I'll start.
>MC and rival are having their final battle
>They start out equally but overtime start to lose their powers
>They just turn to beating the shit out of each other
>They bet everything on one final attack
>The MC loses
ITT you post cliches you love
Other urls found in this thread:
I like the cliche of some character being secretly powerful. Even if they're already strong, but have some secret extra power, like when Satellizer fights while unconscious. Terumi in Blazblue claiming is he bad at fighting. Even characters who have no right being powerful at all somehow being the best combatant in their world.
Imagine if some random genki girl character we've never seen before just picked up a Light Saber in Star Wars one day and could take on the best Jedi like it was nothing just because she is so incredibly and naturally talented and skilled, while giggling about how 'this is fun' while her opponent is freaking out about how can she possibly be keeping up with him and so on. Then when her opponent things he's found and opening and tries to cut her in half, she just moves much faster than she had before and blocks it like it was a joke while 'ooh that was cool!'
That kind of thing works too.
>Protagonist spends the time learning some useless shit while his friends get powerboosts
>turns out to quadriple his power
My secret hope is that the reason Tatsumaki is so protective of her sister, Fubuki, is that is secretly super powerful, like much more powerful than Tatsumaki, and has certain trigger conditions (like maybe being unconscious, or something else) where she goes Mob Psycho 100 levels of ESP overpowered and levels entire cities.
God of highschool
The early chapters that still weren't off the hook crazy
>Character is absent from the show or manga for a while
>Life goes on for the rest of the cast, maybe they even forget about that character a little
>Character returns at a crucial moment with powerups/new attitude/whatever
gets me every time
What is this, Bleach?
Angel Beats did it
>MC will always favor the first girl he saw in the series over his retarded ass childhood friend
Love it. Guaranteed delicious tears everytime
>Doesn't act like a loli.
>Is one of the oldest members of an organization and knows how to do their job.
>Delinquent / Thug with a heart of gold
I fucking love this shit so much.
I love it when a show pits a character up against multiple opponents who are established to be as strong/stronger than her but she still manages to hold her own against them due to shear ingenuity or willpower.
The first girl the MC usually sees is his childhood friend though.
>character is giving it their all
>still losing but closing the gap
>puts everything they have into one final move/attack
>wins, but barely
>slowly passes out
>Villainess is the best girl.
So rare. So great.
I love any 'with a heart of Gold' characters but my favorite is the insecure narcissist with a heart of Gold.
Kongou Mitsuko from Railgun. She is so insecure that she constantly makes shit up and talks about fucking awesome she is compared to everyone else because she thinks it'll get her friends, except it does the exact opposite and pushes people away. She's too stupid to notice the great friends she already has. But when someone threatens even just her slightly-more-than-acquaintances she is the first person to show up on the scene to help them out of life-of-death situations without much thought to her own safety. I just love her 'big damn hero' moments when she shows up and saves everyone MULTIPLE FUCKING TIMES, as a rando side-character.
I also love it when non-combatant/side characters are the biggest god damn heroes when they have absolutely no right to be. Like Rachel in Baccano!.
>all the people in these series have the fancy powers with over designed abilities and skills and all this other bullshit
>MC is basically just strong
>they use their crazy abilities and he just punches them in the face
it's stupid, but I've always liked this.
sauce ? image search doesnt help
>Why didnt you finish that attack?
>How about you?
>Zooms out to show the whole situation
Every time
Looks like Seraph of the End
Pic related was fun
I love this, but I prefer;
>Asshole / evil guy, has one or two people he actually cares about, generally doesn't give a shit about anything else
>goes fucking insane or turns into a murderous psychopath when that person is hurt, even the slightest scratch turns him into full monster mode
I don't know why I like it so much, but I always enjoy when I see it. Like you see one of those people he cares about get scratched and it always ends up getting my instantly hyped;
>"Oh shit nigga, you dun goofed now"
This is pretty much when you know shit's gonna go down.
Love Hina did it even. Main character goes to study archaeology away from his Harem for a while and returns as a man. Really it's just the homecoming that's important. I even like shit like Naruto returning after the time skip.
oh i like this one
>I will have to use THAT now
>nothing personel kid
>teleport behind you
>my turn
>Grill realizes she's in love while looking at her man's back
Makes me want to get a buff back.
Seraph of the End
HxH made me really enjoy training montages.
I used to fucking hate them, but I watched the 2011 HxH and ended up fucking loving the training arc, as well as the arena challenges and the traveling auctioning stuff.
Hell, I liked Gon and Killua just traveling around being bros rather than the actual story.
A shit
Almost as bad as that retarded ass " I LOVE A-KUN BECAUSE HE IS A-KUN"
Naberal's is good.
Source on that image?
Stupid optimist that sources his power from heightened emotions
>The guy who ACTUALLY tried to become something better, wears proper armor and weaponry, but doesn't become anything because the MC is the chosen one/plot armor/other excuse.
You can never rise above the path you were born in.
>love triangle
>girl catches MC-kun and other girl in an awkward spot and MISUNDERSTANDS the situation
>Protagonist fights monsters several times his size and hundreds of them at a time
Hypest shit ever.
The Mole Man dream in OPM is so good. There is also that Familiar series where the MC holds back that entire army. That was pretty good.
Kannagi had a good one of those.
