Homosexuals are bad because they can't produce children and don't contribute to society

>homosexuals are bad because they can't produce children and don't contribute to society
>so let's make it impossible for them to marry, become an economic unit, adopt orphans and contribute to society

I'm not sure I understand this line of reasoning. Is it just a loud minority of christcucks?

Other urls found in this thread:


figures its some knobgoblin cum-drippin-off-his-chin cock puppet from spain puting up shitty slide threads like this

I'd tell you to go suck a cock, but you probably just did


now tell me about how you hate SJWs and identity politics

Who the fuck are these faggots?

how do u even have this faggotry pic saved?

>. Is it just a loud minority of christcucks?
no, the idea is that you disgrace homosexuality by naming it, that to give this type of love a name damages society

I tend to agree with that, I don't care if faggots bum each other, so long as nobody ever talks about it

if you want a sauce you don't have to be shy about it

Gee whiz OP, you sure showed us. Let's legalize gay marriage and adoption immediately. I can't wait to see what the Man/Boy Love Association does next!

Grooming? What's that?

>Implying faggots should be allowed to get married
>Implying faggots would get married for anything other than tax breaks
>Implying faggots should be allowed to raise children
>Implying faggots shouldn't be gassed

Friendly reminder that jews go to hell

Homosexuals are bad. Not being able to reproduce is just about the only redeeming factor they have. Them adopting is continuing a diseased way of thinking through a child. Who would want their son to befriend one of their girly children. Keep them at bay!

heterosexual pedophiles dont exist

How does this damage society exactly?

Faggots not being able to produce is a good thing actually

they can contribute without getting married and molesting children. Why cant they live like straight single people?

Literally taking billions of clones of yourself and condemning them to death in another mans feces and anal mucus

Maybe one day you will produce something.



those guys have nice butts, but I really wish they were on their backs so I could see what they're packin!

The whole point is we need to fucking slaughter them you fucking faggot... also, great idea to let faggots adopt children right???

We'll kill fags to make our nation a safer place. having fags is a waste of time.

is that Reynad?

>Why cant they live like straight single people?
because its against the law

It adds fuel to degeneracy if you try to normalize homosexuality by legalizing gay marriage.

>having fags is a waste of time.
playing video games is a waste of time

Because they shouldn't be allowed to live

Its degenerate to not get married
Its degenerate to not raise children

Is there a reason why roughly 5% of US males are both gay and have been molested as kids?

Is being a faggot just a coping mechanism after getting raped?

I'm okay with all of those points except adoption. Children need a mother-father dichotomy in their upbringing, you think the family unit appeared out of thin air? I believe that Homosexual subculture needs to be eradicated in order for society to continue culturally. The hybridization we have now in the West has led to a plummeting of birthrates, and a spike in promiscuity and an overall devaluing of the relational/marital couple. I posit there isn't even such a thing as a "homo" or "hetero" and that sexual identity is largely self-designated bull shit. But in the case of "Homosexuals", they center their lives around this contrived identity. Which inevitably means they center their lives around sex, which is unfulfilling and leads to the kinds of psychological issues "gays" seem to profess. More often than not these people internalize perceived aspects of society they dislike, carry those perceptions, and project them onto strangers


>Is being a faggot just a coping mechanism after getting raped?
are there any faggots who weren't raped as a child?

I hope that is sarcasm.. only a complete idiot would get married and produce kids these days.

It's to protect the children from being molested by their own guardians

but how will we secure a future for the white race?

>so let's make it impossible for them to marry
We didn't make it that way. God made it that way. Dick + Pussy = baby. Dick + Asshole = HIV and Prolapse. It's IMPOSSIBLE for two people of the same sex to be married since they can't have sex.
>become an economic unit
Nothing is stopping that.
>adopt orphans
Why so they can murder or molest them or worse? People raised by faggots have serious problems.
>and contribute to society
they contribute plenty party planning, florist, interior designer, etc

Hee hee hee

Their butts are showing. :D

Yes, many.

Has anyone here considered ever using google?


Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a pervasive problem with myriad short- and long-term consequences for victims and their families. Its impact is far-reaching with recent estimates that 26.6% of girls and 5.1% of boys experience sexual abuse or assault by age 17 (Finkelhor, Shattuck, Turner, & Hamby, 2014).















