coming to know and understand its Terms and Benefits so that we can respond appropriately.
Those of us who are males are to be circumcised. If we are parents, we are to circumcise our sons as a sign that we are committed to teaching them the Towrah and raising them to become part of Yah's family.

>The Five Benefits of the Covenant
Eternal Life (as a result of the promise of Passover)
Perfection (and thus vindication and redemption) (as a result of the promise of Unleavened Bread)
Adoption into Yah's Covenant Family (as a result of the promise of First Fruits)
Enrichment and Enlightenment (receiving the Towrah and benefiting from its Teaching as a result of the promise of Seven Sabbaths)
Empowerment (also part of the promise of Seven Sabbaths)

>god damns anyone who gets his name wrong
Fuck him then. And fuck you too.

A leaf is a leat is a leaf.

Yeah. It's true. God is behind this whole thing.


>By your logic I could dump chemicals in my oven and simply turn it on and have a chance of them coming to life.
If you dump random chemicals in random combinations at random temperatures infinite times and for infinite duration, it would eventually, wouldn't it?