Took shrooms today. Horrible idea

Hey guys,
I took shrooms today and it really fucked me up. I started doubting everything that I totally know is true and it was like everything I know about the world collapsed for an hour. I started seeing things like libtards see them (race is made up, women are equal, all that bullshit). I'm not gonna lie it kind of disturbed me. I thought the doubt would go away after it was done but I got a good night's sleep and I'm still doubting everything I KNOW I believe. What do I do? I feel like I fucked up my brain and I'm the only one going through this. I tried watching some videos but I can't get into it.

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do more pussy

Just smoke some weed and go to sleep user, you'll be back to normal in about 36 hours.

hey user, you're permanently fucked up. you fell for the psyop and now you're permanently bluepilled

in all seriousness, shrooms just like magnifies ideas and empathy. This was probably a valuable experience since you now understand their perspective. Use that knowledge to become the jew and jew them back

Huh. Mushrooms made me think the oposite of all those things. If you're not pic related, the reality of these drugs is they will force you to question and challenge your own beliefs. Even ones that are of sound rationality.

So go out there and seek your answers:
Are Women equal?
Is Race real?
Nations are just borders and shit lol!?

What during the trip cuased you to think opposite of what you knew previously? What profound revelation did you recieve, and is it verifiable?

That's called ego death, just eat some junk food and get plenty of sleep and water.

The self you know as you shrivles up and dies when you do drugs and it takes a while to grow back. It's completely normal.

Liberals see the world as children do. It would be great in theory if race was just a construct and all were equally capable and as a good person you want that

But it's not reality. It's a lie used to appeal to your child dreams and hopes for equality to hide the fact that people much greedier and far stupider and lazier than you are trying to vampirize you to sustain them. They want you to believe a child's lie to willingly blind yourself to the fact that it's the foundation of their exploitation of you

this, you didn't go far enough, but you're waking up. Love needs hate, empathy needs apathy, and weakness needs strength. I suggest you look into utilitarianism. Sometimes the greater good demands sacrifice.

Shrooms make you gay for life. It is the only way.

If you didn't eat an ounce yet, you need to. You need to see the light user.

your ego has suffered shock as you opened the door briefly to an alternate dimension/reality...same with DMT. and when we die. time will help repair your damaged ego.

They legalized weed in alaska and I tried an edible for the first time. Never do that.

I've only achieved 12g dried. Next time... next time.

>an ounce
holy shit 5g was enough to rip me out of space and time, I don't even want to imagine what an ounce could do

hahahahahahahahahahaha you failed at mushrooms

you're not even strong enough to stay true to your beliefs when forced into doubt. faggot

You did hard drugs you moron.

Like leftist, you went to fantasy land

Psychedelics basically emulate schizophrenia in a lot of people. Liberalism is a mental disorder so it fits perfectly into the weave of it.

No, but seriously. Most psychedelics work through saturating your serotonin receptors, when said receptors are overactive it leads to critical thinking being replaced with 'Muh feels' and leads to having the illusion of coming to constant 'spiritual realisations' when really they are just generally retarded realisations amplified by muh feels and lack of critical thinking. Congrats. You should be fine in about seven months.

Why the fuck do you think the U.S. developed LSD? Recall MKULTRA and our good friend Ted Kaczynski. Brainwashing.

Now that you know what it's like from their perspective again, you also know what the world looks like from your original perspective. You can now search for your answers unimpeded by misunderstanding.


Process it.....

take more shrooms

>concern trolling this hard

You need to get over your control issues desupai

Former druggo here. If you use psychedelics, keep Lexapro/Escitalopram on hand or any of the other SSRI class antidepressant drugs on hand. They FULLY STOP your trips (works on MDA and MDMA too) in an hour.

Antidepressants STOP YOUR TRIPS.

>for an hour

Calling bullshit.

get to the bottom of your rabbit hole, think of it like a game.