About 60% of the male survivors sampled report at least one of their perpetrators to be female.
-Mendel, 1993.



3/4 victims of molestation are female:



"A 2015 study (linked above) looked at virtually every substantiated child sexual abuse case reported to child protective services in the United States in 2010. It concluded more than 20% of child sexual abuse cases reviewed involved a primary female perpetrator – so estimates vary significantly."

why can't you do this on an individual basis through adoption assessments?

Why curb the personal liberties of the faggots who don't touch kids?

>homosexuals are bad because they can't produce children and don't contribute to society
Actually, they're bad because they're mentally ill zombies who spread their illness by abusing children. Why in God's name would I let them near children?

Yes, the ones who lie about it and say they were "born that way" so they don't have to tell the world about how their Dad/Uncle drank pee pee from their willy.

Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:

H-Y Antigen and Homosexuality in Men

Blanchard, Klassen


In men, sexual orientation correlates with the number of older brothers, each additional older brother increasing the odds of homosexuality by approximately 33%. It is hypothesized that this fraternal birth order effect reflects the progressive immunization of some mothers to Y-linked minor histocompatibility antigens (H-Y antigen) by each succeeding male fetus, and the concomitantly increasing effects of H-Y antibodies on the sexual differentiation of the brain in each succeeding male fetus. This hypothesis is consistent with a variety of evidence, including the apparent irrelevance of older sisters to the sexual orientation of later-born males, the probable involvement of H-Y antigen in the development of sex-typical traits, and the detrimental effects of immunization of female mice to H-Y antigen on the reproductive performance of subsequent male offspring.


The biology of sexual orientation has been studied in detail in several animal model systems. In the common fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, the complete pathway of sexual differentiation of the brain and the behaviors it controls is well established in both males and females, providing a concise model of biologically controlled courtship.[26] In mammals, a group of geneticists at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology altered the sexual preferences of female mice by removing a single gene linked to reproductive behavior. Without the gene, the mice exhibited masculine sexual behavior and attraction toward urine of other female mice. Those mice who retained the gene fucose mutarotase (FucM) were attracted to male mice.



Female relatives of male homosexuals have 1.3x as many kids:


Bisexual females have more teen pregnancies:


Hamer 1993:



Hamer 1995:


doi: 10.1038/ng1195-248

Hamer 2006:

Human sexual preference is a sexually dimorphic trait with a substantial genetic component. Linkage of male sexual orientation to markers on the X chromosome has been reported in some families. Here, we measured X chromosome inactivation ratios in 97 mothers of homosexual men and 103 age-matched control women without gay sons. The number of women with extreme skewing of X-inactivation was significantly higher in mothers of gay men (13/97=13%) compared to controls (4/103=4%) and increased in mothers with two or more gay sons (10/44=23%). Our findings support a role for the X chromosome in regulating sexual orientation in a subgroup of gay men.

Extreme skewing of X chromosome inactivation in mothers of homosexual men

Sanders 2014:


doi: 10.1017/S0033291714002451


In the case of blood type and the Rh factor, however, interesting patterns emerged. Heterosexual males and females exhibited statistically identical frequencies of the A blood type, while gay men exhibited a relatively low inci- dence and lesbians had a relatively high incidence (p < .05). In the case of the Rh factor, unusually high proportions of homosexuals of both sexes were Rh- when compared to heterosexuals (p < .06). The findings suggest that a connec- tion may exist between sexual orientation and genes both on chromosome 9 (where blood type is determined) and on chromosome 1 (where the Rh factor is regulated).

Eye Color, Hair Color, Blood Type, and the Rhesus Factor: Exploring Possible Genetic Links to Sexual Orientation

Das S. 2007

Identical twins are not 100% identical due to differences in womb environment:

Mechanisms for differences in monozygous twins Paul Gringras, Wai Chen, 2001


Another issue is the recent finding that even monozygotic twins can be different and there is a mechanism which might account for monozygotic twins being discordant for homosexuality. Gringas and Chen (2001) describe a number of mechanisms which can lead to differences between monozygotic twins, the most relevant here being chorionicity and amniocity.[13] Dichorionic twins potentially have different hormonal environments because they receive maternal blood from separate placenta, and this could result in different levels of brain masculinisation. Monoamniotic twins share a hormonal environment, but can suffer from the 'twin to twin transfusion syndrome' in which one twin is "relatively stuffed with blood and the other exsanguinated"


