Huge airforce drills in Korea. US and South Korea doing drills since Nork rice people launched their latest missile. Sup Forums has been low on happening threads past month or so, kinda nice sometimes.
/NKG/ North Korea General
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Us govt today said for families etc to leave sk today
It's happening when full moon ends, need a dark sky for bombing missions
Oh boy, I can't wait for eight years of sabre rattling and not actually doing anything from both of them, all while you idiots fall for it the whole time.
who knows, I think a lot of whats happened in the past is just NK propaganda for their military and each leader giving empty threats. Something could happen, but who knows if it will and when.
prolly a few thousand people dying of old age waiting
New moon and the solstice are on the 20th/21st - longest night, darkest night.
I don't think they'd wait just for that
I imagine if the internet and Sup Forums existed during the Reagan area and the Cold War, there'd be happening threads and Russia General flooding the catalog too. Nuclear war isn't in anybody's best interest at the moment. SK isn't worried, Japan isn't worried, I'm not worried.
It wouldn't be nuclear war at first, even though Norks threaten it.
Although they supposidly responded to the drill already:
The star will gorge itself on clay.
Anything less than a massive nuclear barrage risks NK arty firing a few shots. They can’t be allowed to fire even a single shot. Melt these norks.
>Trump won't win the presidency
>Trump won't actually start building the wall
And now...
>Trump won't actually attack the commies
We'll see.
Norks have little to no electricity so it'll be harder to spot the lights on the ground.
Really, really want an Urakan for camping.
We typically start shit around the new moon. No one else but our closest allies have the same night vision capabilities. Enemy is literally getting bombed to death in the dark without a clue. Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq2, etc. We are night fighting gods.
their electricity is for military, their farmers use none, outside of their capital is depressing
Shamless bump
NK is /ourcountry/
In response to the North Korean issue, what does Sup Forums think of a mass escalation of the construction, research and development of missile defence system?
North Korea provides the United States with the perfect rationale to get rid of Mutually Assured Destruction as a concept altogether. America will be completely justified in developing a sophisticated "Sword and Shield" nuclear warfare doctrine rather than just simple deterrence.
When it comes down to it, a nigger is always gonna act like a nigger.
Nonsensical and ultimately hampers MAD, which has been basically been keeping global wars from occurring since WWII. Not to mention that it can be easily out maneuvered by dummy missiles. Giant waste of money built by and for war hawks.
Thread theme
False, only suggested by Lindsay Graham. US is also waiting for the diplomacy summit cohosted by the fucking leafs as well as the winter Olympics in February. The Norks will more than likely test another ICBM before then, but I wouldn't expect any moves to be made before then.
No one worries until the second SHTF idiot
There's no missile system that can defend you from high tech ICBMs carrying multiple warheads AND dummies on board.
Starwars/SDI could've since it would've shot them down before separation.
That's theory, not practice. Even in theory it has 40% chance to take it down IF the conditions are perfect. And that depends on the ground facilities and ICBM course. Detection facilities only have a set range, US would have to build detection facilities literally all over the country in hundreds for perfect coverage.
By then, there will be new ICBM tech that will say "fuck you" to the system (if there isn't one now).
digits for best ancap paradise korea nuke israyel
Because what's the fucking point, you dumbshit? What's the point in staying in my house all day, wasting thousands of dollars on building a bunker, looking at Sup Forums, looking at the news, looking at a bunch of random unreliable sources, all for something that might, MIGHT happen? Chinks won't do a damn thing to us especially at the end of the day, probably not even to SK or Japan either, because his ultimate goal was never war, but to be taken seriously as a nuclear power. The constant idle threats are so the U.S will back off. They've been threatening us for 25 years. Everyone was scared of Russia, an actual existential threat, nuking us in the 80's, and we're all here, aren't we? Trump and Kim are both cowards who love to talk and wave their dicks around.
>Trump won't actually start building the wall
He let out big ominous words after the Kate Steile trial verdict. It's never going to actually happen and you know it damn well.