Man Shrooms are my favorite never had a bad experience with them. Have had some really shitty acid though.

I don't remember desu. I just remember that it felt so fucking REAL. like it felt like I could see myself for the first time and I hated it. such a weird feeling I don't think I can even recall it and give you "reasons".

Women are generally equal, though the reasons they can be disappointing or fucked up are different than the ways men are.

Get over it, OP.

Exactly. Give it 2 days. You'll be fine.

t. babies first trip

shrooms are red pilled

Serotonin toxicity, no thanks.

Fucking faggot OP.
If you were only tripping for an hour you got ripped or you're a shill.
Go eat an ounce over a 4 day camping trip alone then come back.
If anything it'll strengthen your resolve.
Any chucklefucks who think otherwise and state it have obviously had No experience in said substance and are talking out of their asses.

If you wanna survive the future get better at drugs faggot. Upgrade to heavy doses of LSD-25 fast or you're dead.

>not using shrooms to tap deep inside your ancestral being

Had a feeling they could do something like that. Got a few leftover for those occasions.

>mushrooms, the only substance that requires zero preparation from natural state
>hard drugs
Congrats you're retarded

>horrible idea
You did something wrong. In 1996 I tripped shrooms everyday for a week. The only reason I stopped was because I ran out. I’ve tripped a shit ton of lsd too, used to put it directly in my eyes.
Maybe your issues stem from the realization that reality isn’t as “solid”as you once believed. Reality is pliable and porous. Those drugs allows you to perceive the true dynamics nature of it and it sounds like it scared the shit out of you.
One word of caution. It works both ways. When you weaken that barrier, things can and do get in.


Mushrooms stimulate brain pathways that aren't regularly used. Honestly you may have had just a bad trip. Mushrooms aren't bad, they are a object that is meant to be consumed by people. Maybe the setting was wrong

Get outdoors in nature for shrooms mate. Psychedelic experiences indoors are cancer and I'd rather not to it at all, as opposed to happily when camping

You’re a fucking moron.

I’d bet both my testicles I’ve done more shrooms than anyone itt.

Depends what mushroom or fungi it is....

Oh you mean you started realizing Sup Forums shills are actually wrong?
Believing some of the things you gained insight on doesn't make you a libtard at all. Sup Forums is not right wing anymore. It just shills for racist and elementary beliefs with no credibility.
I'm farther right wing than pol and I believe that people aren't bad because of their race, but because of their culture. I take shrooms and lsd and all that. It doesn't naturally make you a liberal, but a lot of times it let's you see through fallacious arguments and be more logical.

This board seriously mis-understands what it means to be alpha. A lot of people here have a very weak mind-set and are easily destroyed by the women in their lives. This leads a lot of this community to resent women, when the truth is that the fault always lied in their own hands. Shrooms give us the capacity to see these weaknesses that we have, and its a good thing, because after seeing this we have the capacity to work on ourselves from a position of truth and honesty.

In short, you might diagnose the problems of society with great accuracy, however, your ideology is not truly bullet proof until you know how to eliminate these problems with the power of your mind. This is what mushrooms help us to do.

>I believe that people aren't bad because of their race, but because of their culture.
where does culture come from and why does it differ between races?

Maybe stop believing so much stupid shit?

>Most psychedelics work through saturating your serotonin receptors

No. Actually what they do is to have an effect on your consciousness. Eat some mushrooms, you'll see.

>Not ingesting the god brew Ayahuasca tea

You guys need to watch this

If you can look at a typical nigger standing next to a typical European and think that race is made up then you need to triple your shroom dose.

Go out in nature and do it with friends.



Top kek

I took 6 hits (550 micrograms) and I thought I was very open to everything. but just 1 hour into the trip It was the mental hell. I thought it was the most disgusting shit I have ever seen. Suddenly I thought, what if I was transgender all my life long? What If I'm actually attracted to children? My OCD went crazy, I flipped, I fucking lost my mind. I just went total psychotic.

