When the fuck is Jobin going to attack Gappy ?
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Why isn't Jobin named Norisuke? I thought all first born Hirashigata men have that name. Is it only after the previous Norisuke dies?
Yep. In the family tree Norisuke's name was listed as Josuke in brackets after Norisuke because they adopt the name when the last Norisuke retires or dies and they become head of the household. So Jobin will become Norisuke the fifth and Tsurugi Norisuke the sixth.
Yeah. Also they've been dabbling in the Rokakaka fruit for generations. Their ancestor had the 2 belly buttons
I dunno if that was just foreshadowing or not, the Rokakaka was only discovered by the Japanese during World War 2 during which all publicly available documentation regarding it disappeared.
Can't wait for how batshit JJL's ending gets.
Maybe it's the slow pacing/release, but I'm wondering why it's so important that no one finds out about the rock fruit that you'd have to murder someone over it, even if it's an associate's family, no questions asked (like Aishou with Tsurugi). Is it really just because it can ruin business or is there a forbidden aspect to it? Does Norisuke know what Jobin does behind the scenes and not show it? Yeah, I know it's a mystery-based part but the wait kills me and I'm throwing random shit out there.
Damo mostly wanted to keep it a secret to protect his group's livelihood but there's definitely something up with the fruit's origins in New Guinea.
I have a question.
What the fuck is going on in this part of the manga? I stopped reading around the time they found the weird ass kid in the basement and Gappy started to become friends with the dad and they fought some stand together but I forget what it did. Basically the art went to total shit slightly before then and it was getting so convoluted, even for JJBA, that I needed a break. Has shit gotten remotely cohesive yet or is it still a clusterfuck with Part 1-tier broken anatomy?
why don't you read the manga and find out you fucking faggot
I'm not going pick through shit looking for gold unless I get some guarantee going in, you cocksmoking thunderbottom.
Yes it'a slowly coming together and the art is fine, it's gotten better regardless. It's a mystery story so of course it's just gonna keep introducing new plot points early on but that fight onwards is where stuff gets good and a recent arc where the oldest daughter brings her boyfriend to the house is where the plot comes together and moves into it's second act which we're in now. There's still a lot of unanswered stuff but most characters have clear goals now and Josuke is starting to come into conflict with the eldest Higashikata son who seems like the main villain.
>Part 1-tier broken anatomy
I never noticed such a thing reading JoJolion. Examples?
This is pretty much what I was hoping to hear. Guess I'll give it another shot. Thanks, user.
I'll pick some stuff out as I start going through it again and post them if this thread's still around. It was mostly this really uncanny-valley thing where Araki's art was the same level of excellent detail and composition that we're used to after SBR, but then every couple of frames someone would have a broken spine or an arm nearly as long as their whole body, etc. After the visual near-masterpiece that was SBR, which was also a huge jump in quality from part 6, it was just fucking weird. Kinda felt like Araki was phoning it in for a couple of issues. Which is fine, life affects an artist's work and I don't know what his personal life is like, but after a while I couldn't shake the feeling that he'd forgotten a lot of the skills he'd learned over the years, and the sheer amount of detail he was putting into stuff was only doing an ok job covering that up. Kind of like Berserk right now, only Miura has an excuse because he died of cancer 10 years ago and is currently just a hermetically-sealed brain wired to an animatronic drawing arm set to deactivate when the series is over.
SBR only got good in the art department once it switched to monthly which was like 20+ chapters in but I see what you mean. The early chapters of a Part always look shit regardless because Araki tries to force himself into a new style every time. We get stuff like this now at least, and Araki finally got over his same face issue that plagued SBR about two years ago.
For me it feels like maybe the reason I'm not super impressed with the art in JoJolion is because the setting hasn't allowed for any unique compositions like pic related yet. SBR was a cross country horse race with a crazy number of scenarios, JJL is still kind of in a town.
