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Is that really your best argument for communism?

Not even going to address the 100 million murdered by commies in the 20th century?

wtf i'm a commie now

Wasn't starvation the #1 killer in the USSR?

No, no it can't.

You're welcome.

>heh capitalism is so bad
>Btw I get paid a 6 figure salary by this private University

Why is no one else pointing out that this is a variation of an extremely famous racost joke?

>famine of 1932
>feeding a family of four with the corpse of your eldest son
checks out I guess

how many of those death were done by cia black Ops creating a communist threat to move strong men governments that kill all who are against them.

revolution soon bitches

Enlightened centrist deathsquads is the most woke ideology confirmed.

Look at Cuba after the collapse of the USSR. Look at the mass starvings of China and the USSR. OP is delusional.

>lg pizza
>feed even one person
>let alone four

how many pizzas have venezuelans eaten last week haha faggot

>le starvings may may
not an argument, crapitalist

>real life results are not valid example
lol i win again ahehehehe

>implement communism
>get sent to gulag because you're a member of the bourgeoisie intelligentsia
>die a painful death either at the hands of the camp guards or starvation
Honestly I'd do a few years of communism if it meant all the professors thinking it's so fucking great would get shipped to the middle of Alaska to die at the hands of vindictive oil workers turned secret police. Retards need a reality check.

>falling for an obvious bait
when will Sup Forums ever learn



meme flag


He forgot to add "and ONLY four" at the end

Has the USA been shifting towards a more, or less capitalistic economic system in the last ~60 years?
If you answered "more", you're a fucking retard with an axe to grind.
If you answered "less", you're correct! Enhanced welfare system, greater tax burden, exponentially more laws and regulations have made the USA a significantly less free market.

Keep this in mind next time you go talking about wealth inequality.

My nigga B^)

R..R A R e?

This is an please joke about blacks

Yay Gommunism
FRe moni


> capitalism fed the world
> socialism starves the world
> duh capitalism can't feed families
I don't even get how this is an do inner city lefties think Capitalism creates poverty rather than the historical data of reducing it? Or do you think that capitalism is just responsible for mans beginning life in a state of scarcity by mere fact of being alive? Like what am I missing here? I want to be in on this joke but it doesn't make sense.

>when OP posts an image that was shooped from being about STEM to being about Politics.
Kill yourself you LARPing nigger.

Yeah, and capitalism can feed a family of 8 and weeds out the useless shits. That's why nigs and spics hate capitalism so much, because they're useless and deep down they know it.

suck my revolutionary dick, bitch

Its actually entirely true, the other three can literally only feed a family of four.

That insane professor taught and may still teach this suicidal idealogy.
And now we have antifa.

I would argue that this is representative of how productive people are. Communication and transportation systems have created a system that rewards ingenuity like never before. I would support ethno centric national socialism though, as long as there was still significant rewards based on productivity.. But as long as there are shitskins being considered my "countrymen" I won't support any form of socialism.

In yer fucken dreams kid

Fucking Sup Forums came up with that, you commie morons can't even come up with your own meme names and need fucking downloadable meme packs just to have images

underrated desu

How in the world is that not an argument?

except it can't hello? like are we just ignoring Venezuela????

Soon indeed.


Well, that's how they feed a family of four: 100 million dead bodies is a lot of meat for human stew.

posted in a classroom where no one is going hungry
doubt he made anyone but the fat pink-haired dykes laugh

why can't commies defend themselves from foreign actors?

Meanwhile 1.5 billion have been slaughtered by the bloody hands of capitalism. Guess you don't need to worry about global poverty and starvation when most of the capitalist cocksuckers are dying like flies.

>Not even going to address the 100 million murdered by commies in the 20th century?

muh 100 million.. where are the bodies? Did you hear about the soccer field at that Gulag? Steel melts at 1200 degrees.. of course the ((((((((((((((((((((((capitalists)))))))))))))))))))) dont want you to know this

You can tell that picture comes from a class in Europe... A large pepperoni pizza can barely can barely satiate the hunger of a single American.

Ummm... No sweetie

> curable diseases
Because Socialists have ever cured any diseases ever.


