Watching anime with Spanish subs

>Watching anime with Spanish subs

we miss you please come back

Porque no? Son mas rapidos en aparecer que los subs en ingles.

Dumb nicoposter

I don't speak mexican, Chilindrina.

Idol shit
pls user matate

>Chilli Chilli Chii~~~
what did she meant by this?

because they're worse than fucking horrible subs.

Yeah, they're usually pretty bad. It's distracting how often they just do a lazy literal translation of an English word or idiom even when it doesn't make any sense in our language.

t. Spaniard

they are literally horriblesubs in spanish

Most of them are european Spanish
Fijate fijate ...fijate

spanish sub = ONDA VITAL

OP es un maricón.

Nice try, but thats spain.

In mexico it actually had several names, just that it was for a short period, between each change.

It was around the red ribbon saga in DB, i think, when they implemented the official KAMEHAMEHA name.

Totalmente de acuerdo contigo, user.

Build wall Pablo

>needing subs

I quit Spanish subs a decade ago because back then English fansubbing was faster and I didn't have to deal with dialect drama

>vendo opel corsa
Spanish subs are endearing on how bad they are. But mexisudaca subs are worse.

>Los Jabones

It's not 2010 anymore

I was in Belgium over Christmas (my English parents work there; I grew up there but always felt English and now I live in England /blog) and went to buy myself an anime DVD for Christmas. It's outrageous; none of the DVDs have subtitles in other languages. You can watch your animu in Japanese, or dubbed into French, or with Dutch or French subtitles. No English, anywhere. I even went into a special weeaboo shop and there were actual Belgians asking the guy there if he had anything with English subtitles, but he didn't, because the publishers just don't bother. It's a load of shit.

(In the end I bought The Wind Rises because it was cheap and I thought it had English subtitles; it didn't, so I had to watch it with Dutch subtitles, but I understood them so that was okay).

How can we solve this outrage?

Why care? Professional subtitles are good most of the time.

Spanish subs > English subs, this is a fact.

subs complaining about el gasolinazo when?

>Tienes/Haces un buen punto

They have been better than english subs lately, at least, for the neutral/latin spanish.

don't you have a wall to build juan?

Porque la mayoría no sabe siquiera escribir en español.

>not listening to the Japanese with spanish subs in order to learn two languages at once

Fucking plebs

Mexidagashi kashi when?

Top fucking kek, user. And I agree with most anons here. About 90% of Spanish subs are bad/mediocre translations from English subs (which can be very bad, see e.g. Funi) and the rest is done by hardcore fans that can't write or speak proper Spanish, so their subs also end up being bad.

>neutral spanish
This is the worst meme to ever come out of latin america. There wil never be a non spaniard spanish that will sound good to spaniards.

>Top fucking kek
This was unnecessary and ruined your whole comment, try again.

>they are literally horriblesubs in spanish
Translated by someone who speaks worse English than I do.

wena nido


It's the same way for us, nothing from Spain will sound good for us, but once you grow up, it's not a bother.

Me toca ver anime con subtítulos en español porque generalmente son mas rápidos que los subtítulos en inglés. Son una mierda, pero toca.

Aunque hablando de mangas, todo lo que leo es en inglés, las putas traducciones literales de los scans de habla hispana son una porquería.

This is only for streaming, i know fansub groups that actually translate pretty well from others english fansubs

You have to go back.


>i know fansub groups that actually translate pretty well

There may be some with good translations, but they are fucking slow and my "vicio" is far too strong to be waiting for them.

ITT: mongrels who only know one language

Had to resort to Spanish subs for Girlish Number(it's my third language though). They got names wrong half the time but whatevs, better than nothin'


No point in knowing anything other than English, fuccboi.