Perhaps Araki legitimately has just lost his juice a little for this Part though, because I could pick at least one amazing panel from each arc in SBR, but in JoJolion it feels like I have to really search for a panel that'll have me going "awww shit"
There have been some really good ones lately like the one I posted, out of context it's a cool finisher but in context it was one of the most satisfying villain deaths in the series. Fat midget had it coming, and boy did it deliver when it came.
I don't know what is this but thanks doc
it's araki drawing a few pages of JJL59. then they tour his house(? studio? dunno) and finish up by asking a few question
pretty neat to at least skip through
>SBR about two years ago.
SBR ended 6 years ago user
I know what you meant though
I meant that two years ago he got over the problem of same face that he had in SBR.
I want to fuck a ghost
so should anyone read anything into the title or lyrics of stand names as far as plot is concerned or should you just assume araki's english is too poor to make anything significant out of either
He uses lyrics for stands or plot sometimes
like Killer Queen or King Crimson
Not really.
There's some stretching you can do for some things.
The one that comes to mind is Damo / Vitamin C and Hato / Walking heart.
Vitamin C talks about a spoilt rich girl who struggles with reality.
I'll Let My Heart Do The Walking works literally but really fits about being betrayed and "taking her best".
It's mental gymnastics normally
There's some straight up ones like PPHK's Wired Beck has wire powers. And Killer Queen is the most obvious lyric wise.
Even Sheer heart attack to an extent.
(It'd be cool of Kira was 17 when he bumped off Reimi )
It just depends how autistic you want to get.
Many aren't really related, but there are a lot that are connected to lyrics/title.
Most of the time it's just in the title though, in part 4 alone you have Echoes, Aqua Necklace, The Lock, Pearl Jam, Cinderella, Atom Heart Father and Atchung Baby.
Though there are the few that are connected to the Lyrics as well, but the only ones I can think of off the top of my head are Killer Queen and King Crimson.
>Wired Beck
You mean Corded Bob, right?
>Vitamin C talks
Vitamin C has lyrics aside from the chorus?
He's clearly talking about Bound Harold
« Her daddy got a big aeroplane
Her mommy holds all the family cash
A beautiful rose is standing at the corner
She is living in and out of tune »
« Monster press machine on her body
She is stepping on a quicksand
A beautiful rose is standing in the corner
She is living in and out of tune »
Every site has the lyrics a bit different but it's there.
Fag, I meant Bondage Jim.
>"If you take something by force, it will never be enough. But if you share, there will always be something left."
>taking something by force = S&W
>sharing = Speed King?
I just want Jobin to just give Gappy the fruit and end the plot
We need more.
There's loads of quote things. Like the human one considering in the recent chapter he knows that gappy is a fusion he probably knows about Soft and Wet (Josefumi version at least)
>Looking up Mitsuo Aida quotes for a Jobin pape.
>"The branch of the tree grows because it is flexible.”
I've been watching Jojo slowly enjoying every episode, WTF is this long list of asspulls in episode 37.
It's DIO level crazy.
would you say its an improvement over part 3's final battle or no?
Made in Heaven describes Pucci's life pretty accurately.
>I'm taking my ride with destiny
>Willing to play my part
>Living with painful memories
>Loving with all my heart
>When stormy weather comes around
>It was made in heaven
And some others I didn't point out, just read it yourself.
>I'm having to learn to pay the price
>They're turning me upside down
>Waiting for possibilities
>Don't see too many around
After the KKK killed Perla
>Written in the stars...
Heaven, Full moon, and Joestar symbolism
>When sunny skies break through behind the clouds
>I wish it could last forever, yeah
Friendship with DIO
So 3 asspulls instead of 5 should be acceptable?
I'd say that while there are asspulls or other writing problems throughout fights as the series goes on, Araki makes up for it by making it ridiculous or entertaining (Dio's knives, Jotaro's heart stop, roadroller, Josuke vs. Kira using their powers in creative ways etc etc.)
Can't say that Araki is always consistent, rather, his strength lies in making it crazy
Does someone have the "forty beetles" pic with Jobin?
No but I have this.
He's too hot.
Is there 1 (ONE) instance in the anime where Kira's tie doesn't look shit?
Reimi is for marrying