>Literally everything that isn't communism is capitalism
I hate doing this, but I must.
t. Burger education

That's technically true though, being that capitalism is defined purely as not being socialism. There is literally no other definition.

not real communism

You mean because the USA is a capitalist country, they don't go around saving all the poor shitheads in socialist, communist or dictatorship countries.

All the deaths listed in your poster don't happen in the USA, they happen in shithole third world burgs. They can't save their own people themselves, so they rely on the USA to do it. Fuck them, and Fuck you.

You know communism is actually based on Marx's idea that people be payed according to their abilities and needs, not that 'everybody gets the same pay' or that 'nobody can have anything, and that there's no private property'. But 'private' property in this sense is distinguished from 'personal' property. Communism doesn't advocate taking away everyone's 'personal property (your home, your car, basically your things you own and should have a right to), just 'private property' in the sense of things like oil and mineral rights: rights of large private entities to the natural resources of the planet. Marx advocated every person should have equal rights to such natural resources, so it just means that the government, controlled by the people, should be in charge of things like oil, natural gas, precious minerals like gold and the rare earth elements in your cell phone. These things should be equally distributed among all people, or at least controlled by the public, not by large private entities who funnel the money from controlling all the resources and selling them to you at basically whatever price they think they can get away with. So when someone says to you 'hey, fuck communism' or says 'communism' like it's an inherently bad thing, maybe look into what that word means, and what it's implications on a world which is quickly filling up with more and more people.


>tfw I already have you

>hurricane katrina
>the weather is capitalism


also please note that most of those deaths are capitalist "imperialist" countries killing people in other countries
why are commies too weak to protect their own citizens from imperial capitalist slaughter?

I thought it was two slices per person. How many do you eat user?

Capitalism works when the majority of the capitalist society are hard working, pay their own way, pay little taxes to keep infrastructure going. It works.

Add in lazy child shitting nigs and mexicans, and all of a sudden theres a massive burden on the hard working citizens, and capitalism starts to fall.

Socialism doesn't work, due to simple human nature, if people get gibs for nothing, they'll continue to do nothing.

Communism works if every single person is selfless, non-ambitious and honest. Real world check, people aren't going to work their asses off creating new tech, researching new medicines, to see a McDonalds worker make the same wage. Why should they? If someone works 50 hours weeks for 30 years, why begrudge them a big house and a mercedes, go fuck yourself.

Governments fail due to the same shithead people. Guess who? Whiny leftists, lazy immigrants, women shitting out 10 kids to 10 different fathers.

False. Democratic Socialist countries have the healthiest populations.

you gatta do better than sweetie

>Fifteen people
>One man has 100 dollars, one man has 20, another 10, two have 5 each, the remaining ten have only 1 dollar each
>What commies think would happen under communism: Everyone has 15 dollars
>What will actually happen: Everyone has 1 dollar

The British Imperialism bit makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Time for a cup of tea I think.

Democratic Socialist countries have unsustainable policies that were only possible in the short term because of the liberalized markets they enjoy/enjoyed.

Socialists have never cured anything, Capitalism is the only side that has come up with cures for diseases and you wanna know one extra misc. reason why? (Because Marxists and Fascists were big on Eugenics and Charles Darwin)


> 1.6 billion killed by not having capitalism
Checks out.

False, its a diverse 15 people. A mexican gets 10$ for having 15 kids, the niggers beats an old woman to death and steals hers, the white dude has to spend his on alarm systems to stop his wife and kids being raped.

Everyone except the mexican and nig has zero dollars.

Yeah, they just kill all the hungry people. Great idea there, Einstein.

Our poor people are the fattest people we have. People are not starving in this capitalist country.

Trips warrant a fun observation of history.
America, 1960s:
>Pontiac sells GTOs for about $3,000. this is about $22,500 when inflated to 2017
>the GTO was a 400in^3, V8 engine rated for 345 horsepower

Soviet Union, same time:
>most citizens had to get on a waiting list to get a car
>getting on in the first place required showing it was necessary for you to have a car
>the only thing left after getting on the list was not getting gulaged first
>if you made it, you were awarded with a shitty econocar that had a gravity feed system for gasoline
>meanwhile, highly placed Party officials and head factory workers got Tatra 603 sedans
>these cars were mostly handmade and recycled to keep the styling up

In other words, the ideology that sought to overthrow the bourgeois would express their higher status over the "rest" of the workers by forcing them to make a luxury car by hand. And mouth-breathing communists will defend their precious unicorn ideology by saying "but this isn't TRUE COMMUNISM™!"