Twin resemblance was moderate for the 3,826 studied monozygotic and dizygotic same-sex twin pairs. Biometric modeling revealed that, in men, genetic effects explained .34–.39 of the variance, the shared environment .00, and the individual-specific environment .61–.66 of the variance. Corresponding estimates among women were .18–.19 for genetic factors, .16–.17 for shared environmental, and 64–.66 for unique environmental factors


Långström N, Rahman Q, Carlström E and Lichtenstein P (2010) Genetic and environmental effects on same‐sex sexual behavior: a population study of twins in Sweden. Archives of Sexual Behavior 39(1): 75–80.

Bailey 1991:


doi: 10.1001/archpsyc.1991.01810360053008




Straight males carry gay genes:





Scientists find DNA differences between gay men and their straight twin brothers:


A novel predictive model of sexual orientation using epigenetic markers.

Authors: T. C. Ngun [1]; W. Guo [2]; N. M. Ghahramani [3]; K. Purkayastha [1]; D. Conn [4]; F. J. Sanchez [5]; S. Bocklandt [1]; M. Zhang [2,6]; C. M. Ramirez [4]; M. Pellegrini [7]; E. Vilain [1]







Androgen receptor gene linked to XQ28




Because that's a gamble, you're gambling with a child's butthole and those are some very high stakes. If that kid gets his boipussy rekt then in 30 years he'll do it to another little boy. That's how homosexuals reproduce.

Marriage is a tax break meant to encourage the building of a family
Society doesn't benefit from giving that tax break to couples that cannot reproduce

Homosexuals are bad because it makes dudes jelly because their marriages blow

you're assuming they're human waste because of legal and social reasons, when in fact it's more about them being fags

It should obviously be illegal for gays to adopt children. Have you seen that jazzy kid? That boy is fucked beyond all belief for life. That's what happens when you toss an innocent child to degenerate liberals. The only way gays "reproduce" is through grooming and molestation. Make it illegal for them to adopt and I guarantee the "gay scene" dies out in a generation at most.

Because they're a minority within a minority.

Xbox confirmed gay

>Society doesn't benefit from giving that tax break to couples that cannot reproduce
and couples who adopt children out of the overburdened childcare system?

Tbh it's this kind of attitude that leads to the degeneracy and faggotry we all hate. Barring adoption I don't think there's much else wrong with integrating same-sex lifestyles into the fold of society. It's the degenerate homosex identitarianism that becomes an issue when trying to mend the bridge. Exclusion from the norm drove the faggots underground and led to their inherently anti-societal culture

Science on gays as parents:

Parental Sexual Orientation and Children's Psychological Well-Being: 2013–2015 National Health Interview Survey:


Nontraditional Families and Childhood Progress Through School:






Farr, R. H. (2017). Does parental sexual orientation matter? A longitudinal follow-up of adoptive families with school-age children. Developmental Psychology, 53(2), 252-264.



How Does the Gender of Parents Matter?





Australia gay parenting survey:


Closeness to fathers best predicts quality of health for sons raised by gay dads:


>Let homosexuals adopt so they can create more homosexuals


and are therefore underserving of personal liberties?



78% figure is from a 1970s survey and 66% of that figure is CRABS.

"Bad" NO.

Biological malfunctions and disgusting, YES.

BUT as long as they arent hitting on me, or trying to get schools to promote their crap, IDGAF let them be.

turkey basters. truvada. the end

Fuck Jewish filth and stop spreading Jews propaganda

>its ok its just crabs

If gay kids learn how to have sex properly they won't fuck it up as much. Nobody gives a shit that you are terrified of gay people, kids need to learn how sex works, gay and straight.

Who the actual fuck is Dr Gene Abel? You bring out these fringe losers from decades ago as if they mean anything.

Maybe they have conducted some studies since 1976 on the matter to see if that has changed!

There is nothing good and useful in homosex, but I will tolerate their disability like I tolerate anyone else with disabilities.

However, I do not support normalization and "celebration/pride" movement of faggotry.