I saw very phallic imagery everywhere. I closed my eyes and saw Penis everywhere. Everything I saw I associated with a penis. I look up the clouds, I see a giant penis. Everything long-shaped I automatically associated with a penis. Just having penis-like OEV's and CEV's all the time, which gave me a terribly Bad Trip. You can imagine how terrible this must have been on 6 hits of Acid.

I used to see funny faces when I stared at walls, sand, carpets. Now it's a penis. Normally a gay man would have found this very enjoyable, but I did not. It was the most traumatic thing I have ever gone through.

I had the most intense anxiety spikes in my life... I was self-doubting to the point of just commiting suicide. This was nearly over a year ago and I still have the problem, which I like to call "Phallic Pareidolia". When I close my eyes, I always see penis-like CEV's. Everytime I try to fantasize or associate when I stare at patterns, guess what is the first thing I see.

This probably comes off as terribly ridiculously rare and funny, but it really is not to me. It's a serious problem I have, I feel like having permanently messed up my perception and I can't keep living like this for the rest of my life. I am seriously considering suicide. I wish I could see a psychiatrist but I don't know if therapy could cure me and make my associations go away. Could it?

I just want to make these penis-associations in the real world STOP. I don't want a penis to be the first thing I see when staring at the clouds, staring at patterns, staring at carpets, basically anything. I want my old perception back.

Shrooms are my only medicine for an extremely painful medical condition, I take them once a week
I either go sit out in nature or get comfy in bed and read Sup Forums
Not once have they made me think like a liberal


Experienced drug user here.
Psychedelics, the best way I can describe them are satanic and demonic. Regardless if you believe in the literal existence of those entities the religious connotation, suppositions and meaning are the best way to describe this dynamic.
They remove your willpower and ability to reason. In the Bible, satan waits until Jesus has been in the desert, tired and hungry before he approaches him and tempts him.
Evil knows that against a sound, spiritually strong person they cannot win.
It is why the CIA niggers used LSD in MKULTRA to manipulate clergy and other formally sound individuals.
They whisper as snakes in your ears, deceiving you while you are vulnerable.
You need to pray or meditate for strength, resilience and fortitude against this onslaught.
Weeks may pass and you will begin to believe your experience was positive or beneficial to you.
That it expanded your mind and thought process.
You certainly expanded your mind, you tore down the fortress and let in the wolves and snakes.
Psychedelics do only this, weaken the mind of sound judgement and thought through demonic possession of your mind during its time of great vulnerability.
I have never met anyone who did shrooms, acid, molly or DMT that came out of it a more conservative person without having this metaphysical realization that they are a tool of Satan.

holy shit do not do this. some of the worst advice ive ever seen on here

If this isn't pasta then it is now


You are the dick kid from superbad lmao. You probably have pre-AIDS.

Yeaaah, this is actually a good thing. It is a challenging experience but that doesn't mean that it isn't ultimately good. You need to take like 5-6g next time. It won't be as fucked up because you will actually be better and you will get more out of it. Being stuck halfway between really tripping and being sober is frightening and uncomfortable but if you pass a certain threshold you will actually get a lot more out of it.

Get fucked satan, you just don't want humans to be more open to god
Each dose makes me more conservative

>I totally know is true
That's your problem right there

Culture is not bound by a race. Sure, races have different culture.. But race is permanent and culture can change. Also, a white person can be a part of black inner city culture much like how a black person can be a part of white suburban culture. It's the difference between a "nigger" and "black person" on this board. The difference between those two labels are the culture, which is not defined by the race.

You're pretty much saying that race is the "be all end all"
If you're black you're inherently different than a white BECAUSE of their skin. What sense does that make?

not gonna lie, its somewhat amusing to hear about shrooms from someone who is resisting them. If you dont surrender yourself to the truth you will have a bad trip and be forced to deal with it. maybe you fucked yourself up now but down the road you might see it differently

First, antidepressants don't act immediately like that
Second, ssri's minimise the effects of mdma but the fuck your brain up in the process

That means you are not indoctrinated enough
Keep lurking untill you can discuss niggers at the peak of the trip

Clister headaches?

i-is this a shop?
p-please... tell me this is a shop...