>it wasn't communism that killed them, so that automatically makes it capitalism
>everything is in a dichotomy
The absolute fucking state of my country's education. We can't serve anything better than prison food in the cafeterias, and we can't teach anything better than prisoner mentalities in the classrooms.

>CommisSar puts gun to head of poor people
>'Man will ask you if you are hungry, you will say no'
>100% of people are fed

We've been waiting for your so called revolution since the 1920s. Where is it?

FUCK capitalists


FUCK fascists

Actually those are capitalist countries killing their own citizens and other capitalists. Nobody other than capitalists themselves kill their own kind so much.


>"Tree Hugger"
>Thinks capitalism is defined by its relationship to socialism
>tfw I look in the dictionary under capitalism and it doesn't say "not socialism"
You've done waaaaaay too many drugs, hippie.

No they are automatically capitalist because they are capitalist you stupidfuck. Own up to your mistakes cock sucker. But if I guess you did your mother would have to own up to her mistake.

no it isn't you lying faggot, the term "imperialism" means it happened in another country and over half of it is labelled "imperialism" and blames Britain, America, Japan for killing foreign citizens

I know you can't defend your ideology without lying but try not to be so blatant about it you limp-wristed soulless marxist husk

what does it say then?

What happened to nov 4th?


Didn't know commies were such sexists

i thought communism has been proven to be a terrible idea? t

Commies ruining a good joke.

Whats the difference between a black man and a pizza. THATS THE JOKE.

That number used the same methodology as the Black book's. Are you trying to tell me that the 100 million killed by communism is bullshit and will stop being a lying disingenuous faggot or will you continue to be a hypocritical piece of shit.

Except, you know, when we Stalin and Mao purged people by the millions and Mugabe chased out/killed the white farmers responsible for his entire economy and thereby starved his entire country into literally eating mice where previously food was plentiful because "muh proles" and "muh imperialism". Not to mention Albania, Cuba, Laos, N. Vietnam... I'm not going to do this all day...

America is already really socialist, m8. We socialize defense with practically all of Europe.

You sound like an immensely asshurt little man who learned his philosophy degree isn't going to put any bread on the table. Capitalism didn't kill eleventy billion people just because it wasn't a communist government.

Fuck off commie fag.
You will all be gassed you fucking assblasted animals.

False... nobody is getting fucking pizza because why would me, an Italian-American, make you fucking pizza if I ain't making money? Go fuck yourself.

P.S. If you're not making money on the internet, you're a retard. This is the greatest time in history to be alive. Google it, Youtube it, etc. If you can find Sup Forums, you can learn how to start an internet business.

the 100 million in the blacks book happened within communist countries, to their own citizens

do I need to go through the list you posted and explain to you why China isn't in Japan, Bangladesh isn't in Britain, Iraq isn't in the United States, etc.?
I know your eyes work. You just got caught lying and now you're trying to shift the blame onto me?

No more Jewish tricks, just answer the question: why can't commies defend themselves from capitalists?

You don't own dictionary? Fuckin ay. Its where means of production and wealth are privately owned. What you are forgetting is that there are many ways of organizing capitalism and whenever I try to point out to communists that we are not overtly capitalist but more fascist than anything since the 30s than anything else, they all flip their fucking wig. Not to mention that they never want to own communist countries and say "thats not true communism/socialism". So what they are really telling me is that Maoist China was actually capitalist? Give me a god damned break you fucking acid casualty.

Option D for Pizzagate

Point with your pudgy little fingers on this chart where the 100 billion people died. Go on, give it a go
So America is socialist? I thought socialism didn't work
>You sound like an immensely asshurt little man who learned his business degree isn't going to put any bread on the table. Communism didn't kill eleventy billion people just because it wasn't a capitalist government.

Hoping this post was just a joke to trigger the folks with functional brain stems.


>why can't commies defend themselves from capitalists?
They did, it's called the Bolshevik Revolution. They defended their revolution from the hungry neighboring capitalist countries. Glory to the Red Army

Just pointing you on the right path.
