Fix the Alt Right

1) Good looking Chad

2) Well spoken and intelligent

3) No a fucking autistic cringelord who makes Nazi references

Why the fuck isn't this guy the face of the Alt Right, rather than Richard "Normie Repellant" Spencer?

If white identity is ever going to appeal to the mainstream, it needs to fucking get this type of optics

Other urls found in this thread:

The altright doesnt exist

>muh optics

Because he is a fucking leaf

Also that guy goes to the U.S. To party with spencer all the time

Those two look cyberpunk as fuck.
This is the future I anticipated, not some shitskin commie jewish hellhole.

This. "Alt-right" is a term intentionally popularized by the mainstream media as an attempt to group all Trump supporters under a racist umbrella.

Say that all you want it won't make it true

More importantly, his arguments cut straight to the point, unlike Spencer's WE WUZ tier unrelatable bs.

it exists, its just all retards

He is weird-looking, sounds like a fag and is a brainlet who doesn't have anything profound or philosophical to say.

Because Richard Spencer is actually representative of your group. You're as loud, obnoxious, degenerate, and (ironically or not) nazi obsessed as he is. You people are as bad as the liberal degenerates.

That was pretty dope

>More importantly, his arguments cut straight to the point, unlike Spencer's WE WUZ tier unrelatable bs
Here here. Underrated post

Also, this is part of a larger, extremely transparent leftist plan to:
- Flood the west with non-whites;
- Brainwash non-whites into thinking all whites are racist;
- Popularize the meme that white = conservative;
- Establish a permanent left-voting majority by doing the above three things.

It exists.

It was created by the left and perpetuated by the media to group all identitarians under an easy labelled collective.

Richard Spencer makes it incredibly easy to label them as stupid, hateful racists.

>muh roman salutes

What about making it a rebellious counterculture like a reverse 60s?

Mike Enoch admits to being jewish:

Mike Enoch's jewish wife goes on the show:


>(((faith goldy)))

the alt-right exists
it's just full of spergs who fell for an obvious cointelpro campaign

The "altright" is the mainstream media trying to understand the rise of right wing internet culture.

Nop you idiota, this guy is OK and you know that but ofc shills must do their daily work. BTFO normie


this guy is a g

this is what the death of TRS and the Alt-Right looks like

shotuouts to toronto, and without wasting too much time, york university is corrupt, in the worst way possible, moments of """silence""" to aboriginals for whitey winning the war to cross dressing faggots being enabled by the student council. Im not white and it's clear the jews are trying to oppress common sense.

He understands lefty power theories and their natural progression to the elimination of white culture and explains it is a clear and moral fashion. He rules

White nationalism is never going to appeal to the mainstream, because normies see through the false optics. A Nazi with polos and tiki torches is still a Nazi. And everyone that believes in freedom and democracy and the minimum of moral integrity will always punch you fucking Nazis. Again and again. And again.

Toronto deserves a nuke.

Go back to /r/politics and kill yourself Redditor

>muh racemixed shithole is the future
The left can't see beyond their presumption of moral superiority to the ugly consequences of their faggotry.


Abos lost they suck just stamp them out stop being pussies

This guy has his shit together, knows how to repackage the message for the modern age, has to be reasonable, fucking the nazi larping bullshit, also you can see faith creaming.

Fun fact: Pierre Eliott Trudeau created the meme of "multiculturalism" in the 70s, which was then spread to other countries. Trudeau was also a Soviet sympathizer, a Bilberberg member, and he fired Yuri Bezmenov (ex-KGB defector) from the CBC after he started redpilling people about cultural marxism. Then he clamped down on the Quebec independence movement.

He also sold our national bank to Jews (we had ~100K in national debt at the time, now it's going into trillions).

Multiculturalism = "workers of the world unite" = globalism = communism

Papa Marxist Trudeau killed Canada and his gay kid is gonna put the final nail in the coffin.

>Canada is experiencing the fastest rate of ethnic change of any country in the Western world, say international demographers.

>Almost seven of 10 Metro Vancouver residents will be visible minorities, or non-whites, in less than two decades, says Eric Kaufmann, a professor at University of London, Birkbeck, citing Statistics Canada projections.

>Canada as a whole, at the current rate of immigration, will be almost 80 per cent non-white in less than a century.

>A 2017 Statistics Canada report, titled Immigration and Diversity: Population Projections, forecasts the number of Canadians with visible minority status will “increase more rapidly than the rest of the population” and “could more than double by 2036 to between 12.8 million and 16.3 million.”

>Meanwhile, Canada is undergoing “the fastest rate of ethnic change of any country in the Western world,” Kaufmann said, describing how 300,000 immigrants are arriving each year in a country of 35 million people, with four in five of those immigrants being visible minorities.

>“I think a reasonable middle conclusion is that Canada will be 20 per cent white, 65 per cent non-white and 15 per cent mixed race by 2106,” he said.

neck yourself

He looks cold as fuck. He needs to fix his body language to look more comfortable with his environment. He's giving off a very beta male vibe.

Showing that you feel cold --> Outside people/forces rule you

Not showing that you feel cold, despite it being cold --> You are the ruler of your own body, if not the ruler of those around you too.

>Richard Spencer makes it incredibly easy to label them as stupid, hateful racists.
Not really, he's fairly articulate.
Or are you implying we should start talking about equality and trying to appeal to niggers so that "normies" like us, you civic nationalist cuck.
There is nothing wrong with racism.

This is so fucking untrue, Sup Forums and every right wing person on the internet was calling themselves alt-right for about a year until Hillary's speech, and then everyone started pretending how they aren't alt right because they don't want CNN to be mad at them. It's very blackpilling how an entire movement was destroyed by one speech smearing them. That's all it took, and then all you faggots started running to the hills to distance yourself from something Hillary called racist.

Kill yourself, "muh optics we need to like niggers to win" faggot.

Yeah nah we don't listen to poo poo pakis

Trudeau was the beginning of the end for Canada and his wife's faggot son is here to finish the job!

You weren't there larper.. muh punch nazti fucking memlet you weren't fucking there

Well thats a bunch of bullshit lol. Nice try Scheer.

mm good point