>Someone gets sliced apart
>No visible effect for a long delay
>They slowly fall to pieces
Ring King makes it sound like Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari
See: It's Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari
Picked the fuck up
>MC has an absolute bro tagging along in his quest
>The bro gets brain washed / mind controlled and ends up fighting MC
>Halfway through the fight MC suddenly drops his weapon as the bro goes in to attack
>Everyone is surprised and about to rush in to save him
>The bro forcefully stops himself from hurting MC
Basically "I know you're in there" fights
>Side character/Mentor
>Incredibly powerful or at least significantly more powerful than most of the antagonists
>Doesn't have many fights but when they do they tear their opponent apart
>MC is the antagonist/murderer
Too bad this doesnt happen often, I love unreliable narration
>Fight vs super analysis faggot
>Ha I know the limits of your powers now you can't win
>Lol I was holding back to convince you of my power's limits
>Asshole badguy trashes completely unrelated bad guy so the can have epic 1v1 with MC
But that would undermine her character development so far, and go against everything established about them
>The final boss uses the same abilities as the main character
Pic related?
>MC wants to live.
>The only thing that makes them continue to live, that makes them to defy fate and their enemies, is the suffering and hate they keep getting.
OPM in a nutshell
>Loved side character dies
>It isn't like some sacrifice, This was fairly unwilling with death
>Bonus points if they tried to act tough and then broke down and gave the "I dont wanna die" speech
>MC get humiliated
>heroine defend the MC
Whoops didnt mean to reply
>The final boss is related to the main character
It's almost all Shounen. Everyone gets special abilities. MC is basically just physically strong.
But yeah, OPM personifies this perfectly.
>villain brainwashes/mindcontrols MC's bro to make them fight
>MC doesn't want to fight his bro
>bro about to hit MC
>hits the villain instead and reveals he wasn't brainwashed
Nearly cried, like I was legit misty
I wish anime/manga could still incite genuine emotion from me
Sup Forums poisoned my outlook, now all I can do is watch for QUALITY so I can shit on it with the rest of them
>Villain doesn't have any ambitions at all and just wants to live a quiet life and doesn't kill unless it's necessary
is there any other villains similar to this?
>MC and the villain have to unite against even greater mutual enemy
>The MC screams the name of his attacks
>Insert song
>The MC screams the name of his attacks
>character is weak and that is the reason why he is able to do feats and think of plans that strong people aren't capable of
and also
>MC and villain fight
>villain loses
>MC rejoins his friends after his well-earned victory
>Villain losing the match was actually part of his greater scheme
damn, i need to re-read KKOW
Enemy girl falls in love with the MC and defects.
>the Ojou-sama which takes pride in her body and will not get flustered if seen naked
>funny guy gets pissed
>is the most powerful character in the series
>final battle
>original OP starts playing
>the goofy character masterminded everything
>Opening song plays during the penultimate episode when the characters rise up against the villain after being kerbstomped
>Opening song has a long intro that builds up from slow, increasing in tempo
>Intro is never heard in the opening
>You only realise what this track is when it reaches the main bit, where it cuts to credits
Symphogear S1 is too good youtube.com
What Mongolian tapestry?
Harima Kenji Best Delinquent
Damaged goods battlemaiden who doesn't give a shit about being seen naked because who gives a shit? There are more important things to care about.
Pic related with titties flopping around is the shit.
Wait is that a thing, where from?
>the previous OG generation show the current one how its done
>the silly character gets serious
>The Rival defends the MC against the new threat in an "only I get to beat your ass" type of way
>The universally Beloved character sacrifices their self. The next few chaps/eps are dedicated to grieving and planning how to avenge them
>The villain keeps their cool all the way to the end with a noble defeat or death
>then whoever says that gets trigered so hard he either beat the crap out of the ones who trigger them or straight torture and murded
Is there really any anime that did exactly this other than S-cry-ed? Except that Kazuma won
TTGL did this except the MC didn't lose.
Yeah, TTGL and 70℅ of Naruto v Sasuke fights
Lucifer and The Biscuit Hammer: The Animation
never ;_;
>previous OG generation
you can almost never go wrong with gramps and grannies getting serious. or a flashback arc to their prime.
>Start out equally
TTGL was asspull after asspull after asspull after SPIRAL MULTIVERSE REALITY WARP PROBALITY ALTER asspull after asspull
>MC starts out as a normal human but slowly loses their humanity and by the end becomes the very thing they set out to destroy
>its a greentext thread
Friend is your enemy. Plus points if sexual tension.
name 3
Naruto timeskip was the perfect example of how not do a timeskip in a shonen action series. He comes back with no real improvements besides a bigger rasengan in two fucking years. Jiraiya, what the fuck were you doing with his training? That was one of the lows in the series. Kakashi's training rapes Jiraiya's anytime.
>Rival calls out a punch
>it's a kick
>character goes nuclear
If you can't find anything like it then it isn't a cliche. Like half this thread is stuff people that rarely happens.
While in such scenario is usually the childhood friend (wake up user-kun!) the first girl he sees, I understand your point, and is sad when that girl is violent tsundere, and still falls for her.
I dont know if this can be considered a cliche and more just another trope
But I love when hero is dating a villian, both of them know each other is their mortal enemy but cant help to be attracted to each other, of course they have to keep it secret from their teams.
>Fantasy world
>Character uses conventional weaponry and wins.
Actually, I fucking hate that shit. Especially if its "totally ebin giggling twintails anime girl." Fuck outta here with that shit. Same with uber-powerful yanderes in harems.
Arguably that is what made it so great. It was so retardedly audacious that you can't help but love it, especially in the movie where it logically ends with an almighty all-powerful god trying to kill a guy by punching him.
Yeah I know, but since the thread was going off topic anyway I didn't bother much.