Brief Status: cucked
Luluco Status: Potential danger Zone
Panty Stocking Sequel
>no source
He's too young for her.
Damn, an NTR end?
If the original ending caused that much salt this one would have made people tear their hair out in rage.
Over fucking Brief? He's the worst part of the show. He's already well over the "cuck" line anyway. You don't actually believe the ending arc would result in a lasting effect on Panty's whore ways after all, do you?
And she wonders why she got kicked out of heaven...
Nova clearly doesn't give a fuck
I thought there was no sequel
Wasn't the announcement the cafe thing?
It's a doujinshi.
You obviously weren't here for when episode 12 aired, there was literally tons of threads and the majority of the pixiv front page was filled with Panty x Brief.
did you know, there are Sup Forumsnons here who died waiting within that 7 years.
Luluco will kill Panty dead again
No, the announcement was that there was going to be some new product in the spring AND a cafe.
>"new product/merchandise" supposedly being released in March
>Cemetery Hill book with art by Imaishi and Nishigori at C91
>PSG and SPL crossover
Is the dream not dead?
>Worst part of the show
Episodes 6, 12, and 13 are all viable for best episodes and he was prominent in all of them. Brief was fine.
Wait, aren't Luluco and P&S owned by different companies? How can they have a crossover?
And technically, they are and aren't at the same time.
12 really isn't. Shift in Brief was forced as fuck.
>"You are so damn awkward, but one thousand might as well be you"
It's frightening how this is one of the most romantic lines I've ever heard.
The two companies can just work together.
Or Gainax sold the rights to Trigger
You need to go back
Trigger is gonna do S2. Nova wouldn't be there otherwise.
I want to see Luluco cuck Panty hard.
This made me wonder if the artist that only draws Luluco and Nova had a response. Sure enough
Haha, amazing.
>Entire point of SPL was Nova becoming a real boy at the end and gaining emotion and falling in love with Luluco too
>Entire anime made moot for a cameo
I have a key shaped penis, its fine.
The fuck is this garbage, OP?
I'm kinda tired of trigger crossovers at this point
>Entire anime made moot
how so
Regardless it should be obvious to anybody with half a brain that Panty is going to keep sleeping around with other guys rather than suddenly embrace a monogamous lifestyle with Brief.
>Look at that, Panty! Something is falling from the hole that opened!
>Huh? Is it an alien or something?
>Panty and Geek boy found what fell in front of them was a young shirtless boy
>No, Panty! It's a person!
>>Hello, my name is Nn..ugh, my head...
>What are your names?
>...I can't remember mine...or anything...
>Wow, what a hottie!
>Who cares about things like names? The important thing here is that you're hot! Let's fuck.
>"Fuck"? I don't mind either way.
>Ah~! That indifferent personality of yours is also sexy!
>Th-th-that's not true, Panty!
>If you don't mind either way, then choose me!
>Panty whacked Geek boy
>Shut up! You're still here, Geek boy?
>Just go home and suck on your mom's tits!
This. If Panty/Brief ever did really happen, it'd be just like those "I-I-I'm in an open relationship!" memes you always see, although Brief might at least get fucked every once in a while.
Luluco needs to put a collar on Nova-kun
>cucked Luluco
Pls no I want her to be happy
he was talking about Luluco dude poor girl
I always felt that cucking was pleb tier in fetish fuel. Low as farting, diapers, or even feet. I want this fucking fetish fad to die in a fire. Crash this plane with no survivors.
I'll go ahead and post this.
What the fuck does Brief even see in Panty anyway? When will he realize who the true best girls are?
So, Chuck ate Panty out before Brief?
The next page is this one: The page after that is this one.
Is this a double headshot?
Next page is OP
Page after that is
Time for some plot
Aaaaaand sequel hook.
This japs.
What's the 2nd outfit? Looks real familiar.
Wasn't Panty hacked into pieces?
Brief got cucked all the time in the manga. This is nothing new.
A woman categorically cannot be cucked by a cheating man.
Is brief our goy?
And you belived her? She's slut.
you feeling okay champ
Wait. Is the a comic only thing?
Did Trigger strike a deal with Gainax?
God brief is a sexy bitch with his hair done right.
Okay, there's the Demon Sisters I guess.
Makes me wonder why he doesn't just keep it like that desu
c u c k e d
Brief's mistake was reverting to his geekboy form.
Shoulda kept looking hot.
Panty is a fucking whore, trying to corrupt pure Nova-kun like that. He doesn't even know what sex is.
she liked him for his looks.
A best.
fuck me, trigger's gonna save anime for real this time
Fuck off, Sup Forums.
I thought it was Sup Forums.
They've taken a liking to that word too? Figures, I suppose.
It's not like they have fucked up though.
Other than the chuuni shit series (I know some like it) and kiznaiver, the rest are pretty good even if some were shitposted to death or considered memes.
Hopefully they do deliver with original series a bit longer than their pvs or shortforms. LWA got a season after the movie, and imo their other projects, which I guess were them stretching ideas and putting some experience into the studio, were pretty good. Dunno what's holding them back... or maybe they simply prefer this way?
>Brief Status: cucked
You mean like always?
And vice versa, at least originally.
Sour NTR-cuck detected.
Try searching "cuck" in this board's archive and realize that you're delusional in thinking this shithole isn't using the same crap propagated by Sup Forums and Sup Forums in their meme offs
Crossboarding trash.
Whats the matter NTR-cuck? Struck a nerve?
You do realize normalfags have taken a liking to that word, right?