If you're waifu is posted you have to do the same number of pushups as the last to digits of that post

if you're waifu is posted you have to do the same number of pushups as the last to digits of that post
if you're too much of a pussy to do that much pushups either put your hands on an elevated surface or start with proper pushups and do half pushups when you're too tired
your waifu will laugh but inside she'll be glad you're trying to be good enough for her, maybe one day you'll manage

Dumb Shinobuposters.


keep at it fatty
it's kind of unfair when you post an image containing that much girls


wonder if best esper will be posted


>hfw she finds out that a DYEL likes her

get on the floor fuckers

Baka OP, not all of us are that healthy.

its 100 max, its not that hard to do - its not like there's a time constraint or something


My wrists are really fucked, even typing shit can get painful.

>having a waifu that's petty enough to care about how many pushups you'd do for her

fair enough then

>not being willing to do 100> push ups for your waifu

My max is 30.
Good thing mine never gets posted.

it's mostly an excuse for me to decide how much repetitions per series do today and I hoped you would have found it a good excuse to exercise a bit as well
as I wrote, there's a couple ways you can get to a higher number if you can't do enough proper pushups
if you're unhealthy as in you're recovering from leukimia I'm sure you're waifu won't have any problem
if you're unhealthy as in you eat fast food everyday and don't exercise in any way then you're waifu will laugh at you and you should feel ashamed because she'll be right


chest touching the floor, you limp wristed faggot

how do you think you can compete with araragi-kun?

if you are unable to do them all in one go i will cut you dick and open a pussy in the place you balls were supposed to be, if you had any

>My max is 30.
would be a good chance to get better to be honest family

>how do you think you can compete with araragi-kun?
well first off I'm not a lolicon
then, I have more than 6 friends

She will do it for you


the one idol that's not been posted already

>no chiguchi


>waifu is hated by Sup Forums so never gets posted
Someone roll for me.

>let's complain without solving the problem
you fucking people I swear
anyway this goes for the other idol(secretary) that's not yet been posted


re-rolling because even tho my waifu is that kind, she deserves so much more

I'll do 42

It's Houki. Someone can roll though, 19 is too easy.

here we go you fucker


They all count.



welp, no one posted her. suiciding

Do twice the amount, user.


i know i said 100 isnt too much but thats just dumb


Time to roll for the wife.

Wrong red.


>opening with Shinobu
That's just not fair OP.

Now get off your ass and do some pushups user.

>all these bad monogatarifus

may as well be posting snek with all this bad taste

You should have posted a worthless waifu to go with your worthless dubs

do you even into d100? 00 is 100, lowest you can get is 1


You need it mintfag


Time to become /fit/ like Yayakat.

Don't disappoint her now.



just 10? shitty number, reroll

>tfw my wife never gets posted despite being a main character in a super popular AOTY show on Sup Forums

f-feels good

TFW you know your waifu will never be on one of these threads unless you post her

Same story here

>last to digits

Are you to intelijent to make a proper thread?



poor michael

He deserves it for being a snakefag.


My chart isn't typical Sup Forums fare, so I should be safe.



I thought the same but then you went ahead and posted her before me

it finally happened



92+39 i'm done

It's never enough if it's for her.

/fit/ for Frenda.


I'll do them to the best of my abilities!

Doesn't really count as Rika so I'm still safe.

Good tastes.

No you don't

I bought her figure like you told me too, now get to it.

My waifu never gets posted in these threads, so I'm suiciding for her just this once

Fuck it. No one is posting her. Give me a high roll pls





I only post quality waifus.



>My waifu still hasn't been posted
Ha! No physical activity for me.
Hint: She's from Hunter X Hunter






At least you stand a chance at push-ups with HxH. I'm not even sure anyone in this thread has watched the one mine's from.


You can do it!
