Deal with it.
Jews are white
Can I move to Israel and marry a citizen?
they're the ones always saying they're not white
> mammy always told us we werent white folk
you misspelled "sand-people"
You were saying?
netscape yahoo is whiter than 90% of Sup Forums.
Looks like a light skinned Turk desu.
26% some brown shit was detected.
Jews identify as white but not "white". It's hard to explain.
but they don't even consider themselves white.
well, at least until it serves their interests
phase 2 of the shilling
t. Muhammad
The only whyte kikes are the redheads
the rest are swarthy
end the thread
the thread is over
jewish whiteness goes up and down like fucking bitcoin.
Mr. Mielekowski, perhaps Khazar/Kenite with a Polish last name... swarthy... NOT white.
They are parasites.
We dont care what we are. as long as we stay rich and powerful.
Not white, barely even human you Neanderthalic piece of shit
this desu senpai desu
We will take the white one living in Israel but I refuse to take any American Jews.
jews are sand-niggers. deal with it
White when it suits them,not white when that suits them better,religion when it suits then,race when thats suit them better.bloody baby cock suckers.
Jews are white
he looks like a gypsy
jews are unironically whiter than amermutts
*blocks your path*
does it make sense now?
I agree with OP regarding most Jews but Semitic Jews definitely do exist. The Ashkenazi jews being semites myth is used to justify the existance of the banker safe haven known as Israel. 70-80% of global Jewry is European with vague Semitic roots at best
They are indeed white.
White until the white people do something they don't like, then up on the soapbox they go. From Stewart back to Leibowitz in a second.
Yeah, but "white" what? That shit ain't human.
“Most jews wont like to admit it but our god is LUCIFER!”
-Rabbi Finkelstein
serpent seed
This right here. Jews themselves distinguish themselves as separate. In the 60's US jews identified with the blacks as another oppressed minority. A jew is only white in the sense that they have a Caucasoid skull structure
What I dont understand is if Jews rule the world
Why would whites be the masterrace?
Wouldn't Jews be the masterrace?
Literally don't care
Then Anti-Semitism doesn't apply to you then
Cliff notes version is the gentiles fucked themselves in financial empire building by outlawing usury
Yeah but if whites are the master race then they would have already abolished the Jews
Germany would have won WW2 and 90% of CEOs would be white not Jewish
shh...he's an R1a Jew, allegedly. He's got the y-chromosome of the Central Asian type, shared with many of the Christian White Man.
He's also one of the smarter and craftier chessmaster Jews in Israel, a very competitive place.
>Jews are white
It's okay to be white?
Is it okay to feel about Jews in Christian countries exactly the same manner Ben Shapiro feels about Arabs and Palestinians in Israel.
So i found out today another person I work with is Jewish, I already knew one guy was, but now there are two jews, I gotta be careful, this is dangerous territory.
If jews were purple we wouldn't have this situation. Whites have a greater willingness to include members of outgroups when selecting for in group inclusion. Whenever you have a committee or any group that selects to include new members alll other ethnicities will almost unanimously select their own. Blacks will chose blacks, Mexicans will chose Mexicans , jews will chose jews. For centuries jews have posed as whites in order to gain inclusion. When they chose other jews, who dress white and change their names, it wasn't obvious they were only selecting other jews. Whites selecting more on merit would sometimes give enough votes to include new jew. This continued until group is jew dominated. This is how jew gained control of institutions. Nothing to do with being better.
right. this is why successful minority groups such as Chinese and east Indians have never gained significant cultural or political power in the west. We can see that they are different, and it would look fucking strange if 2 members of the supreme court were obviously east indian when they are less than 2% of the population.
jews = t*rks???
***slide thread***
only when convenient though
Okay, Jews are not white.
(Brings out IQ measures)
Seems like author should kill himself. It's only logical.
I'm not sure I can explain this succinctly, but I'll try.
In evolutionary biology (as well as game theory) there exists a niche where an animal can subsist off the productive energies of a much larger animal population through a process called parasitism. In game theory this is known as selfishness.
Game Theory studies find that selfishness is highly successful so long as it never gets too large - Once a selfish entity becomes the majority, or even a larger minority, their selfishness detracts from the competitiveness of the whole group. There is 'in-fighting'.
It gets more complicated once you introduce in-groups. Selfish in-groups that don't behave selfishly towards their in-group but do towards all out-groups, will out-compete every other group that fails to behave the same way. This is essentially what ethno-nationalism is.
You can still have selfish individuals that parasitize a selfish in-group.
To put liberals in perspective to all this, they are an in-group that has no preference between in/out groups and will share their resources freely with everyone, and thus become out-competed by selfish-in groups that will take the offered resources, but only share their own resources with their own. Basically the liberal in-groups give away all of their resources and die out as everyone else takes advantage of them.
Central Asian, horse jockey, warlord y-chromosome
Belongs to mound, pyramid obsessed Haplogroup P.
Best answer itt
Based Finns
They are white. White doesn't just mean "good people," as opposed to nonwhite "bad people," it means people of primarily European and Near Eastern origin, in which case, Jews are white. But they're also Jews. Just like Slavs are white, but Slavs. And Italians are white, but Italian.
That doesn't mean that I'm fine with Jews, Slavs, and Italians living in my country. I only want Anglos and Celts. Some Low Countrymen, Nords, and even a few Germans and Frenchmen are okay, too, as long as they completely assimilate are are less than 20% of the population.
>all anglos are good people
Yes they are white and should get the fuck out of the middle east
Try telling them goy.
the nordics have much higher IQ on average than slavs.
two possibilities
He/other Ashkenazim descend from the biblical Daniel, who was actually Persian, or descends from khazar/turk ancestor.