How can Trump Stop Prison Suicides?

A man committed suicide at the ADX Super-Max recently and three guys from GITMO committed suicide, and in some Israeli military prison some guy committed suicide. How can the Federal Government of America and prehaps Israel too prevent prison suicides just like the constitution says the Federal governments job is. I mean the Federal government isn't given many jobs according to the constitution so seriously why can't they?

Where in the US constitution does it say that the Federal government is supposed to stop criminals in prison from killing themselves.

Why would he want to? It's win-win!

Supreme Court ruled that " right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness" meant that prisoners had a right to suicide prevention since it deprived them of life.

>The US Supreme Court has decided that inmates have a constitutional right to receive appropriate needed medical care up to the same standard that the public might receive (it's implied in the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, per the court.) That means those who qualify get dialysis, meds for their diabetes, casting for their broken bones, and interventions to prevent suicide for those at risk.

Depends why they're committing suicide. Some people you won't be able to stop from doing it if they're really driven.

the government doesn't have the constitutional authority to prevent you from exercising your right to kill yourself

Because he believes in the constitution and it says the FED must do it.

>prevent prison suicides just like the constitution says the Federal governments job is.

> receive appropriate needed medical care up to the same standard that the public might receive
IOW let em die, since the public medical care is jack shit

Just provide them access to euthanasia the more that off themselves the better but I'd rather non violent criminals at least had a pleasant option

Who gives a shit?

Dont fuckin care about prison suicides

Should honestly issue them a rope with instructions.

They are not civil.

Im progressive and even I don't give a flying fuck about these genetic dead-ends. Good riddance, enjoy your eternity in hell if it exists.

Its good that criminals get rid of themselves so we dont have to keep those vermin alive with our taxes

put all prisoners in coma for sentence
>no riots
>no rape
>better quality of life
>cheaper (when liberal bullshit under current system taken into consideration)
why hasn't this meme trended yet?

It actually has a Federal and Constitutional OBLIGATION to prevent it dumbass

I explained already

>The US Supreme Court has decided that inmates have a constitutional right to receive appropriate needed medical care up to the same standard that the public might receive (it's implied in the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, per the court.) That means those who qualify get dialysis, meds for their diabetes, casting for their broken bones, and interventions to prevent suicide for those at risk.

The government will literally do whatever it takes to prevent someone from suiciding

No, that decision had nothing to do with suicide prevention. Just medical care — which includes mental health.

Excellent point.
Textual originalism is absolutely the best way to interpret the law!

>crimscum offing themselves
And nothing of value was lost.

>implying the victims themselves are responsible for the "suicides."

One of our senator actually suggested it.
The pussy later apologized

No. There is no obligation to prevent suicide. Just provide medical care for mental health.

Kill all the inmates
Problem solved

Great legal interpretation

>better quality of life
How? Wouldn't you get bored just lying there?

You can waive your rights.

It's would seem you are waiving your right to life when you commit suicide.

muh muscle wasting

(>implying that's a bad thing for nignogs)

Did you read the quote


It literally says



Like I said, depends on the circumstances, innit?

>a right means the government must force you to have something if you're trying to get rid of it

do you think the second amendment means they have to buy everyone guns?

You're bullshitting me, it specifically says "INTERVENTIONS TO PREVENT SUICIDE"

You can't waive your rights

No but I do think the Right to Education means they force every parent to send their kids to school

>Let's do this.

The purpose of a prison is to make the inmate serve their sentence and the state basically owns prisoners like slaves. Based on that it does seem like they are supposed to stop them from killing themselves.

>seeing democracy inevitably leading to placing all the power of problem-solving into the hands of one man because we're passing through the Tytler cycle.

its a curse seeing this immense predictability play out

They should be allowed to kill themselves. It would save a lot of resources.

Literally impossible. A man who is determined to die will die. The better question is, why waste time with prisons if someone realistically is going to be in prison most/all of their life. People need to quit being soft bitches and letting it weaken the country by executing anyone sentenced to more than 20 years or legalizing euthanasia requests for prisoners. Less time, money, and effort for everyone involved.

That makes no sense what you said. It's actually very easy to prevent a suicide. It's almost impossible for a prisnoer to commit suicide for the most part.

Why contain it?

You just can't fix stupid, the mother fucker perp is dead! Taxpayers save, you fucking idiot.