This is your emperor for tonight

This is your emperor for tonight.

benis in vagina

Looking good there

No, thanks, not another whore.


No female MC, so no thanks.

This is my emperor every night.

She's my eternal emperor

Why's her hair covered in grease?

>bending the knee to whore of babylon

That's not Tamamo

t. Sir Gawain



I want her to be my emperor for all time!


>Five fate related spreads in a row in Newtype


Refrain from using the faithful Retarded Cat when talking about that whore Tamamo.

But they share the same past.

Cat is love, cat is life. All other Tamamo variants are cheap whores.

Ah, I see.
It seems like you are a perfect match for each other.

Can you post them without the kanjis and everything? They look good for wallpapers.


Well I'd like to teach my Emperor how to ride a bicycle before cooking a nice dinner for her and then having consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of continuing the lineage while we hold hands and whisper sweet I love yous in each other's ears.




>Shaft doing Fate
aw ye