>good and bad guys are so tired they resort to just back-and-forth slugging the fuck out of eachother on shaky legs
Best Tropes
Other urls found in this thread:
>good and bad guys help each other back up on their feet so they can finish the fight properly
>Good and bad guys ally against a bigger bad guy
>Protagonist was actually the antagonist from the beginning
>Coordinated, matrix-like group fight where people form combos by using their power all together
>>Protagonist was actually the antagonist from the beginning
Please learn what the words you are using mean.
You perfectly understood what I meant.
Do you like showing off your immensely superior vocabulary that much?
In this context I can guess what you mean. I wasn't even certain though. You could very well have been talking about a Fairy Tail style plot twist.
That's why using words correctly helps everybody.
Oh, I was pretty sure you were nitpicking pretentiously.
I'll make sure to use proper wording next time.
>fight seems unwinnable
>villain and his minions are beating up everyone
>suddenly when the last blow is going to happen an angry MC appears
>Character has a berserk transformation
>the little girl is smiling
>Protagonist is a moralfag but willing to kill villains
>Strong villains tell their sob story before dying
>Bad guy is implied to be super powerful
>Bad guy tells the MC "it's 100 years too early for you to win against me"
>MC curb-stomps bad guy into the ground
>tfw I just fapped to that doujin
Are you a wizard OP?
>show goes from fun romantic comedy to dragon ball z powerlevel bullshit
Oh wait I hate this trope
>good guy gets a flashback to dead comrade giving him life advice and does something cool
>MC tells bad guy "Good thing I'm a time traveler"
>Protagonist was actually the Antagonist from the beginning
What if the MC slowly becomes the villain over the course of the story, slowly becoming more obsessed with a single concept/person/object and growing more and more extremist?
Yeah, the strong bond between men gets me rock hard too.
>the goofy character was the mastermind behind everything
>Protagonist becomes monster
>Protagonist loses his cool
>MC and team split up to fight Bad Guy and minions
>everyone's fights go fine
>they run to MC
>last page spread of spotless Bad Guy holding tattered MC by his throat
Splitting up is such a retarded move to make most of the time.
Only if bad guy is a cute grill.