Atheist here, faggots are degenerate upon society and you don't even need a Jewish book to figure that out.

i think i have seen you post before, but with commentary on gay/effeminate men in society and how they should be expressed as being able to live up to their more of a caretaker role, rather than be demonized etc. if this happened to be you i would love to hear what you have to say

Except that Christians are the only ones in developed countries still pushing this bullshit.

Not terrified FAGGOT.

Just want children learning ACADEMICS in school, not faggotry. They can learn that in their own time if they are gay. Children dont need more BS confusing a hormonal time in their life.

The reason you liberal faggots WANT it taught in school is because your terrified of being a minority, and desperate to make faggot common place "normal". GTFO.

You think the vaccines just cause autism?
I would bet some bucks that it mods the DNA to lower test. production. Not counting all the fucking shit in the food and water...
Also there has to be something said about sexual education. Not enough of it and bois get repressed.

Let the fag cuckening stop!

>Two percent of the population
How do you know all those child molesters and AIDS cases identify as gay? These might be straight men who had gay sex.

So if a fag has sex with a woman, is he straight?

I think most people deserve privacy no matter how they express themselves. Obviously there are exceptions to this but I think gays can help take care of family kids My sister has arthritis and I just got back from helping take care of her kids. I am not a pedo, and I don't want to fuck her kids. I want to help her raise them because she needs help.

Your faggot spam doesn't refute any point I made whatsoever in my post. Nice try though.

no its not christ cucks its just that homos are discusting things that need to be exterminated, they are why we have aids in the world.

those are called labs. it's over for you buddy. truvada only works on us now. find a cure for fucking box pox

Yeah so mostly kids learn academics anyways, and then some of the time they do sports, and learn how to have safe sex.

7% of millennials are gay or bisexual:


No. Homosexuality is degenerate, and they all need stoned.

There's nothing to refute. You have mental issues, and you take them out on people who are gay. Maybe you are a pedo, maybe you a closeted gay. Maybe you have schizophrenia, who knows. The point is none of your assertions was introduced with evidence, so they can be dismissed without comment.

51% said they arent 100% hetero. all these words are fake anyways. these are all larps. might as well let it go. jews gon jew. masons gon vagina worship along with isis. freud gon freud

That was this one.

keep your sand niggerism over there

Tolerance is just disapproval with a smile; normalization is key to eliminating faggotry as it's existed for the past 500+ years. If we can normalize same-sex couples then "homosexual" as an identity becomes a thing of the past and all the degenerative bull shit that comes with it

no lol homosexuality is a mental disease, you degenerate

>now tell me about how you hate SJWs and identity politics
Do you have any idea where you are? White identity is among the most important things for most here.

>55.5% of homosexuals molest children

Shit, we've been found out. You're right, though. At my school's GSA all we ever do is trade flashdrives full of child pornography and target children to kindap and rape after classes. Who woulda thunk it?

>mfw you'll never catch us tho because we sacrifice your children to Satan for his protection


Let Me make this clear
>Me atheist
>Me reject the kike religions
>Me hate gays and want them all to be gassed
Clear enough for you?

Also (((they))) spread faggotry upon society

No one need to "Teach" how to have sex. Its biologically programmed.

STAY THE FUCK AWAY form the minds of children. IF they are Gay, they will work it out. The rest of children dont need their mind polluted with the acts of biological malfunctions (gays)

youre possessed by demons. not my problem. go make another israel. youve never met me face to face. you never have any bodily evidence. lemme know when adam and eve dont blow themselves out of paradise. if you ask me. sucking baby dicks and boobs like an infant, are mental illnesses. maybe only jews have spiritual problems and are pedos. grabbems is sodomy. we outbreed you

funny thing is you will never be accpeted into society lol fucking cock sucker

This is so laughabley stupid.

big chunk of all that text is just the nigger problem

its either that or we can always kill them all off OP :3

Wrong. You're just creating a space for "homo buttsex is just as valid as child-producing families" degenerate types to exist, instead of stamping it out entirely by stoning and hanging every last faggot you find.

ok Sup Forums nazi and pharisee. whatever you say, pink swastika. fucking rabbis like you even destroyed italy with fascist jewish banker ettore ovazza too

i like the idea of just roundin em up and burning em in a pit, ez pz now we dont have to worry about aids

fuck off you larping son of a kike devil. you going to kill ronaldo too?