Oh. I didn't see the MDMA part.

daily reminder to kill the drug addicts

Please let this be a pasta. If not, you have the worst repression in existence.

shoulda done heroin or oxy

>tfw opiates strengthen your beliefs and make you feel more passionate about them

Sounds cheesy OP . . . but LIFE is ONE BIG PLAY . . . like a THEATER.

Makes me feel like we're in the matrix- no pun intended. Never even seen the movies.

ITT: OP posts trip report unlike every other shroom trip report and larps pile in with bullshit upon bullshit.

Kids today. Can’t even fake doing drugs properly.

I wouldn't be dosing mushrooms that often if I didn't have to, but it sure beats crippling head pain every night

nice and subtle

Let those trips serve as a warning.
You are messing with something far beyond your comprehension.

psychedelics generally release a lot of serotonin. SSRIs are Selective Serotonin REUPTAKE INHIBITORS. "Reuptake" is the process by which chemicals that are released in your brain like serotonin are reabsorbed instead of floating around and connecting. Imagine lighting your fireplace up but without any ventilation. The smoke is serotonin.

go steel trip stories from erowid bagle

spotted the virgin

What you are writing is pretty interesting. Accept it, and forget it. Hmm... Does accepting it have to mean that I have to be happy about? It's really difficult, if it would be so easy... I wouldn't have suffered the most terrible 9 months of my whole life after that trip.

What's the shortcut of it going away? My perception being returning to normal? Accepting it?

Doesn't accepting it mean that I adjust myself to my perception permanently? So I learn to love it?

That's exactly not what I'm after. I want my old perception back. I want to be normal and not obsessed with genitals. I want my innocent, creative and abstract imagination back.


Most psychedelics aren't serotonin releasing agents or MAOIs though.


Psychedelics are pushed by the government because they create a blank slate for brainwashing. The CIA invented LSD, no? They were also behind the drug culture of the 60s and 70s. Don't believe me? You have an internet connection, find out for yourself.

Fuck you.

Nobody listen to this asshole, it's benzos that will bring you out of a bad trip.

We came from the shroom, they are more animal then plant. They consume. Their spores are made of chitin and they can travel through space. Its no coincidence the clitoris and penis are shaped the way they are.

It just shifts your perspective and right now (as an avid pol reader) you are more aware of liberal thinking since it is opposed to what you read and believe regularly. Hopefully after your trip you will be able to empathize with (((them))) and prepare your arguments and theories better.

Your digits already confirmed your ill intentions lucifer
It's either eat mushrooms or suicide anyway so I don't really give a shit about uninformed opinion

Babbys first ego death

More like they make you an okay man ready to agree to anything
I'm surprised opiates arent being mass fed to the American goys OH WAIT


Race is not limited to skin color. Sure, judge someone by their character and not their race. But why is it that Africans have been stagnant in development and completely incapable for thousands of years while whites dominated the earth? Is that really a "cultural" difference?

Fresh fruit is the only way

>Used to think like you do
>Taken lots of psychedelics over my life
>Took LSD this last summer after a couple year hiatus
>Still thought the same way

Maybe your brain is fucked OP.

They bind to the same receptors and will be blocked by the SSRI all the same.

Most of my friends were leftwing and knew i was pretty right wing/nationalist (though I never went anywhere near my full power level with most of 'em) back in college. When we'd trip i'd joke about how i'd feel like a communist for a few hours, but thankfully dont make societal decisions under the influence of mind altering drugs.
Also, glad you took shrooms user, acid is garbage but shrooms is where its at

I took heroic psychedelic doses and it just made me more right wing