How do I prevent my animes from becoming harems?

How do I prevent my animes from becoming harems?

Seems like every time I flip on what appears to be some kind of romance three different competitors show up within the first 10 chapters/episodes

and the MC is always a faggot

Maybe stop watching harems then.

the problem with that is that there isn't exactly a harem tag attached to any of it

You can tell if the anime is a harem in 95% of all cases by the cover and name

how so?

By lurking more and not being a newfag.

but I can never know for sure until I watch it...

unless I come onto Sup Forums specifically to have all my anime spoiled and therefore know if its a harem or not????

It'd be better if you just fucked off entirely desu senpai.

are you the edgy faggot that literally is on here all the time

The cover is either a male surrounded by females or a group shot of stereotypical harem females (blonde girl, petite short hair girl, girls with an angry face, girl with a dignified face and a katana, etc)
The title is something like "Highschool something something", "I can't believe something something", "Is it wrong that something something"
It's a LN adaptation.

Don't watch series with an imbalanced gender ratio, this is usually self evident from the promo art and casting. A lot of the time you'll think 'But it looks like it could be good! Maybe it's not a harem this time!', but you'll usually end up disappointed. There are a lot of stealth harems out there that appear to be a regular series, but are the same wish fulfillment garbage as always.

I wanna know how to impregnate Illya and take responsibility

>How do I prevent my animes from becoming harems?
Oh well. Here we go.

because they're not exactly subtle about those things.

and if you want to make sure you can check the tags on the show and on the source material.

it's not rocket science.

Note how this user by imbalanced means "One male / female, many women / men", not "only males / only females".
Shows where the cast is only males or only females are usually fun to watch.

Except that c3 is amazing and fear is a top tier qt.

I remember it being shit

By killing yourself newfag

Zipper panties? That seems pretty dangerous, very easy to get pinched when closing them, and your penis is going to have a bad time while fucking her with the zipper so close...

she can't take it off, the zipper is necessary.

Watch more shoujo or josei instead of otakubait.

so that's what the tag is called!

I didn't expect Sup Forums to be very helpful but I guess this place surprises me every day

1. Look at the main title art for the series
2. How many girls and how many guys are there?
3. If the answer is 1 guy and 2+ girls, then proceed to throw said anime right into the trash

It's that simple.

Shut the fuck up you dumb shit.

That's what you get for expecting nothing from a dried up dog turd of a board: sometimes something crawls out of the manure.


>saber, maiya, iri
>dead flip, sensei
Someone should have told kerry that he's in a harem novel.

>no one calling this out
Fuck neo Sup Forums

Honestly, I love romance manga, and the best romance actually usually comes from the seinen 'genre' (if you can call it that).

Shoujo isn't bad but more often than not it's actually a subdued harem with the majority (if not all) of the male cast being in love with the main girl.

Josei relies HEAVILY on drama. The best. thing about the genre is that it's probably the best at realistic depictions of females. The worst thing about the genre is that it's probably the best at realistic depictions of females. There's also the fact that it's all aimed at women so when the drama does hit it's often overblown and stupidly complex.

This is all of course terrible generalizations but it's my personal opinion.

This, read more stuff for women.

Less harem, more rage at the stupid female lead and the guys who like her. Being a huge shojo fan also puts "the grass is greener on the other side" in so much context.

I never seen so much bullying in a medium, girls can be super catty.

>guy harem
>bitchy girls instead of faggot male lead

but that's pretty much worse

Oh and when I say seinen I just exclude all harems. That might be biased but like I said, it's my personal opinion, and I learned real fast that harems were bland shit so just avoided them while continuing to read.
